A/N: This one was inspired by Chapter 8 of "The Art of Eventuality".

Dearest Fred,

I think this is the day we all miss you the most, 1st April. Makes sense; it is your birthday after all. I'll be honest though. Missing you has nothing to do with this letter. I'm really worried for George.

He drinks himself into a stupor every year on 31st March. It's killing him to grow older without you. It's almost as if he thinks each birthday takes him a year farther away from you...

I don't know what to do about it. I've very nearly given up.

Anyway, you shouldn't have to hear me moaning and worrying on your birthday, so I'll shut up now.

Happy Birthday, Fred.



I see this happening maybe about five years or so after the battle. Not sure if Angelina and George are married - maybe engaged.

By the way, I'm having exams (mocks), then my AS levels, so I won't be updating for some time. (As usual. :$)
