A/N: Warning: More internal monologue on the narrator's part. If you don't like that, too bad!, 'cuz I happen to like my commentary. SO there. *sticks her tongue out* The first half of this was started in… July. *ducks as things are thrown at her* Don't kill me! Then I can't write anymore! And I can't hide in my teacup anymore cuz someone broke it! *looks pointedly at a certain guardian of dragons*

This Chapter is dedicated to Meredith, because she held me to my promise to update after February 1st. So you can all thank her for this chapter. Mere- why in hell were you reading my profile anyway?? O_o?

So Kiss Me

After lunch, everyone went to the lake. 'Why?' you ask, good question… "So why exactly are we at the lake again?" Draco asked.

"I'm gunna swim laps," Megan answered simply.

"Oh. But you do realize there's a giant squid in there right?"

"Yeah, so? What's your point?"

"Well, I, er- nevermind."

And the rest of the afternoon flew by, the Gryffindors talked and laughed, and Draco, for a once in all his years at Hogwarts, actually enjoyed being in their presence. They were all so warm and caring towards each other, unlike his "friends" in Slytherin. He sighed, closed his eyes and laid down on the grass, soaking up the sun's inviting rays. Trapped in a daydream…

He couldn't have closed his eyes for more than 15 minutes when he felt soft hands gently shake his body and a calming voice gently call his name, and he knew that voice all too well. "Hermione?" He asked tiredly opening his eyes, finding that the sun was now setting on the horizon. She smiled and nodded.

"It's just about for you to change that pad of yours, if you don't- well, rather unpleasant consequences shall follow."

"Hermione! Not so loud! Someone might-" it was just then he realized no one else was there, it was just him and Hermione. Draco sat up and took a good look at her. The light caught on her hair in a way Draco had never seen before. He noticed a faint blush creeping on her cheeks, no it had to be the lighting, it just had to be. "Her… mione…" He began softly. Hermione leaned over, closing the gap between their faces.

"Ryo…" She then gently pressed her lips to his. He felt himself blush. He pushed away.

"Hermione… You don't understand…"

"I wonder what he's daydreaming about," Megan wondered aloud, looking over at Draco, "He's been mumbling in his sleep.

"Hermione… You don't understand…" Draco muttered. Then there was a deafening screech, and Draco awoke with a start, sitting upright, "What the hell!"

Hermione looked over to Draco and mumbled, "Finite Incantarum," and the frightening screech stopped. "Ryo, perhaps you should come with me-"

"But- Hermione, there's something you should know first-" He stuttered. Trapped in a daydream…

She took his hand and pulled him into a standing position. "Just come on, there's something we need to do."

"Herm…mione…" Megan looked to Meredith then to Hermione and Draco. She caught Hermione's eyes and nodded, then jerking her head towards Meredith, who apparently understood the confusing code, for she too nodded and rose to her feet. The rest of the girls apparently caught the gist of the message and went back to what they were doing, many of the guys, just flat out clueless returned to their previous engagements. Only Harry and Ron seemed to maintain their focus on Hermione, who shot Harry a look, which he must have understood, for he proclaimed:

"Ah… I see, very well then, hop to it," He said smiling a bit. Ron just remained confused, but Hermione left Harry to explain it all as she, Megan, and Meredith all walked towards the castle, Draco being dragged along as well.

"That was a clever trick Hermione, good way to remind everyone all at once," Megan laughed.

"Well, if I were keeping track of the time, this never would have happened… I really just cast the spell so Ryo or myself just couldn't think 'Eh, what's another few minutes gonna do?' because those minutes always turn into hours, ya know?" Hermione asked. Meredith nodded.

"Too true, too true," Meredith then turned to Draco, "So, Ryo, did you know about the spell Hermione cast on the pad of yours?" Draco shook his head.

"I imagine it had something to do with the screech though… wait…" He began to remember what Hermione had said when she first gave him the pad… "Thanks." He grabbed his underwear that Hermione had floated over. "Uh, Hermione… What's this?" Draco asked examining it.

"It's a pad, it's meant to absorb the blood. It's bewitched so that you'll be able to know when to change pads." "Hermione said she would make it so I would know when to change it." Hermione laughed blushing slightly.

"I must have gone brain dead when casting the spell, because that was most definitely not the spell I meant to cast, sorry Ryo."

"Er… Don't worry about it?" Draco's attempted reassurance was tainted with doubt, for he does not everyday forgive people; it is simply not in his job description. The girls, and Draco, finally arrived at the door girl's toilets. (Now, note they don't go in quite yet, this following conversation is held in the middle of the hall… Baka onna…)

"Alright, here you go Ryo," she handed him a small green package.

"Oooooooooo! Hermione Always has excellent protection!" Meredith laughed.

"Always use Always ladies, no one else has their superior four wall protection!" Hermione preached mockingly.

"Don't forget those flexiwings!" Megan chirped joyfully, enjoying the joke immensely, "However, I personally prefer the green box over the blue."

"Oooooooooooooooo, with that "Highly Absorbent" Gel-Core?"

"You bet! Those babies work wonders… Well, if you ignore the fact they feel like diapers."

"But you have to admit, the Gel-Core pads feel a lot less like diapers," Meredith pointed out.


"I'll take Tampax. over Always anyday," A mysteriiiiious voice said creepily. …Alright, so the voice wasn't mysterious or creepy, but listening to the girls rattle off facts from was starting to get annoying. Besides, Draco isn't used to this next girl's voice yet, so it COULD be mysterious… Alright, alright, I'll stop, just trying to get away from the pad discussion.

"So, you're a tampon girl, huh Shauna?- I mean, Professor Ozark," Hermione corrected herself. "I personally prefer o.b. tampons." The other girls nodded in agreement. ALRIGHT! I'm sure half of you are like- 'too much information!!', I mean, I'm starting to think that, I'm documenting this crazy adventure!

"As much as I'd love to partake in this engaging discussion on feminine menstrual products, I'm not quite sure the rest of your audience can take the excitement," Alex, the blonde-haired first year who is a striking resemblance of Draco, said in a sarcastic, bored tone. ALEX! Praise the Lord for Alex! He saved us from the disturbing death by pads and tampons! I do hope you all remembered him, I mean, he just saved your ass and all.

Hermione, Meredith, Megan, Ryo, and Shauna (AKA Prof. Ozark) turned to Alex. "Audience?" Draco mumbled timidly, the conversation was embarrassing enough WITHOUT the thought others watching and listening in. Alex motioned to the hallway portraits, who were indeed acting as an audience, staring at them, looking mildly amused at Draco's flushed face.

"You're lucky it was only me walking down the hall, or perhaps you would have faced greater embarrassment, baka onna Ryo," He almost hissed.

"Don't call her stupid Alex! Do it again and I'll hex you, and you know I will, Alex! You know I will!" Megan threatened.

"Oh not you too Meggie, you are hideously bitchier than usual when your menstrual cycle decides it's time to be cleaned out. If you're PMSing, though that isn't an accurate term when is going THROUGH the menstrual period of the month, I shall be leaving, meet me in the usual place after dinner."

"We have a usual place already? We've been here, like, what, 2 days? But alright, will do. And if you see Kevin, give him this for me," She instructed kissing Alex on the cheek. Alex raised his eyebrow at her.

"Like hell I would do that sober- oh crap, you bewitched me didn't you?" Megan smiled a smile of pure evil.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"You better PRAY no one is around when I see him, or I'll-"

"Or you'll what? This whole incident is to teach you not to mess with a PMSing women, for we are pure evil to begin with-"

"You can say that again."

"So therefore, we can only be more creative with our evilness during our special week." She grinned a grin even more evil than Satan himself.

"Now I know why men become gay, so they don't have to deal with you women," and with that Alex bowed and walked past the group.

"You're lucky I didn't kiss you on the lips dear Alexander the Conqueror! And be sure to wear your codpiece dearie, or you'll scare the little girlies! And REIGN over all the land, my feminine Emperor of the World!" Alex stopped, and you could see his shoulders shaking, Draco peeked out from behind Hermione, whom he had taken refuge behind, and was sure his shoulders were shaking in anger. Alex turned around, a genuine smile on his face, his eyes sparkling with laughter.

"Oh, but I think our dear Alexander the Great should wear more than just his codpiece, for he most certainly scares them with that Speedo-Thong-Type-Thingy!" He barely managed to get out between his laughter, "Reign should be rated X for scariness, I mean between Alexander's codpiece, to his pencil arms and legs, to his girly looks, I'm surprised anyone could watch it without being or blinded or losing their minds!"

"That must be why they can take it."


"They lost their minds."

"Damn Cartoon Network, should have just stuck to the [adultswim] line up they already had… Though, I'll give them Lupin III is a good show and should be on all week."

"Was it worth losing Bebop?"

"Of course not. I'll be going now, to reminisce about Faye's beauty…" Megan rolled her eyes. Draco shifted his weight, and almost panicked.

"Er, somebody, I'm beginning to feel… uncomfortable…" He explained definitely not liking the way his under garments were beginning to feel.

"CRAP! This is why I set the spell in the first place! To prevent the delays that cause the leaks!" Hermione looked about ready to jump off the astronomy tower. "Damn, damn, damn."

"I knew there was a reason I didn't like Slytherins," Meredith boasted happily, having been smart and used the bathroom to change while Megan and Alex talked, and Hermione and Draco just took it all in.

"Come on Ryo, let's go get you cleaned up," she said pulling Draco into the girls toilets. Draco went into his own stall and slid his underwear down his legs and his stomach felt as if it had jumped off Big Ben.

"Crap," He mumbled.

"Here you go," Hermione said slipping her hand through the gap in the stalls near the floor, donning something pink, "I always carry an extra pair in my purse during my period." It was then Draco realized what Hermione handed him, his heart beating faster. "Those are my 'Pretty Pink Panties,' or at least I think that's what Ginny named 'em, she was helping me pack and decided to name my underwear." Draco swallowed hard.

"You named your underwear?" he asked in disbelief.

"Technically Ginny did, but yes, they do have names. I'm wearing my 'Spiffy Stared Underwear' now. I'll show you later." Draco almost got a nosebleed at that last statement. Draco pulled the pad off of his now soiled underwear and threw it in the small garbage can he found conveniently besides the toilet.

"Errr… Hermione…"


"What should I do with my bloody underwear?" he asked as he slid them of his legs. A flushing noise came from the stall Hermione was in. Draco saw her feet leave and walk towards the sinks. He sat there with the underwear in hand as Hermione washed her hands, he was afraid she didn't hear him. "Hermione?" he asked a little louder. The water stopped and Draco heard Hermione pull paper towels from the dispenser. He heard her move again. "Hermione?" he asked more desperately, worrying she'd leave him there. He saw her feet stop in front of his stall.

"I'm still here," she sounded amused. She squatted down and slid her hand under the door, brandishing a few paper towels. "Wrap your undies in here for now," she instructed and Draco took the paper from her. "Now you can set it down and finish up. We'll have to rinse those when you're done though." Draco did as he told, wrapping the sullied garment before placing it onto the floor. Hermione stood back up and walked away from the stall, she didn't leave the room though, for Draco never heard the door open. Draco stuck his feet through the holes of the undergarment and unwrapped the pad, sticking it in place.

When Draco emerged from the bathroom stall, he found Hermione seated atop a make-up counter that was positioned alongside the row of sinks. Draco walked over to the sinks, awkwardly carrying the paper towel ball that was his underwear. Hermione smiled to him. "Alright, drop those undies into the sink and turn on the cold water," her instruction was met with on odd look from Draco. She laughed slightly, swinging her dangling feet. "Don't look at me like that, we've got to at least attempt to get some of the blood out. I'm sure the house elves would freak if your blood seeped through and stained everyone else's clothing." Draco turned the water on and unwraped the package he held in his hand. He tossed the paper into the garbage and held his underwear under the water. He was surprised to see a majority of the blood wash out right away. "Get some soap on your hands and try to scrub the rest of the blood off. Hopefully there won't be much of a stain." Draco followed her instrustions and managed to reduce the stain to a light discoloration.

"Are you bewitching the pad again?" he inquired as he rewrapped the garment in another paper towel.

"No, you should be able to tell when you need to change it. Judging by the rate of your flow, I'd say every two to three hours. I'll remind you though, if you'd like," she offered hopping down from the counter.

"I don't have pads," Draco pointed out.

"Owl home and ask your mum to send you some. In the mean time, you can use mine." Draco didn't like the prospect of having to ask his parents for such items- he was quite certain no party expected such realistic results as a by product of becoming a girl. Yeah they had to give him boobs, he needed to look authentic after all. And yeah they had to eliminate his manhood for a while- it could prove to be an issue living surrounded by women for an undetermined amout of time, and you know what I mean by "issue"… *snicker* But getting his very own 'time of the month'? He assure himself that was NOT part of the plan. Draco's discomfort with this proposition must have been apparent, for Hermione added, "They sell feminine products in Hogsmade. I believe we have a trip there next weekend. You can use my stuff this time around and pay me back then." Draco could have kissed her. He didn't. He did hug her though.

"THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he squealed. Hermione laughed.

"No problem."

Draco suddenly realized his action and pulled away abruptly. 'Damn it. Being a woman must have some psychological effect on my brain. I'm starting to act like one of them…*shudder* Being a woman sucks…'


A/N: Amen to that Draco.

Yeah, so the first half of this chapter was written WAY back in July, and I just never got around to finishing it. (I was in Kansas for a majority of the summer.) I can't belive it's been almost a year since I last updated. I am soooooooooooooo sorry everyone!!!!!!!!! I also can't believe how many of you kept reviewing despite that fact (Wooo to Shania Maxwell who reviewed Jan. 31st, 2004!) I got quite a few flames (EEK!) but, hey, you can't please everyone, right? Oh, and if Draco seemed unusually whimpy in this chapter, and any future chapters, it's all Hisoka's fault. Blame him for being an uber uke. (He's from Yami no Matsuei AKA Descendants of Darkness, I highly recommend the series if guy/guy relationships don't bother you.)

Person who complained of OOC-nss- Well duh. Draco's a girl. That alone should be enough to imply OOC-ness will be pressent.

Explaination of that last half concerning the soiled panties, I have my period (Readers: AH! Didn't need to know that!) and just ruined yet another pair of panties. I figured I should make Draco suffer as well, but in the end decided to let him off with a barely visable stain. I'm too nice.

On a side note, I will from this point on be updating OBH the weekend after my period. *(Reader: AH! Again, we didn't need to know that!) Yeah, well, I figure this way I can write the chapters with the pains of being a woman fresh in my mind. I can't promise I'll stick to this schedule piously though… Any how. Again I apologize for the delay with this chapter. I plan to pick up the pace of the fic in the next few chapters (I mean we're still on, what, their first full day at Hogwarts??) because I have the plot all figured out, but keep getting sidetracked and losing sight of it. That's why I stopped with this fic for a while. I'll also be writing two other fics simultaneously, so inconsistencies are bound to happen, and you'lll have to bear with me. (was that even the right 'bear' to use??) One is Boundless Love, which can be found on this site (a Yami no Matsuei fic) and the other is Don't Leave Your Windows Open! Someone Could Be Watching! ( a Gravitation fic), which is posted on MediaMiner.Org due to the fact lemon content is forbidden on this site. (Yeah I write lemons. *theateningly* Got a problem with that?)

….I really need a blog…

….And a BETA…