HEY! I'm back! Sorry it's been soooo long! I was in a musical, not that that is an excuse!

Read. Review. Enjoy. Be jolly. and eat BACON!

Stiles sat on the black leather couch in the newly rebuilt Hale house. Next to him sat Allison and Scott being all cutesy and coupley, ICK! In a large blue armchair Stiles had convinced Derek to get sat Jackson and Lydia. Lydia was running her fingers over Jackson's chest while nibbling on his ear. Stiles scowled. Why? Because he was forbidden from PDA in front of the pack. No matter how badly he wanted to hold Derek's perfectly large hand or peck his cheek before going home, He wasn't allowed to. Scott had told him it was too weird. Jackson had been a dick and said it was too gay. NO FUCKING DUH! Of course it was gay. Derek was ALL male and Stiles was rather manly. He had been forbidden and he hated it. So instead of cuddling him on the couch, Derek was outside training with Boyd, Erica, and Isaac. Stiles started to pout. DAMN IT! He stood from the couch abruptly. No one noticed. Assholes.

Opening the front door, Stiles looked out at the four werewolves in the front yard. Erica and Isaac were sparing while Derek kicked Boyd's ass. As Stiles watched he forgot to look at the others. His eyes stayed on Derek. He watched every muscle move in the sunlight. He wished Derek had worked up a sweat. He loved the way Derek's muscles glistened when wet. As Derek avoided an attack his muscles rippled and stretched in a manner that should NOT have been erotic. But Stiles had been neglected lately. His imagination took off with him. He imaged Derek's hands caressing him while his back was showered with kisses. Everyone stopped and looked at him. Obviously his horny hormones had wafted over to them. Derek's eyes darkened in that 'I am so going to lick every last inch of you' way that Stiles loved so very much.

"Derek, could I borrow you for a while? You don't mind, do you Boyd? Great!" Stiles said, not waiting for any sort of answer.

Boyd said nothing but Derek replied that Stiles would have to wait. Stiles glowered. Oh hell no. He was horny and irritated and he had been ignored all week.

"No, Derek, NOW!" He growled out. Derek simply looked at him with a blank stare. "Later." He replied.

Stiles obviously hadn't made it very clear. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breathe to calm himself, he counted to ten very slowly in his head..5. FUCK THIS! He walked inside and into the living room.

"Okay, make out session is over. Go home and fuck." Stiles said quite loudly, though it fell on deaf ears. THAT IS IT! "EVERYONE GO THE FUCK HOME! I AM HORNY AND DEPRIVED, DAMN IT!" That got the attention of everyone. The couples simply looked at him. "If you don't leave now, you will see me riding Derek on every flat surface this house has to offer." His smile was full of evil promise. Everyone in the room fled. Walking outside he saw Derek and Boyd still fighting while Erica and Isaac looked at him with sympathy. Erica mouthed 'Derek told us to stay, sorry!' He was so furious. He looked at Derek for a good three minutes and stormed inside. He was so full of anger he started crying. The hot tears burned his cheeks as he went to the kitchen and began to cook. He didn't know what he was going to cook, he just had to occupy time. 3 hours later he had stopped crying and the kitchen was full of food. Derek was still outside. He looked at the clock. 1:47AM. Sighing he grabbed his bag and keys and headed for his jeep. He walked past Derek and Erica who had obviously been going at it for a while. He said nothing. He got in his jeep and went home. It was a Friday night and he usually stayed at Derek's on the weekend. But apparently he wasn't wanted anymore. He closed and locked his window, pulling the curtains together. Flopping onto his bed he began to sob quietly. He was unwanted and alone.

The next day he stayed at home. He cleaned and studied. When he was done he cooked some more. He turned off his phone, he stayed away from his computer as much as possible and then he slept. He was woken up by his father.

"Hey Kido...You okay?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"There's a lot of food downstairs... You usually cook when you're upset."

"I was hungry." Such a terrible lie.

"Stiles... none of it is eaten."

Sighing, Stiles rolled over and covered his face with his pillow. "I'm just avoiding it. I'll talk about it later...maybe."

His dad said nothing. He patted his back and left the room quietly. Stiles decided to check his phone.

6 Missed Calls. 14 New Text Messages. Flipping through he noticed none of them were from Derek. His boyfriend was such an asshole. No text, no call. Did he even matter!? A knock on the window scared him out of his thoughts.

"Scott, just go through the front door." He said loudly. His phone vibrated. He opened to see a text from Sour-Wolf

It's not Scott.

CRAP! Stiles thought about not opening the window but decided to open it and then tell him to go away. Opening the curtain and window he was met by perfection. Perfect black hair and green eyes. Perfect muscles wrapped in perfectly worn clothing. Damn him.

"What do you want?" Stiles asked softly breaking the silence.

"Where were you today?" Derek asked roughly. WHERE WAS I? HERE! Wallowing in self pity, you ASS!

"Here." Was all that came out of his mouth. Derek scowled.


"Why what?"

"Why weren't you at Hale House?" Stiles thought about holding back for all of two seconds.

"WHY! Because I'm sick of being neglected, you asshole! I'm sick of being put last! I'm supposed to be your mate, YOUR MATE! And instead I feel like pack mom. All I do is take care of you pups! I've been forbidden from touching you in front of the others, and every time i try to get us alone you don't want to! I waited for hours DEREK! I get it, pack matters. I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE SAFE! But Damn it, where does your human mate fit in?"

Derek simply looked at him, green eyes following him. Stiles anger bubbled up some more.

"Stiles. You need to calm down."

"NO. God damn it! You aren't gonna boss your way out of this! I'm pissed. I'm angry and hurt!" He walked over to Derek and he felt tears run down his face. "Why don't you want me anymore?" He sounded broken and he knew it.

"Stiles." Simply that set him off again.

"You're such an ass! You know that? I tried to change for you! I try not to talk as much, I try be more considerate of the pack. I try so hard and you don't give a fuck, do you?" He started to poke his chest.

"Stiles..." Derek growled a warning.

"Well, I'm sick of it! Fuck you."

"Stiles" The growl was fiercer this time.

"No seriously. Fuck you,Derek. Go find a new mate. I'm gonna find someone who wants me." He turned away from Derek and walked out of his room. "Get out of my house. I'm going out to find someone who won't neglect me."

Stiles walked down the stairs and grabbed his jacket and keys. He was serious. He wanted someone who cared about him. He was about to slip on his shoes when he was grabbed from behind and thrown over Dereks shoulder. He was carried back up the stairs and thrown onto his bed.

"No. Listen here, you fleshy little human. You are my mate. I want you. No one else can have you. Get over it. and DON'T YOU DARE CHALLENGE ME AGAIN!" He was instantly on top of him. His eyes glowing red. Stiles didn't want to submit so easily but... he loved Derek.

I decided to break up the action. SORRY! but the lemon is the next chapter.

If you liked it feel free to check out some of my other work! I'm also in the process of writing another Sterek fanfic called "WHAT DO YOU WANT DEREK!?"