A/N: Aimi Kirkland wasn't always her name. Before she fell from the sky and into Britain's life, her name was Valeria Moretti and she lived in another world that hurt her so much that she doesn't talk about it. Now she is Britain's daughter and secretly France's girlfriend. Just when she thinks she might finally live a life drama-free, she finds out she's pregnant with France's baby. Find out how everyone will react!

Warning: drama, possible cussing (in different languages) and a haunting past. This my first Hetalia fanfic by the way. Also, just so you know, it'll be a couple chapters till she gets pregnant. I want introduce her and her life first.

I hope you like the story : )

Britain POV

I will never forget the day I met my daughter. How could anybody forget such a day? It was far from an average day, however, it did start out like any other.

America had come over to convince me to play the rubbish called video games with him. That was when she came. She fell from the sky in a platinum light and landed a few kilometer away from us.

We had quickly made our way over to her, not knowing she was a girl instead of an object till we got to her.

"Oh my god! This chick fell from the sky! That's so badass!" America yelled excitedly. "Dude, she must be a fallen angel!"

"She's not a fallen angel, you twit." I told him. "She's just a girl."

"Oh yeah? Then why'd she fall from the sky?"

Since I had no answer for the bloke, I ignored his question. Instead, I tried to wake the girl, who appeared to be a young teenager, but she would not wake. Being without other options, I carried her into my house and from that moment on, she started her new life as my daughter.

That day, I vowed to protect her and care for her. I didn't nor do I know now her past, but she is my present and I will assure her a happy future.

A/N: I hope you liked it : ) I promise most of the chapters won't be this short : )