I'm rewriting this, because the old version sucked ass.
Sorry for my language, lol.
Oh god I've changed since I first wrote this. Maybe not for the better, but whatever. I still think you guys are awesome.
Here ya go, you guys. Hope it's better than the original.
When I joined Fairy Tail, I was pretty sure this wasn't going to happen.
But it did.
You're confused, right?
I'll explain it the best that I can.
Here we go.
Getting up had never been harder.
At least, not that I could remember.
I sighed and moved the blankets off of my body, before slowly moving into a sitting position. I noticed that this morning, I didn't feel particularly nauseous... not that it helped my mood that much.
I touched my slightly swollen abdomen. For eight months pregnant, I didn't have that much of a bump, due to the fact that my baby was small. The doctors weren't too worried, seeing as some babies are just much smaller than others, but they told me to keep coming in for tests, just to see if there was anything wrong.
Anyways, it was small enough that I could hide it beneath a loose blouse. I mean, not that many people were noticing me, but...
I sighed again and stood up. I felt like I needed to go in to the guild today. It wasn't like I didn't have any friends anymore. Mirajane and I still talked, and the master would wave whenever he wasn't busy with work. And Natsu would still come over sometimes, to see how I was doing, but even those visits had declined in the past few months.
Ever since I went to the doctor to get tested.
I'd had a sneaking suspicion that I was pregnant... telltale signs, etc... so I contacted Masato-san, a well known mage doctor from the country of Stella. He agreed to come and meet with me, for a home visit, for a reasonable price. I was desperate, I was scared, so of course I payed. He was kind, he confirmed that I was pregnant, and gave me advice on how to take care of the baby. He agreed to visit every two months until a month after the baby was born.
That was, if I wanted to have the baby.
Of course, I did. I wanted a child. I could care for one. I could do it. So I decided I would keep the baby.
A girl, I found out.
Her father?
Did he know?
Because after we'd had sex, he became distant. He hadn't even spoken to me in six months, frequently going out on missions, not going to the guild as often...
I... could kind of understand. He was only fifteen, and so was I... it was a stupid desicion, and it ended up with awkwardness, and embarassment, and now...
My alarm clock going off jolted me out of my thoughts. I realized that I'd been standing there for a while, and I hurried into the bathroom. I brushed my hair, pulled it into it's usual side ponytail, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I didn't even bother to put makeup on. I didn't feel like doing the extra work.
I went back into my bedroom, and slipped on my clothes, a flowy shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I grabbed my bag, went to the mudroom to put on my boots, and left my apartment, not even turning around to lock the door behind me.
I winced as I walked down the road in my tall, lace up boots. They were comfortable when one wasn't pregnant, but with my swollen feet...
I drifted off into my thoughts as I walked, and before I knew it, I was standing in front of the tall, once comforting-now intimidating building of Fairy Tail.
My eyes teared up a little bit. I knew I was just emotional, due to the hormonal changes, but it still hurt. I loved this place, they were my family, this was my home, and right now...
Well, I didn't really feel at home anymore.
And it hurt.
I blinked back the tears and steeled myself, before I quietly opened one of the large doors and entered the guild hall.
It was loud, as usual. People were chatting away, discussing jobs at the board, all seeming very happy.
My eyes were drawn to a table to the right of me, where Natsu, Lisanna, and Erza were sitting and chatting. Ever since I'd found out I was pregnant, I'd stopped going on jobs with them, and instead opted for small, not potentially dangerous jobs on my own. Due to this, Lisanna had filled in for me. I didn't mind, it was reasonable, but I missed hanging out with my friends.
I tore my eyes away and walked towards an empty table, where I could sit and collect my thoughts. Why did I even come here? I didn't have any business here. I wasn't going to participate in any jobs, not for a while. And... with Natsu not dropping by anymore, I wasn't sure if he wanted to see me. I didn't know if I did something, and I was sorry if I did, but until then...
I gasped and turned my head, startled by the sudden voice.
I felt a smile come to my face, but it dropped when I saw his expression.
Irritated, eyes averted, arms crossed.
Something... wasn't right.
"I've been meaning to talk to you." He said, finally meeting my gaze.
I turned my body to face him. "S-sure. What do you wanna talk about?" I asked. Here it was. The moment where I found out what I'd done. "If... if I've done something, I want to-"
"I was thinking you should quit the team."
"I mean, you stopped going on jobs with us, and you're barely ever around the guild." He went on, seeming to not notice my startled expression.
I opened and closed my mouth, trying to find some words to explain my absence. "W-well, I just haven't been feeling well, once I'm back to-" I stammered, but I was cut off.
"Please, Lucy, don't bother. You'd just complain about money anyways, and it never seems like you have fun." He said.
I fell into silence again. First, suggesting I quit the team, then saying I-
I took a deep breath. "I-I do have fun with you all, and I won't complain as much-"
"Seriously, Lucy. You don't need to."
I swallowed. Who was this? Because this wasn't Natsu, no matter how much it looked like him, this wasn't him. He wouldn't say these things. He wouldn't want me to quit...
Would he?
I did complain too much, didn't I? I did have fun, but I didn't show it. And I wasn't good at fighting, I was just good at calling out spirits to do the job for me... I didn't deserve to fight with them, did I? With any of them... my friends, my spirits...
Maybe it was just my ever-changing emotions.
But... maybe it was true.
I ducked my head.
After a moment, I heard a sigh. "I'm glad that went easier than I thought it would." He began to walk away. "See ya, Lucy."
His footsteps faded into the distance, into the mingled sounds of voices and laughter.
I didn't belong here, did I?
Not me.
A mess.
An unhappy mess.
I didn't turn back around to head to my table.
Instead, I walked right back to the doors and left the hall.
Down the street.
The voices faded.
But Natsu's didn't.
Ringing in my ears like a bell.
Tears hit my cheeks and I covered my mouth to conceal the sobs escaping from my lips.
What else did I have here, besides Fairy Tail?
Besides Natsu?
Besides my friends?
Besides... besides...
My knees trembled. His words that night. His kiss. His distance the next day, the next week, the next month, and so on...
His baby...
So what was left here for me?.
Then I'd leave.