I very nearly forgot about this story, but then I remembered that I had decided to finish and get a sequel done let me know what you think and hopefully for the final chapter you will not be disappointed…

Hiccup woke up with various aches and pains caressing his joints and the he realised the night before had him almost immobile, he managed to get out of bed and admire the gorgeous view of Berk from the room, then he heard a small yawn and turned around to see Camicazi stretch and walk out of bed and right to his side. "Mmm, Morning Hiccup." Camicazi yawned as she wrapped her arms around Hiccups waist and admired the view with him. "Berk, It truly is a marvel, it still doesn't beat our little spot."

Hiccup smirked as he squeezed Camicazi's hand gently. "Well Cami, you do know that once we've had breakfast we will make our way back to our island, I may have survived another near death experience but I still feel strongly about my wanderlust, I have many dreams and aspirations and they are not in Berk." Cami nodded as Hiccup continued. "It was my wanderlust that bought all of these tribes together as one and more importantly showed me whom I truly loved." He looked down at Camicazi with a look of affection as they shared a kiss in the morning sun.


Breakfast was a standard Berk breakfast that Hiccup was used to, hungover father and friends and one delectable burnt up breakfast made by Stoic, Camicazi and Hiccup had just finished eating as Stoic boomed to everyone who was in the great hall. "People of Berk, my son has returned! And he is here to stay!" Hiccup and Camicazi looked to each other, Hiccup poked Stoic's side. "Er, Dad?"

"Not now son!" He whispered, he then continued his speech about Hiccup becoming the new chief and his new duties, Camicazi then turned her head to the small exit door on the other side of the door, Hiccup nodded as they silently crept off in the middle of Stoic's speech. "My son and his new bride Camicazi! Will be fine co-rulers, they will be fierce, they will be strong and the will be….." Stoic then pointed to two empty seats. "Gone! Where have they gone?!" Stoic boomed as they heard the small exit door close with a thud.

Everyone in the hall poured out through the main door just in time to see Hiccup on Toothless and Camicazi on Stormfly shooting off over Berk and off into the distance, Stoic stood in shock, Gobber then walked up beside him and chuckled. "Well ye have to hand it to im, he's every bit as stubborn as you are." Stoic just grunted as he noticed a small note at the bottom of his feet, he bent over to pick it up and read it through,

Dear Dad,

I am sorry to have just left like this

, but regardless of recent events I

still feel as strongly about my journey

as I did when I first started, I promise

to come and visit, but for now chiefdom

will not be something I want right now,

maybe when I am ready, but I have a

new life and a wonderful girl,

Love Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

Gobber waited for the burst of rage from Stoic, but to Gobbers surprise Stoic put down the letter with a smile and walked back to his house, dismissing the villagers. "But Stoic, what about Hiccup?"

Stoic turned his head and said quietly. "What about him?" Gobber stood there for a moment before going back to the smithy and to an awaiting letter from Hiccup…..


Hiccup and Camicazi eventually touched down on their island and decided to set up camp, after they had a fire pit and a warm fire they cuddled up and watched the stars. "Hiccup?" Camicazi said quietly.

"Yes Cami?"

"Wasn't it funny when Stoic called me your bride?" They both laughed for a good long time about the very concept.

"Yeah it was very funny." Hiccup said forcing the mocking tone as he quietly slipped a glimmering diamond object into his pocket, he wanted it to be a surprise…..

I know its short, but I had to wrap it up, anyway please let me know what you think and any help with ideas for another story would be greatly appreciated, this has been fun to write and I hope you will like my other stories, anyway for now Will-I-Was thanking you and wishing you a good night :D.