Clop. Clop. Clop.

The King walked along his crystal hallways. His reflection sharing the same menacing growl. His silver armor moving with him, the cool metal resting on his legs.

He reached the crystal balcony. The cool, night air rustled against his mane. The wind whistled in his ears. He looked out, to the town square, where his crystal slaves worked day and night.

The King grinned at the helpless ponies, grinned at his power, his influence over the crystal slaves. He had done it. He had taken the unconquerable. The Crystal Empire had fallen... to Him

The edges of his mouth tugged to another smirk as he turned to exit. The agonizing wails of his Crystal Slaves followed him.

He was not always like this...

"Get her! Stop! Thief! Scum!"

I heard the calls of the Guards as they attempted to chase her. I'd hid behind the cake shop, like she told me to

They won't get her, they never do. I thought as i heard the skidding of hooves against the cobble roads. Gradually, they faded. She'd come back later. She wasn't about to let a few unicorn guards catch her.

"Pansies Sombie" She'd say. "They stop because they are all weak. They don't catch me because they know they can't. So they'll never try. This, is very important. They won't think on their own. So you make them think."

He waited for her, as he always had. As dusk fell, he began to get restless. She had never taken this long. Street lights flickered on and the other ponies bid their good-nights. I lay down in the shadows.

"Sombie..." Came the call, smooth and regal, but mechanical. The melody floated along the broken cobble road. I followed it to a bush. Confused, I stepped further into the shadows and she appeared.

She stood, much bigger than I, with a loaf of bread in her mouth. She didn't use her levitation, that would have been too blatantly obvious to see.

She dropped the loaf and my hunger overtook me. She watched while I devoured my food. Ripping off shards of bread. When I finished eating. I laid down on the cool, moist grass. She snuggled up next to me. Resting her head over my neck, warming my back.

"Good night my little Prince" She whispered as i drifted of into a deep sleep.

It was still night when I awakened, and She was gone. For breakfast most likely. I paced lightly around the large park. Other ponies who were going on a late night stroll stopped to stare at me. Figures, a little foal like me all by myself, at such a late hour! Uncomfortable, I shied away from the stared and whispers. There were an unusually large number of ponies in the park at this time of night. I noticed a lot of them gathered around a rather large platform. Curiosity getting the better of me, I nudged through the crowd and saw... nothing. Confused to what everypony was getting hyped up about. I shimmied along flanks and hooves and excited whispers.

Then suddenly the crowd gasped as a large mare, a, a unipegasus approached the platform. Her pure white fur shone, along with her faded rainbow flowing mane. Her cutie mark was of a sun. Bugles sounded as the mare opened up her wings, She lifted herself off the ground and her horn glowed bright.

And the sun rose...

I could hardly believe my eyes. I couldn't imagine holding such power in my body. She then bowed and the ponies cheered. Who in Equestria is this mare?

"All hail Princess Celestia!"

I suddenly felt myself being dragged away by my mane. I didn't recognize the pony dragging me. I tried to call for help but a hoof clopped over my mouth. Panicking, i writhed around enough to see my kidnapper's face. To my horror i didn't recognize it. The mare who dragged me away had an aqua body with a black mane and tail. I twisted and turned but couldn't wrench myself free.

The mare dragged me all the way to the Everfree Forest. Once in the Forest, I was able to face her. I put on my most menacing look I could. The mare just smiled and laughed. A melodic but mechanical sounding laugh. I immediately recognized who it was.

"Chryssy?! You scared me!" I exclaimed, shifting into a nervous laugh.

Her eyes flashed to a teal blue, as she shifted to her normal form. Her black mane manifested into a blue green mane that flowed down her back and tail. Her odd-shaped wings returned along with her crooked horn and dual sharp fangs. Her aqua body returned to its black form.

"Chryssy I-I'm sorry" I tried to explain. But before I could utter the words her right hoof clonked me on my head between my ears, my sensitive spot. She wasn't my mother, but she definitely was my only form of authority.

"Silence" She hissed.

My face burned with shame, and I was ashamed, the only pony to care about me and I let her. She sent her hoof on my sensitive spot again and fell, crying in pain. She dropped a sandwich at my hooves for breakfast. my head ached but my stomach made me think otherwise. Greedily I ate, taking huge bites. When I finished, I flopped sleepily onto a pile of leaves. Chryssy laid down next to me, offering her body heat in which i kindly took.

"Rest my little King. We have plans when you wake."

Please Review, I'll have the next chapter up by Wednesday.