I got this idea from idunno where n.n I DON'T OWN ANYTHING!

I sat there perched on the tree listening to my surroundings. I decided to go against my senses and looked around. None of the five others that were with me before seemed to be around. I sighed and waited until I heard something under me. A white figure was walking along the trail. I realized I was alone and I would have to do this by myself. I lunged myself down shouting "BYAKUGAN!" My palm landed right where I wanted; on the figure's neck.

The person fell and I examined it. It was a male. He had white clothes on and a white cloth covering his face. When I took the cloth off I gasped. This person, thing, had no face. Just flesh. And the flesh seemed to be… Moving?! I backed away but this thing grabbed my foot before I could turn. I fell and felt my chin open up. I tried to kick it away but I couldn't. I took a kunai out and stabbed it's arm but it just swallowed it like it was nothing. My feet and legs started to go into the figure. I screamed as this thing swallowed me up. Then there was darkness.

I woke up in a bubble. Yes a bubble. I have no idea how I ended up here. I looked around and saw other bubbles with people inside. At first I had thought that I was eaten up by an alien. Then I saw someone coming towards me. The bubble drained of the liquid I hadn't realized was inside and I stood in front of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had long white hair and pointy ears. Her golden eyes were so cold and lifeless. She walked to me and stopped a few feet away.

"Hyuga Hinata." Her simple words had me gulping. They never taught us how to deal with this in school. "You were the only one able to survive my attack." I stared at her and finally found my voice. "Who are you and what do you want with Konoha?" I had intended to sound as strong as this woman did but my voice came out as a weak whisper. The woman smirked. "The hidden jewel of course. Deep in Konohagakure is a rare and powerful jewel. I could have had it easily if your Hokage hadn't sent all of the people to die." I gasped. At that moment I realized that the other bubbles were the people I had gone out to battle with. "Shino-kun… Tenten-chan… Sakura-chan." My eyes widened when they landed on him. His face bruised. His hair crusty with blood and mud. I felt sick. "All of this could be avoided." I looked at this creature. "All I need is your soul." My stomach churned. "M-my soul?" I asked. She smirked and nodded. "I need a human soul for a while. Until I find this jewel." My eyes wandered his way and my heart began pounding. I would do anything for him. "When you find this jewel…" I looked down unable to hold my tears in. "You will die." she said. "But it's either them or you."

"Ok." I looked at his face. His pale face. His black strands. Before my eyes closed, his name slipped from my lips. "Sasuke."

I gave everything for you…

I woke up sweating and gasping for air. The alarm of my clock was buzzing. 5:30 a.m. it read. I sat up and moved my wet bangs from my face. That dream again. It had been haunting me for two years now. Ever since the day I lost my soul. That creature took my soul and I woke up in an entirely different era. There were cars everywhere. Houses and buildings much taller than the ones in my home. I had this thing called a "cell phone". But I was used to everything by now. Even my high school. I'm now 16 years old. And I'm late for school. I ran to the shower and didn't even wait for the water to come out hot. Neji would be passing by to pick Hanabi and me up any minute. I quickly blow dried my hair and changed into my green uniform. I ran downstairs where my sister was munching on toast. She slid a bowl my way filled with oatmeal. "Arigato Hanabi!" I said as I sat down. She nodded and continued reading.

Ten minutes later our cousin Neji had picked us up and had just dropped off Hanabi at her middle school. We drove in comfortable silence until I changed the station and a Kyary song came on. I smiled and sang along as Neji rolled his eyes. He sped up and we were at school in minutes. "Have a good day Hinata." he said as he got out and walked away. "You too Neji!" I called after him. He was a senior. A popular senior. And popular seniors shouldn't be seen with their loser sophomore cousins. With a sigh I walked towards the sea of raging hormones and mini skirts. Mine fit to my knees but many other girls had altered theirs to look like the ones on dirty music videos. I managed to make it to the sophomore hall without any problems. Until I bumped into someone. "O-ow. Gomenasai." I whimpered as I rubbed my forehead. "Hm. Watch where you're going next time." I gasped and looked up.

There he was taking his biology book out of his locker. The one I will eventually die for. The one that doesn't even know I'm alive unless I accidentally bump into him. Uchiha Sasuke. "G-Gomen. I-it won't happen again." Damn that stuttering! I thought I had gotten over it! "Hey Hinata!" When I looked up I saw my ex best friend. "Ohayo Naruto-kun." He gave me a tight hug. "Long time no see! Whatcha up to?" I smiled at his cheerfulness. "The drama club did take up some time and I was thinking of joining the choir." He smiled and opened his mouth to speak. "You actually think you'll make it? You can barely hear yourself talk." Naruto and I looked at Sasuke as he slammed his locker. He walked away and Naruto ran after him sending a quick wave my way. The tears burned my eyes and I looked down. He was the guy I gave my life for. "The one I'll die for." I whispered as I looked down and walked to class.

I gave my life for you…

At lunch I sat at the usual table in the usual chair with the usual crappy lunch. My best friends Kiba and Ino sat with me. Ino next to me and Kiba across from us. "Pff. Look at 'em. Smug bastards." mumbled Kiba with a mouthful of mashed potatoes. Ino and I turned to see the baseball players walk in. Some with their girlfriends. Naruto included. I had liked him until he started dating Sakura. I had nothing against her but she had something against me. And eventually Naruto and I drifted away. My eyes landed on the raven head as he lead the team to the pizza line. Ino put her hand on my shoulder. "You're better off alone." she said in that soothing tone she had. I smiled and nodded and continued eating the brown goo.

Ino and I threw our trash away and walked to our lockers. "And I was thinking that since it's going to be spring break, we could have a party! At my place of course so your dad won't be mad." I was nodding to her words when I saw black and blonde hair. I hid behind the corner dragging Ino with me. She squeaked and we peaked around the corner. "Come on Teme! She's cute. And smart and funny and talented and-" A slap was heard and we giggled when we heard Naruto whine. "She's also a loser Naruto. She is quiet and weird and the kind of people we don't date. She might be good for you Dobe but Hinata Hyuga will never be my type."

I gasped and covered my mouth to keep from sobbing out loud. Ino hugged me but I moved away from her and ran to the bathroom. 'The one I will die for…' my mind screamed.

But you don't even know I'm alive.

So yeah! Lol another story started. If you haven't figured it out… *whispers* The woman is Inukimi. BWAHAHA! HYPERNESS METER AT IT'S FULLEST! Ok that made no sense. So.. R&R? ARIGATO!