A/N: Thank you for the review, the favorite and the follows I got! Highly appreciated :)

I do not own nartuo

Chapter 2

"Move and I'll snap you're neck." The cold malicious voice whispered into her ear. The voice sent shivers up her spine. She knew it couldn't be him. It couldn't be...

Her breath was hitched and shaky when she asked. A sudden emotion swept over her. It wasn't one of fear but, regret. "Sasori?" She asked in a whisper.

The hand that was covering her mouth had moved giving her time to talk. But the hand quickly returned with a knife to the throat.

She swallowed hard and closed her eyes reciting the everyday poem she said in her head. It wouldn't do much but she'd feel at ease just for a day like this.

Please god forgive me for
all the sins I have commit;
touch my tainted spirit and remove
the devil's darkness. Hold me in
your embrace and never let go, I
hope you will welcome me into the
clouds killing all my evil.
I know I shall pay for all the pain and
suffering I have caused, now here comes
my time, I am dead, It's my final loss...

Sakura closed her eyes and breathed out before a smile of proudness graced her pale face. She was ready to except her faith. She smiled knowing she was in her last waking moments.

"Goodbye, I guess I'll see you in hell." She said to the person behind her before closing her eyes waiting for the blade to cut through the tender flesh on her neck.

"…Did you really think I'd let you off that easily?" The cool, calm voice said. The rosette's eyes shot open when she heard it. Sasori's hand went back down to his side as he slid the knife into his pocket.

The way he said it made goosebumps appear on her delicate skin. "Huh? Wh-what do you mean?" She asked trying to figure out where her killer's head was.

"I meant just what I said, you seem so eager to die but I'm not ready to see you go just yet. I have something in store for you." He said.

"What do you want from me?"

"You're soul..." He whispered, she could feel his warm breath hit her skin and the seriousness behind his words smack her. "But like I said, that would be too easy. You're going to pay, my way." He smiled.

"Why are you doing this to me?! I've changed! Can't you just leave me alone? I'm done with that life!" She screamed.

The laugh that erupted from the redhead scared the girl a bit, it was a crazy, hysterical laugh, one that he could not stop, he just kept laughing and laughing as if she had said something funny.

Once he calmed himself his voice resumed to the normal calm tone he held moments before, "Please, don't make me laugh like that. I don't like jokes."

The rosette understood why the puppet master doubted her, it hadn't come as a surprise to her, it couldn't, who could believe a person like her would change?

"I understand that you think I am incapable of changing. But I am, I'm done with that life, no more. So if you feel revenge is the best way then just kill me you sick bastard." The girl spat lowly with venom.

"I'm the sick bastard? Interesting…" The crimson haired boy said. They continued to stand there her body pressed firmly into his with a tight hold.

"What do you want from me?" The girl asked once more through gritted teeth. The puppeteer didn't answer her, both stood in silence. Suddenly, the emerald haired girl felt a strong pull on a handful of her silky pink locks that made her head snap back violently, she looked into the coldest brown eyes she'd ever seen as her head rested on the puppet master's shoulder.

"Let's get to the point of this. I'm going to abuse you like a toy I don't want anymore. When I'm finished with you you'll want to kill yourself." The puppet master said all smugness erased from his face replaced with nothing but hatred.

He pushed her head back up then used the same hand and gripped her tiny neck, not tightly, he just wrapped his hands around her neck to guide her.

"Move," He pushed her forward slightly, and she took two steps before he made her turn around and sit on her bed. He dug into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

He bent down and cuffed one of sakura's ankles to the leg of the bed. The puppeteer looked up at her to see her staring at him intently. The smug look on his face returned as he stood up.

"Aw, what's with that face? It's very rude to look at a person like that. Especially a guess in your home." He huffed and said sarcastically. "Say something."

The ex- criminal continued to stare at him intently as she quietly seethed in the spot she sat. That irritated the puppet master. He put one hand on the bed and came down until they were face to face, sakura tried to move her head back but his other hand cupped the back of her neck harshly keeping her in place. They were so close their lips were almost touching.

"Say, something." He said through gritted teeth.

She smiled, and before she second guessed it the spit flew from her mouth, she watched in satisfaction as the saliva slid down his cheek.

The room was silent, the only thing that was heard was the saliva as it fell off the boy's cheek and onto the carpet.

Sakura stood her ground waiting for a hard slap, a punch or something she knew would come her way. She didn't even flinch when the puppet master's hand moved from her neck, he gently rubbed the emerald eyed girls cheek in circle's with the back of his hand before gently tapping her face two times. "Cute." He said.

She was surprised by his reaction; but she didn't let it show on her face.

He sighed and stood up wiping the remaining spit off his face with the back of his hand. "You'll pay for that later. Trust me, you'll never do it again," He said calmly. "But for now, I'll give you a warning."


Sakura's head snapped to the side violently as blood flew from her lips. She was seeing stars, it took her a moment to regain herself as she tried to lay back on the bed to help with the dizziness.

The puppet master grabbed the top of her head and started snapping his fingers in front of her face. "Hey, hey don't fall asleep on me now." He mockingly joked letting go of her head.

"Hm, I'll be back. Don't move." He smiled evilly as he walked out of her apartment closing the door behind him.

The ex-killer waited for about two minutes before her mind sprung into action, she stood up looking around for her cellphone, or the house phone. "Bastard." She mumbled rubbing her still stinging face. Since she couldn't move, all she could do was stand in that spot or sit back down.

The puppet master was smart, he had cuffed her to something he knew her body weight could not handle if she tried to move it. He also cuffed her ankle very securely, which she knew if he took it off the print of the handcuffs will mark her skin.

"Fuck!" She hissed her eyes not being able to spot any of the devices.

Think! Think! Think sakura! She said trying to motivate herself.

The tv!

She searched around for the remote, if she could turn the volume up on the television, someone would probably come down to complain or call the cops about the loud noise and come to help her.

She looked around for the remote but it was no where in sight, she knew for a fact she had left it right here on the bed yesterday. Asshole probably moved it...She thought.

Her emerald eyes darted to the tv to see if she could stretch over and turn the tv on by hand, which she couldn't, the tv was way too far. But she clenched her jaws in anger as she watched the the cracked screen that resembled a spider web in her large 63' flat screen.

There was only one other thing she could think of…
"HELP! HELP! HELLLP!" She screamed to the top of her lungs. The walls in the apartment were very thick, but she was sure someone would hear her.

"HELP! HELP! AAGGGHHH!" She continued trying to get attention from somebody, anybody. Her throat started to hurt and she closed her mouth to rest her voice for a second and to see if anyone had heard her.

Nothing. No footsteps, no voices, no knocks on her door, nothing.

Sakura got up and tried to pull the heavy couch along with her to the door. It was no use, her whole body shook as she tried to drag the weight with her. But she didn't give up, she felt a glimmer of hope when the loud strain of the bed move, slightly, just barely. Sakura wouldn't have known it did either if the bottom of one of the bed legs hadn't scraped against the floor.

"Come on," She motivated herself. At this rate surely it would take her hours to get to the door. When she saw the knob on her room door turn she quickly sat back down, not sure if the puppet master had noticed.

She just looked him, trying to see if he was suspicious about her, after all, she was just yelling her heart out for help, for all she knew he could've heard her.

He closed the door behind him, "You have a loud voice," He said in a bored tone as if he hadn't cared she was just screaming to alert the people in her building. "Which was a pretty dumb move on you're part, we're you hoping someone would hear you, call the cops and then rescue you?" He paused.

"Please tell me. What were you going to say to the cops? I'm an ex-murderer being held captive by another murderer I use to partner with sometimes to take jobs killing people for money?" Sasori asked sarcastically.

She continued to look at him as if she hadn't heard a word he had just said, he smiled at her response.

He walked over to her. "Here I was feeling bad about slapping your tonsils out of your mouth so I go and get you something to eat, and you're here trying to get me in trouble. Hm, your not nice at all. I'll have to teach you to show respect. Here." He tossed the paper bag he had in his hand onto the girls lap.

"I don't want it." Sakura said slapping the bag onto the floor.

A smirk appeared on his handsome features. "Ungrateful too."

"I need to use the bathroom." The girl said with slight annoyance that she had to ask to use her own bathroom.

"I should let that bed be your bathroom, but since I'm generous enough, at this moment, I'll let you go." The puppeteer bent down and used the key to unlock her ankle.

"Ah," The rosette moaned slightly in pain rubbing the print the handcuff left on her skin.

"You have two minutes." The redhead said before she walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She made sure it was locked as she silently moved with a quickness through her tiny bathroom.

She opened the overhead cabinet, the cabinet below the sink, slid the shower curtain to the side all in search of a weapon. Anything, useful.

Sakura crept over to the sink and turned the water on then continued her search. She even opened the small closet that were filled with nothing but clean, folded towels.

These were one of the times she regretted not having anything in her house to protect herself with. A gun. That was the first thing she thought of, but she was a changed person so she wouldn't bring a part of her past with her.

She would've though, if she knew the puppet master would have tracked her down. A knife was the second thing she thought of, all her knife's were in the kitchen. Except for the one she had in her bedroom…

The ex-killer turned the pipe off and opened the door to have sasori grab one of her hands. "For someone who was washing their hands that long your hands sure are dry." He remarked.

The emerald eyed ex-criminal snatched her hand from his. "Why are you standing outside the door listening to me you pervert," She hissed back smartly with attitude.

He chuckled. "Well I have to make sure you're not planning anything, you are an assassin, I'm sure you would've came up with something."

"I told you I don't do that anymore!" She shouted trying to walk away but the puppet master snatched her wrist and spun her around to face him.

"And why are you telling me about my pastwhen you use to do it to?" She asked trying to pry his fingers from around her wrist. He gripped tighter making her wince in pain slightly.

"See, my doll. That's the big difference between me and you, I know who I am. I acknowledge the fact that I'm a killer and I murder without blinking twice, adults, teens, kids, anyone who's in my way I kill. I know I'm going to hell. But you, you try to hide the fact that you use to kill and you try to act like this saint-"

"I am not acting you piece of sh-"

Sasori violently twisted her hand behind her back making her cry out for a second. "Let me ask you something, do you think because you moved, stopped killing for three years and apologized to god for what you've done you'll just be welcomed into heaven as an angel? Do you even remember how many life's you took? You were one of the top assassin's people would call for jobs."

The girl knew he was right. She was one of the best killers in the country, she had slaughtered many people as well as the redhead. Innocent people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time were nothing to her.

"And correction sa-ku-ra; notice I didn't use past tense, I still kill just to let you know. But you, why did you decide to stop? No one else to kill? You practically wiped out half the planet." He joked sarcastically.

This time the puppet master let the girl's wrist go as she rubbed it. "Fuck you." She said rolling her eyes.

He smiled smugly. "Wow, your very rude." He said as they walked back into the bedroom as she sat and he cuffed her ankle again to the leg of the bed.

"I'll go get some rest, when I wake up, we'll begin my revenge, sakura-chan." He said with coldness as he walked out of her bedroom leaving her on the bed to think.

A/N: Please R&R! What do you guys think?