". . . and so, Mr. Taylor, in light of the fact that you have no criminal past and have kept yourself trouble free while out on bail, I hereby sentence you to six months incarceration in the Allegheny County Correctional Facility." District Judge John Dillman removed his reading glasses and massaged his right temple, peering at the clean-cut young man standing before him. "Would you like to make a statement at this time?"

"I . . . but . . . I've . . . No, Your Honor. I have no statement." Glancing over his shoulder for a brief moment, the guilty party eyed two women sitting together in the middle of the courtroom, his stomach tied up in knots at the sight of his mom quietly weeping and Daphne's arm around her shoulders in brave solidarity.

"Bailiff," Judge Dillman ordered, "you'll now remand Mr. Taylor into the custody of the Pennsylvania State Penal System."

Wrists promptly cuffed behind his back, the finality of the judge's banging gavel smarted in the condemned man's ears.

. . .

"How did this happen?" Jennifer sobbed to Daphne, both of them standing to catch one last glimpse of their loved one before he was led out of a side door. "I thought he'd get probation! He's not a violent person; this is so unjust!" Dabbing at her tear-stained cheeks with a wadded up tissue, she felt physically ill. Her only son. Serving jail time. Her brain simply refused to compute the stark realities of the next six months.

Taking hold of her arm, Daphne offered what comfort she could as they filed out into the corridor. "You heard his lawyer last week, Jen. Remember when he told us Dillman is notoriously hard on first-time offenders? We're fortunate he didn't hand down a much harsher sentence." Her head ached from the day's proceedings, yet she forced herself to be strong in the face of this heartbreak, standing tall as her best friend's mother leaned on her for support.

"Will you come with me to see him on visiting days, Daph?" Jennifer struggled to regain her composure.

"Of course! We'll go together every opportunity we have."

. . .

Justin Taylor stuck out like a sore thumb in comparison to the other seven miscreants who were herded with him toward an ugly gray bus parked behind the county courthouse.

"Pittsburgh Department of Corrections," one of them read from the side of it. "Must be our ride!" he laughed maniacally, throwing his head from side to side in true lunatic fashion.

"Shut the fuck up and get your ass on it!" a jailhouse guard yelled at him from behind the plodding group. "We don't have all goddamned day!" He shot his partner a disgusted eye roll, nodding at the back of Justin's head. "They're gonna love that ass downtown!"

Stepping onto the bus in a single file line, the eight handcuffed men spread out away from each other to sit, every one of them eyeballing the most neatly dressed, well-groomed one of the bunch. Noticing the obnoxious leers, Justin scrutinized the battered, worn-out interior of the vehicle and hurried onto the nearest available empty seat. Awkwardly sitting - because who the hell boards a bus with his hands bound behind his back and takes a seat in any other manner but awkwardly? - he was relieved to be out of the courthouse's vile holding cell, the stench he'd had to contend with while waiting to be transported almost more than he could stomach.

Seconds later, an older man plopped down beside him, rudely trespassing into his personal space. Justin inched away discreetly, trying like hell to avoid contact. Not that it helped much. He could still breathe the warmth of unwashed flesh, the smell overwhelmingly disgusting. So much for being freed from that reeking holding cell, he scoffed in his head, careful not to make eye contact with the walking pigpen - or anyone else for that matter.

'I fucked up.' Thinking of nothing else amid the din of chaotic shouts and curses, he lowered his head in despair. He'd never meant for his actions to end this way; this was never in the plan. 'God, I fucked up!' he berated himself over and over.

"Let me guess . . ." Pigpen tried to strike up a conversation with him. "Serial killer?"

Justin hastily looked out the window, only to feel something brush against his shoulder. Twisting his head even more, he couldn't believe it when a tongue stuck out and licked at his ear.

"There are so many things I'm gonna do to that ass of yours," a gravelly voice promised from behind. "I'll make sure we spend plenty of time together later."

Shuddering, he leaned forward to get away, cringing when a drop of spit landed on his neck. His patience had come to an end when The Licker burst into raucous laughter and his tongue once again swept across Justin's ear. Turning around in fury, a crazed look in the sick guy's eyes kept him from ranting his anger.

He silently sought out the guard who patrolled up and down the aisle as he passed, but the bastard averted his eyes the second they'd met with his, never even slowing his step. Not really wanting to ask for help anyway, at least not yet, he took a deep breath, the sobering fact that he was utterly on his own all he could think of.

By the time the bus had finally pulled into its space at the Pittsburgh County Jail, he'd had enough, leaping out of it as fast as possible despite all the jabbing elbows to his ribs. Desperate to quiet his frazzled nerves, he regarded the cold, uninviting building that would be his home for the next six months.

Fucking perfect.

. . .

Allegheny County Correctional Officer Brian A. Kinney stood near the window when his busload of pathetic misfits arrived, observing them pile out one by one. Recognizing a few repeat offenders from the previous times he'd had the pleasure of babysitting their law-breaking asses, his attention eventually landed on a fair-haired guy he'd never seen before - a guy so obviously pissed off that the correctional officer had to smile.

Enjoying the view, he realized the scowl on the young man's face as he cast his eyes straight ahead did nothing to mask his handsome features, his black and blue turtleneck and tight-fitting pants showing off a great body. He wondered what crime the well dressed convict could have committed to have landed his hot ass in the county lockup. Appropriating golf clubs and tennis rackets at Daddy's country club? he mused. Cheating on his SATs?

Officer Kinney's ogling was cut short, however, when two inmates in the corner suddenly started duking it out over whose turn it was to use the pay phone. "Jesus Christ!" he sighed, drawing his gun and tearing his eyes from the window. "Didn't your mothers ever teach you to share?"

. . .

"All right, shut up and listen!" the guard who'd driven the bus shouted gruffly at his eight passengers when they'd all entered the facility. "This is where you get strip-searched, showered, and issued a jailhouse uniform. Any illegal contraband you may be packing will be extracted and turned over to police detectives for investigation. Form a line starting here," he gestured to a closed door, "and get the fuck out of your clothes as soon as your handcuffs are removed. What are you waiting for?"

Justin managed to fall in at the end of the line and slowly undressed when his hands were finally released. His anger flared again when the others openly stared at him, his head pounding and his blood pressure rising.

. . .

Officer Kinney inspected the row of naked convicts and checked out their bodies purely as a reflex when they entered his cubicle, probing men's mouths and rectums for drugs ironically the least favorite aspect of his employment. Doing his job without thinking before sending each one away into the shower, his mind was preoccupied with things like his prior evening's trick at Babylon, the new club he was anxious to discover, and whether or not he'd show up at Deb's Sunday night dinner that week.

And then - the last convict in line appeared in his vision, Officer Kinney quite taken aback with his flawless milky-white nakedness. Smiling overtly, he was pleased to see Pissed Off Man up close and personal, his duties at the county jail decidedly more gratifying with perks such as these.

. . .

Justin scanned the small room as he was led through the open door, trying to take it all in. His darting eyes rested when they met up with a lanky guard's gaze: a guard whose job was to conduct a full-body cavity search on him, he quickly registered. Stopping in his tracks, the guard behind him shouted for him to move.

Officer Kinney waved him over, perceiving the precise second he'd started to emit less hostility. "Open up," he instructed, pointing to Justin's mouth as he stood in front of him and waited to be told what to do.

Taking hold of his chin, the guard tilted his head up and slid his thumb over his bottom lip, retracting it when Justin's tongue snaked out for just a moment, moistening it most daringly. Officer Kinney decided to take him up on his challenge when he saw the other guard walk out, pushing the tip of his thumb into the young man's mouth. Closing his eyes, he clearly enjoyed Justin's tongue swirling in circles and sucking on it.

"Turn around." Finally taking a step backward, the guard dusted his fingers softly down Justin's spine. "What's your name?"

"Justin Taylor."

"Brian Kinney." Leaning closer, his voice was low when his lips skimmed over Justin's ear. "You know I have to do this, right?"

Justin nodded, the guard's rubber glove snapping into place.

"Bend over," Brian whispered, pouring lube onto his gloved fingers.

Craning his neck around, Justin grinned as he opened his legs a bit and bent his upper body forward.

Brian took a good look at the ample ass in front of him, wishing he'd met it at Babylon instead of the Pittsburgh County Jail. Images of what he could do with it and its owner flashed before his eyes, his cock swelling in his briefs. Gliding his index finger down its crack, he rubbed slowly around its rim a few times before gently sliding inside, a sound emanating from Justin that went straight to his dick, causing it to get harder.

Glancing up to insure they were still alone, Brian slid his finger even further inside. Careful not to hurt him, he would have loved to have had all the time in the world to play with Justin's perfect ass. It was so tight, so hot, and, Brian couldn't help but notice, Justin didn't mind having it explored.

Bending his finger, he grazed over Justin's prostate, a quiet moan filling his ears. When he did it again, Justin pushed back against him. Setting a steady rhythm, Brian laid his other hand on Justin's hip and added a second finger inside of him, Justin starting to slowly writhe under his touch. He could have listened to his groans of pleasure for hours, but he was forced to pull out when he heard voices outside the door. Removing the rubber glove, he caressed Justin's back for a moment before the young man stood up.

"Impressive," Brian quipped, his eyes falling to Justin's rock hard cock.

Justin nodded as Brian adjusted himself, the wet spot on the front of his pants impossible to miss.

Brian cleared his throat. "Go take a shower."

"Will you join me?"

"No, but I'll watch."

. . .

Justin walked toward an empty shower stall, as far away from the others as he could get. Not wanting to call attention to himself, he turned his back to them and stood under the tepid spray, taking his time to soap up. Closing his eyes, he ran his hand over his head, happy to feel his hair with some length on it again. He desired absolutely nothing more than to leave the whole Pink Posse debacle behind him.

"What are you doing in here?" one of the guards rasped, interrupting his thoughts. "Don't you go on break after digging around in their asses?"

Looking around, Justin understood that the question was aimed at Brian, who'd been leaning against the doorjamb with his eyes intently fixed on him.

Brian shrugged. "Just thought you guys could use some help."

Justin intercepted Brian's fixated look, deliberately slowing down his movements. Taking more soap in his hands, he lathered his chest, stopping for a time to pinch his nipples. The corners of his mouth turned slightly upward as Brian came closer to him, his eyes following Justin's every move. Justin read from them with ease that he'd give anything to be able to undress and join him in the shower - even though inmates were denied the luxury of hot water.

Leisurely washing his stomach, Justin finally lowered his hands to his crotch, rubbing over his balls and inner thighs. Tugging on his cock a few times, he broke into a full-fledged smile when Brian licked his lips and the bulge in his pants grew bigger.

"Okay, that's enough," Brian warned as soon as the other men had received their prison uniforms and moved into the next room. "Come here," he directed, holding a towel out toward Justin after he'd hurriedly rinsed and stepped out of the stall.

Brian patted Justin's face and hair first, dropping the towel to his chest, over his hips, and around to his back as he crept closer. Looking into his lustful eyes, he gripped onto Justin's hard shaft and slowly stroked his cock.

Letting out an audible sigh, Justin leaned farther into Brian's hand, his own fingers finding their way to his dick. "Can I?" he whispered, cupping it through Brian's pants after he'd nodded his permission, rubbing it at the same pace Brian was using on him.

Tilting their foreheads together, they breathed heavily, electricity palpably sparking between them. Justin wet his lips with his tongue just as Brian bent down, mere inches separating their mouths.

"Dry yourself off!" Officer Kinney abruptly advised his charge, the door to the shower room jolting them apart when it swung open with a squeak. Brian practically jumped backward, instantly creating an appropriate space between them as Justin wisely used the towel to conceal his erection.

Neither of them could refrain from laughing when the intruding guard had turned and walked out after completing a fast once-over of the area and spotting Justin, claiming he'd been afraid they'd had an escape when he'd counted only seven dressed new inmates ready to be shown to their cells.

Brian's hands roamed over Justin's body one last time. "You need to get dressed," he told him in all seriousness, reaching onto a shelf across from the showers and pressing a drab uniform into his arms.

Slipping into it, Justin listened while Brian explained what would happen next and what to expect on his first day locked up. "I can't believe I'm actually here . . . in jail," he uttered softly, not waiting for Brian to finish.

"Was it worth it?"


"Whatever you did to land in here."

Justin shook his head. "Probably not, but it was something I had to do." Starting toward the door, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"You'll be fine. Just don't let them get to you."

"Thanks." Justin smiled faintly. He wondered what it would take to have Brian guard him exclusively - twenty-four/seven. "Later," he said under his breath, joining the others in the next room.

"Later," Officer Kinney mouthed back.