Here is chapter 2 I know its really late but I had major writers block and I have been busy with my twilight harry potter fic that I have only finished this now. I know its not a good chapter but it was the best I could do.

Here it is Chapter 2

Me no own Harry Potter or Campione

Harry woke up in a small bed in a small house. He was surprisingly okay for having just fought a God and come out victorious. "Oh yeah I am awesome!" He said out loud pumping his fist before freezing and yelping in pain at his injured shoulder." Ouch! Gotta take it more easy. Now let's find out where I am and who took care of my wounds." He said out loud and with that he got out of the bed and went looking for his saviors.

He opened the door to see that it was night he started walking down the street where he smelt food. A few minutes later he was pulled by two mexican women into a sort of hut, with a opening on top where smoke was coming out. "What's going on where are you taking me?" Was the questions that came out of his mouth.

His questions was halted by them ushering him in the hut before bowing and leaving.

He turned around and saw four people three elderly men and one elderly women. "What's going on? who are you where am I?" Came his questions. The four elders looked at him before bowing. "Welcome to our village my lord I hope you have recovered from your injuries your my king." Said the apparent leader.

The women seated spoke "I am Shamla the man to the left is Hugo next to him Diego and to my right Arnook.". Said the women.

"Where am I and why do you refer to me in such a formal way?" Asked Harry.

Arnook responded "because of what you did, you managed to accomplish a feat that few have been able to do. You who slayed a God, you became a devil king one you stands above humans, one who no human can oppose a Campione." Said Arnook.

The other three nodded. Harry looked at them trying to process what has happened then asked " So I killed a God is there something special about it." Asked Harry.

Diego then spoke. "It means you slayed a Heretic God and took his authority, his powers of course the God will be revived. But you now possess his powers." Said Diego.

"So what do I do now?" Asked Harry.

"Anything you want. But please I humbly ask that if you would assist us? You see a Heretic God has recently arrived here and is demanding a human sacrifice every week this is the third week and he will be coming tomorrow. Please would you help us I humbly beg of you?" Pleaded Shamla on her knees. "Of course I would help, I'd help anyone who would ask, so who is this God?" Asked a now serious harry.

All three bowed low in gratitude. "Thank you so much, the Heretic God in question is Huitzilopochtli an Aztec God that started to terrorize our village a week ago. He said that we would have to sacrifice one person every week in his honor. Originally not believing he was a God one man turned against him he was quickly blasted out of existence by Huitzilopochtli." Said Shamla.

Harry nodded at this and gained a serious look in his eyes before saying. "Can you tell me everything you know about this God?" Asked Harry.

Shamla nodded, "Huitzilopochtli, god of will and the sun, patron of war and fire.Huitzilopochtli's mother was Coatlicue, and his father was a ball of feathers (or, alternatively, Mixcoatl). His sister was Malinalxochitl, a beautiful sorceress, who was also his rival. His messenger or impersonator was Paynal.

In one of the recorded creation myths, Huitzilopochtli is one of the four sons of Ometeotl, and he made the first fire from which a half sun was created by Quetzalcoatl.

The legend of Huitzilopochtli is recorded in the Mexicayotl Chronicle. His sister, Coyolxauhqui, tried to kill their mother because she became pregnant in a shameful way (by a ball of feathers). Her offspring, Huitzilopochtli, learned of this plan while still in the womb, and before it was put into action, sprang from his mother's womb fully grown and fully armed. He then killed his sister Coyolxauhqui and many of his 400 brothers. He tossed his sister's head into the sky, where it became the moon, so that his mother would be comforted in seeing her daughter in the sky every night. He threw his other brothers and sisters into the sky, where they became the stars.

His monster Xiuhcoatl, a serpent of fire, with the head of a serpent, short legs ending in claws and a curved snout. It was used as a lightning-like weapon borne by Huitzilopochtli. With it, soon after his birth he pierced his sister Coyolxauhqui, destroying her, and also defeated the Centzon Huitznahua. That weapon is what you must be wary of as it is the embodiment of his fire and light attributes." Said Shamla

Harry nodded at this "I thank you for sharing this knowledge with me, this information would be very valuable in preparing to take on Huitzilopochtli. Now are there any other people like me out there? Campione I mean?" Asked Harry.

Diego was the one who answered. "Yes there are seven others known to us the first is the black prince Alec, Luo hao, Sasha Voban, john pluto smith, Salvatore Doni, Godou Kusanagi the most recent.

Harry nodded, "So these are the people who have also slayed Gods, but do you know why my magic barely affected the God I fought?" He asked.

Diego just spoke, "Your magic must be really strong as no mortal magic can affect a god. It is one of the gifts that you received magical resistance." Said Diego.

Harry nodded, "So what are a Campione's abilities?" Asked Harry.

It was Shamla who answered this, "The basic abilities that all Campione receive is enhanced body, regeneration, magic reserves 100 times larger than any mortal mage as well as magical resistance almost on par with that of a god. Then your own special ability is the authority you received from the god you slayed you most likely got one maybe even more." Said Shamla.

Harry then asked curiously, "How do I use my authority?"

Shamla then said, "You will instinctualy know how to use it." She said.

He then nodded graciously, "Thank you, so when should the heretic God be coming back? I want to know if I had time to practice." He said.

Shamla looked sad, "He should be here tomorrow I'm sorry its so soon." She said.

Harry interrupted her then, "No its fine but could I get something to eat I'm starving." He said with a sheepish smile.

The elders nodded and signaled for some of the women to bring in the food and so they spent the evening speaking about Huitzilopochtli and his possible weakness. Once he finished eating he thanked the elders for the food and was escorted by a few woman to his bed.

Harry yawned as he stood up and stretched cracking his bones and got out of bed. He took of his trunk and enlarged it. "I best get ready if what the elders said about him are true he would be here at midday." He said to himself.

He put on his basilisk hide armored robes, strapped his wands on and slid hid blade into a special pocket in his right sleeve.

He stretched and and walked out the door and to the hut where the elders were waiting for him. He passed a few woman and smiled at them as he entered the hut, the elders smiled at him and presented him with assorted fruits breads and spreads. Diego then spoke, "I trust you had a good nights rest." He said.

Harry nodded happily, "Yes the best rest I have had and thank you for providing me with food and accommodation it was most kind of you." He said gratefully.

Shamla who then said, "Nonsense its the least we can do for our saviour." She said.

Harry just nodded then his eyes held a serious glint, "He is close I have to go now. Wish me luck." He said.

Hugo smirked, "you don't need luck, go kick his ass my Lord." He said.

Harry just nodded then walked out the room.

He traveled through the village before coming across a barren patch of land a little ways from the village.

He was then not alone the sun blazed and the light blinded him for a second before it slowly faded. He looked at the man he saw before him he glowed with an ethereal light he was 6 foot 1, had copper skin, pitch black hair with feathers on his head and left leg. He wore armor and had a black face and held a scepter like a snake and a mirror.

The god before him just stared at Harry with an arrogant look he sniffed, "So those pathetic villagers sent a god-slayer to kill me. Well when I finish you they will suffer for eternity." He said smiling sadistically.

Harry clenched his teeth in anger at what he just said, "Well that is not going to happen, before this day is done only one of us will be walking away from this." Said Harry.

Who then turned side ways and flicked his wand out, "Shall we get started as I really want to finish this fast." He said sighing.

The god smirked, "Well if you are so eager to die who am I to stop you mortal." He said.

Harry started it off with a rapid fire powerful spells which had no effect on the god. Harry then conjured up his most powerful spell fiendfire he sent out bursts of fire and was shocked a what he saw. The fire did absolutely no damage and was absorbed by the god who smirked, "is this really the best you can do." He said.

Harry growled, "I don't want to drag this out so using my magic is out of the question. I guess I have to use the authority and my blade, but first

Huitzilopochtli was the god of sun and will as well as the patron of war and fire. That's it." He shouted mentally.

Harry then stretched and chanted, "As darkness comes forth so does deaths hands descend upon us. ABSOLUTE DARKNESS." He chanted.

The area around them dark thunder clouds descended around them blocking the sun from view, bringing darkness around them.

The god looked around frantically, "What have you done dispel this darkness now! Or I will make you!" He roared.

He started to send burst after burst of fire at harry who used his enhanced speed and disapparating to dodge. "Thunder come forth and be my shield lightning come forth and act as my blade, to strike down my enemies. With that he started to fire bolts of lightning at his enemy which cancelled out his fire. Harry dodged left and ran up to him and hit him with a fist charged with lightning knocking him five feet away.

Harry then shot a large bolt of lightning at the god bringing a scream of pain out of him. The god roared in anger and pain at the audacity of this human who thought him to be his equal. "Unforgivable! Unforgivable! I will turn you to ash Xiuhcoatl." He roared.

With that he flung his sceptre and the sceptre glowed and caught fire and started to expand. Harry watched with mute shock as he stared at the creature before him, the god smirked at the shock in his eyes.

"Mortal meet my most powerful weapon Xiuhcoatl he will be your end." Said Huitzilopochtli.

Harry just narrowed his eyes the beast had a serpent of fire, with the head of a serpent, short legs ending in claws and a curved snout. " I am going to need to finish this now if I prolong this battle any further he might defeat me and attack the village. I have to finish this now, while he still is underestimating me." With that he got in his stance and quickly muttered something.

Although Huitzilopochtli didn't notice this the lightning started to arc in the clouds growing stronger and larger. While this was happening Harry was frantically dodging the divine beast as its owner was laughing loudly at its opponents predicament. Harry was knocked hard by its tail hard in the chest and further when he rolled out the way. He then stood up and drew his sword and held it up to the sky and looked at Huitzilopochtli.

He then said as the storm grew stronger, "Now disappear with the clap of thunder." He said.

With that the lightning struck Harry's blade imbueing his blade with his authority and he ran and jumped at the beast. "This ends now!" He roared.

With that he sliced through the Xiuhcoatl and continued on to the horrified god, "No! No! This cannot be it can't end like this!" He yelled as Harry cleaved him in half.

A large explosion followed, it took five minutes to clear and the elders and people saw harry emerge from the clearing. They saw him sheathe his sword and smile, "It has been taken care of now I take my leave." He said and disapparated.

Luckily he had gotten maps and was able to get to the airport, he then booked a flight to Greece since he had always wanted to visit. Now that he was free to do whatever he wanted and as a Campione he was going to have great adventures. And with that thoughts he entered the line to get on his flight.

The end man that was a terrible chapter I know but this was the best I could come up with. If you have suggestions of any god he could slay please tell me. So Read and Review.