14 months later...

"Come on, please?" Ruth pleaded as Harry held onto James's chubby hands. They were trying to get him to walk, but he wasn't playing ball. He'd been crawling like a fiend for ages, but he couldn't seem to make that step (quite literally) to walking.

"Ruth he's not going to do it just because we're asking him to," Harry said, helping James to sit back down when he instantly started crawling away.

"I know but I'm worried," Ruth said. "My baby books all said that babies should start walking between 10 and 14 months. He is 14 months old now! And he isn't walking. I'm worried, and I wish I wasn't."

"Don't cry," Harry said firmly, pulling her into his arms. "What else did your books say? That if a child is early in talking, there walking will be delayed later. James has been talking since he was nine months old. He's fine. And we've been to the paediatrician over your concerns and James is a happy healthy little boy. Don't become one of those panicky overprotective mothers."

"I hate you," she murmured into his chest. "You talk so much sense."

"I know." Harry soothed her for a long moment before he felt someone yanking his trouser leg.

"Dada up!" Harry smiled and picked him up, sandwiching him between Ruth and himself. Ruth tickled his stomach, making James giggle delightfully at them and melting her heart.

"You're going to be a good boy for your big sister over the weekend aren't you?" Ruth said.

"Ya!" James shouted, even though he probably wasn't following the conversation.

"I'm going to hate leaving you."

"Its not for long," Harry said. "He'll be at the wedding anyway, its just so we can have a very brief honeymoon. And have s-e-x as loudly and as often as we want to without worrying about little ears."

"Which hotel are we booked at?" Ruth asked eagerly. She was very much looking forward to their wedding which had been put on hold due to the pregnancy and their gorgeous little boy who took up all their free time.

"I'm not telling you," Harry said, putting James down as he started wiggling his legs in mid air. He put him on his feet, where he stayed, wobbling for a minute or so before he collapsed onto his bum with a "oosh!" from James for hitting the ground. "Its only fair, I don't know what dress you're wearing."

"It isn't white," Ruth warned him.

"I know. And you will look ravishingly beautiful too," he added in a low purr.

"Don't talk to me like that," she said. "Please, I go weak at the knees."

"I love how I still have this effect on you." He kissed her, chastely because of young eyes watching them. "Even after all this time."

"You always did," she said. She kissed Harry deeper, concentrating solely on him. So much so that she missed the fact James had gripped onto the coffee table, pulled himself up , stood on wobbly feet and waddled into the kitchen.

Thanks to everyone who left reviews. They really make this worth doing. More of Harry's grief in my other story soon.