Author's note: In celebration of the Junjou OVA that is coming out, I present the next installment of CYAS (hooray for acronyms!). Thanks for every review, favorite, and read that each of my stories have gotten so far. You're the greatest audience ever!


How had they gotten here again? Misaki was trying to keep track of things but everything was like a blur, some kind of drunken rush. Normally, Misaki would try to avoid this, find some way to talk himself (or squirm) his way free, but Akihiko was touching and kissing and the last thing he was thinking about was escape.

Once they had stopped the car in the hotel parking lot, they shared a long, deep kiss. Akihiko sighed happily and Misaki was leaning heavily against him. There was a moment where they both just sat there in an embrace, hoping no one else would show up, while leaning against the side of Akihiko's car.

From there, Misaki couldn't keep things straight. There was some words said between them, then they were grabbing luggage, walking…and then inside the swank hotel talking to the receptionist at the lobby desk. Akihiko did the talking, and someone said something, and then he replied in his usual purring manner, and suddenly Misaki was being whisked away toward the elevator. They walked evenly, to avoid attention, but Misaki could feel the impatience in Akihiko's presence, the desire to hurry faster faster faster.

They made it to the elevator, an excruciatingly long ride all the way to the pent house (Akihiko always had to have a pent) staring impatiently at large metal doors that kept them trapped in the car. Akihiko took his hand at one point, Misaki felt the warmth squeeze his own, an impending touch of what was to come.

Then they made it – they were free. They made their way down the hallway with urgency to another door, imposing and mahogany, and Akihiko was muttering curses as he tried to unlock the door, eventually throwing it open and shoving his way inside. That was when things suddenly went faster. It started with one kiss, then Akihiko practically fell on top of him, pinning him to the wall and kissing him hungrily again and again, fingers running through hair, across skin, along the hemlines of pesky clothing. Misaki was panting and gasping and trying to keep up, all while mumbling his usual string of "Usagi-san, stop it!" and "You're such a pervert."

They stumbled their way through the huge hotel room – Misaki spotted faintly that there was a living room area with some couches and a fireplace that took the centre of the room, a kitchen area behind them, glass windows along the entire back wall that showcased the skyline, little details he could worry about in the morning, once he managed to fight off his ravenous lover.

Lips were locked, shoes getting kicked off clumsily, Akihiko struggling his way from his suit jacket—their backs rammed into something…was that a wall? They continued kissing and touching, Misaki moaning as Akihiko's fingers danced along his hips, ribcage, back, neck, hair, face, cheeks, and over again, everywhere at once. It was forced down quickly with a hard swallow and a hard bite of the lip. Akihiko didn't seem to like that and said, "Misaki, don't do that," leaning down to free Misaki's abused lip with his own teeth, then nibbling at it with each kiss, saying in between, "Lets get to the room. I don't think I can handle it much longer."

Misaki nodded. Then he wished he hadn't. Akihiko was giddy and he was thinking, "Shit, not again," as Akihiko dragged him along to the bedroom.

As soon as they made it inside, lips connected, tongues clashed, and jackets and ties were shed, then buttons were loosened and they began some heavily erotic necking.

"Mnnh," Misaki moaned as he was being directed toward the mattress. "Usagi-san, lets not do this tonight. I'm tired." Akihiko ignored this, and instead, began unbuttoning his own slacks, heading toward the bedroom.

"Ah, but love, promise is a promise Misaki," Akihiko purred, lowering to kiss one of the knobs of Misaki's collarbone.

Damn it. Misaki had practically forgotten about his little promise in the rush of things. "Uh…well, I retract that statement now," he quickly responded, though he knew escape was going to be futile the way Akihiko was looking at him.

"That's not fair Misaki," Akihiko tutted with false disappointment. "You promised that you'd fix it once we got back."

There was a pause and then suddenly a glimmer of hope. Well, there was no way to fix something if it wasn't broke right? There was no way Akihiko still had a boner like he did before. After practically flipping the car twice, running a red light, and almost running over a valet parker, the last thing that should be on any man's mind was sex. "Don't…ah, don't be greedy," he scolded between a moan. "You seem to be fine now." Of course, Misaki had no idea if this was true, considering he didn't want to glance down and just flat out look at it. So sneakily, while the older man was ravishing his neck, he just shifted his leg, ever so slightly in between the author's, just seeing if…

Shit, he really did have a boner. It was straining against his pants, and Misaki practically jumped in horror – whether he was more surprised that he actually had the nerve to do such a thing or the fact that a man had managed to make his way through a crowd of people in the lobby with this thing, he wasn't quite sure.

Akihiko had figured out Misaki's plan long before though and had already dipped down to brush his lips against the shell of Misaki's ear. "My cock is about to bust my zipper open – how on earth do I look fine?"

Misaki scrunched his nose, partially because he had backed himself in a corner, and partially because the thought of Akihiko's engorged length gave his own libido a delightful shiver and that alone was horrific. "I-I don't know," Misaki replied, forcing a carefree laugh. But when barely-open lavender eyes goaded him with serious conviction, Misaki knew that no argument in the world would ever be enough to save him.

Decided he better just get it over with, he huffed a dramatic sigh (he didn't want Akihiko getting the idea that he was actually going to enjoy this) before he snatched Akihiko's hand and plopped down onto the edge of the mattress. The older man, who was still standing, towered over him, watching. His cock - which was now conveniently located directly in front of the younger man's face - was just as Akihiko had described it. The fabric of his slacks bulged dangerously. Seeing Misaki's expression – which was most likely one of dread and mild awe – Akihiko chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. Misaki curtly ducked away from the touch and swatted him off, making clear that this was not a bonding moment in any means.

Misaki swallowed hard, questioned himself once more, before he reached a single hand forward to pull down the zipper. He admitted it was difficult to ease the slider over the taut ridge of Akihiko's erection (another moment for the older man to flash a grin of pride), but eventually he freed the fabric, revealing a peephole to Akihiko's briefs. The cool air that brushed against the fabric over his heat gave the novelist reason to grunt in anticipation, and something in Misaki revelled in the fact that he had such power over the man. Taking the next step, Misaki's fingers stumbled to unfasten Akihiko's belt.

"Unngh, Misaki, hurry up. This isn't time to be diligent."

Misaki's glower sliced through the darkness, as he hissed, "Shut up and be patient, Usagi-san. You're lucky I'm doing this at all."

The man chuckled, probably because he realized how true that statement really was. Feeling the need to increase the sexuality of the moment, Akihiko placed one of his hands on the crown of Misaki's head, running his fingers along the smooth hair.

Now, with his belt opened and zipper free, the pants were easy to pull down – just to the man's ankles for now – revealing the rest of the grey boxer briefs that had already been darkened by the older man's need.

Misaki sighed.

Well, this was it.

He reached forward, fingers shaking, and brushed the fabric over Akihiko's length. He jolted back, surprised by the heat, the hardness, the needy grunt that came from up above him. He touched again and this time the man's whole body trembled. Tongue darting out to wet his lips, voice unsteady yet still smooth with pride, Akihiko said, "Misaki, love, can you just cut to the chase please? As much as I love this little game, you know how far my patience lasts."

Misaki scowled. "Just wait a second!"

Akihiko huffed and wiggled his hips impatiently, though the amused quirk in his lips plain to see with the moon highlighting his face. The boy grimaced, then sighed, and finally he was looping his fingers around the waistband of Akihiko's briefs. And then…

Misaki shuddered. This…this was his. Akihiko's length was warm in his hands and Misaki couldn't think or breathe. All he could do was stare, fingers trembling. Half-drunken logic noted how it began to swell even more in his hands, and Misaki swallowed hard. He heard a chuckle above him. Sharp eyes snapped upward and Misaki puffed his cheeks out in annoyance. The last thing he needed right now was to be teased.

Seeing the irritation in his lover's eyes, Akihiko, amused, explained, "You act like you've never seen it before."

"Doesn't make it any less horrific looking," Misaki muttered. But in a quick attempt to shut Akihiko up, the brunet ran a finger along the length, causing the older man to lose whatever snarky response he'd prepared in a throaty groan.

"Ahh, shit."

Misaki smirked – well, that was an easy enough way to end the conversation. Trying again, he stroked in the exact same manner, index and middle finger rolling against the rigid skin. Though wary, the touch was powerful, earning another round of delighted curses from the older man. Misaki continued this, his touches venturing down toward the tip, experimentally flicking over the slit before backing away toward the base once more.

Geesh it was warm. And leaking. He wondered if this was what it was like every time Akihiko tended to him…and the thought alone was so embarrassing he jerked himself away from it, focusing on the different sounds he could make the older man make depending on which area he touched. He felt strong fingers dig into his hair, pulling his head closer, heard the needy grunts of pleasure resonating above him, cloud-covered moonlight leaving the room with a hazy glow.

Eventually, through a few weak gasps, Akihiko interjected, "Uhmm, Misaki…suck." At first Misaki pretended to not hear him – anyway, he was half drunk and the mystery of this hand job was enough to mesmerize him – but Akihiko repeated, "Misaki, suck me."

With his attention caught by the lewd request, he glanced up at Akihiko, and frowned. "No, I really don't want to do that."

"Come on," Akihiko crooned. With a slight tug, Akihiko pulled Misaki's face closer to his cock, "Taste me."

"S-sorry…I just, uh, brushed my teeth," the brunet fibbed.

"Bull shit."

Oh, it didn't look entirely awful, his drunken logic supposed. Then it added, You love this guy, right? Just go ahead and do it. As a congratulations for all the success he's been having this year….Anyway, knowing Usagi-san, he knew that once the man had conjured an idea there was no way to escape it – just taking it now would just be easier in the end. Between his drunkenness, and the sudden thought of how handsome Akihiko looked tonight, Misaki leaned in a little closer, feeling his inhibition wane.

Then, with a soft moan, Misaki gave in and did it. His tongue peeked out between his parted lips and tentatively licked the length, just a quick taste. Akihiko groaned and Misaki tried again, this time licking from tip to base. Akihiko's taste hit him, musky and powerful – undeniably masculine.

"Mmmn, yes," Akihiko hummed. "That feels so good. Keep going." The man stroked Misaki's hair gently, a little gesture of encouragement that was just as peculiar as it was sweet. The man moved himself so he was on the bed, guiding the younger to sit between his legs. Once situated, Misaki licked him a third time experimentally and Akihiko groaned.

Misaki shuddered and suddenly heat and drunkenness and curiosity ploughed through his rationality. Opening his mouth wider, Misaki took more of him in. But the farther he went, he more difficult it became and suddenly he was trying to work his tongue around the swollen length, following an awkward pattern. He really had no idea what he was doing, his jaw slack as he tried to distract himself from the burning heat that was practically choking him at this point.

Was he supposed to swallow? Or move? Or even try to fit the whole thing in his mouth? How on earth did Akihiko even breathe while doing this?

He didn't want to gag – but a particular sensation caused the older man to buck his hips, sending the cockhead deep into his throat almost violently. "Ack!" He tried to remain still, play it cool, but Akihiko was riding his own wave of pleasure at this point and hadn't even noticed the younger's discomfort. Misaki stubbornly tried again, this time deciding he would stick to the first half of the length instead. The last thing he wanted to happen would be to die giving his very first blowjob.

He continued for a few minutes, paying particular attention to the swollen head, where there was much less chance of choking to death. He knew he was doing awful – he had no idea what to do with his tongue or his teeth and ended up just sucking over and over – and yet, within a few minutes, Akihiko's hips began jerking erratically. "Ungh, ahh, Mi-Misaki, m-move!"

Not quite certain what to do, (or even what Akihiko was saying) Misaki stared up at the author dumbly. Huh…

But suddenly he was fisting Misaki's hair, and he roughly pulled, tugging Misaki away from him. The young man wailed at the jolt of pain, and opened his mouth to protest – but his thought was lost when the older man exploded in orgasm, waves of pleasure reducing him to a shivering, gasping mess.

"Ah…oh shit, oh wow," Akihiko sighed, breathing staggered, laying limp against the headboard. Once he had gathered himself, he glanced over at Misaki, who was at the foot of the bed, and crawled over to wrap his arms around the young man. "Ah, Misaki, I love you," he purred, kissing him three times on the cheek. "That was…amazing." Misaki scrunched his nose, wondering what on earth was so amazing about it…but he let it go, deciding if Akihiko thought it was sufficient enough, then he must have done a decent job.

They sat for a while in silence. Akihiko had flopped backward onto the mattress, his breathing still evening out, boxers abandoned somewhere along the lines. Misaki was still in the same place, staring out into the darkness of the unfamiliar room. Suddenly, realizing what had just happened and what he had just done, Misaki gasped. How…humiliating.

Then, to make matters worse, he felt the weight on the mattress shift, and suddenly cool hands were brushing at the nape of his neck. "Mii-chan," Akihiko purred. The sheets rustled behind him as Akihiko leaned in and pressed a kiss to the knob of his spine at the base of his neck. "Lets lay down."

Misaki knew where this was going already and he shoved the author away. "Get away from me," he snipped. "Don't even try to pretend that you can trick me. I know you too well." Crossing his arms over his chest huffily, he grumbled sourly, "You know, for an author, you're not very creative," fingering at the corner of the rumpled sheets.


Relaxing slightly, Misaki sighed, raking a hand through his hair. He was still flushed from his earlier exertions and was starting to feel the weight the alcohol starting to settle in. He was about the turn round and crawl underneath the blankets, when…

Suddenly a hand clapped onto his shoulder, his captor easily pulling the diminutive boy down with one smooth tug. Misaki hollered in protest and surprise, back hitting the mattress with a thunk. Within a moment Akihiko had already managed to straddle him, effectively pinning his flailing prisoner to the bed.

"You surprised me today," the man purred. "I didn't know you had it in you. I guess I still have a lot to learn…. Lets start now. Chapter 1 of The Care and Feeding of Misaki: Sexual tendencies." Bending down at the elbows, he dipped low and pressed a kiss to Misaki's cheek.

"Ack! Usagi-san! Stop it – I am more than a sexual object! I have rights! Usagi-san!"

"Oh, ho, ho but this is a repayment! Don't you want to be rewarded for your hard work?" Akihiko questioned though it really wasn't a question, but rather a firm statement that was punctuated by a mischievous hand dipping between Misaki's legs. He rubbed hard and the boy squeaked in a mixture of pleasure and restraint.

"Ah, nngh, Usagi-san! Quit it!" Misaki hissed. He tried to pull an arm free from Akihiko's grip, but no matter how much he struggled, his shortcomings in the height and weight department left him trapped on the bed with no escape.

He was trapped.

Once again, Akihiko had won.


By the end of the night, Akihiko had completed his first course in Pleasuring Misaki 101 with a perfect score.

Now, lying underneath a mound of sheets, peppered with kisses, drenched with sweat, and wearing a pouty scowl, Misaki cursed his luck. Of course he couldn't get away with just one round of basic, normal sex. No, Akihiko had taken him doggy style, then on a chair, then whilst trying to spoon him in the bed. At the thought of it, Misaki cursed a second time. Since when had his life had become a cheesy Karma Sutra pamphlet?

He smoothed his fingers aimlessly over a lobe in the bed sheets, listening to the buzz of the city that managed to resonate all the way up here to the top floor of this titan of a hotel. Misaki always had trouble sleeping in hotels. It boggled his mind that Akihiko, laying on the opposite side of the bed, could sprawl so awkwardly in his sleep, bound by bed sheets, foot dangling off the edge of the bed, and snore so obliviously. You'd think he'd been drugged with some heavy-duty narcotic or something, judging by the way the man just laid there like an abused doll, hips jerked into an inhuman position. Either Akihiko was double jointed or he was missing part of his spine.

Then again, ever since the first time Misaki slept with Akihiko, he had done this, twisting himself life a pretzel on every futon, every hotel bed, every night on his own mattress, much to the brunet's confusion and disgust. It was one of the many quirks that were just so…Akihiko.

With this thought, Misaki shifted a little closer to the man, his skin humming with pleasure from the warmth of Akihiho's body. He knew it was safe now to cuddle…just a little bit of course. He let his toes brush the man's shin, drawing his head in closer to that perfect little nook right underneath his jaw.

He felt Akihiko stir for a moment and he pulled away cautiously, examining the novelist's face for any signs of consciousness, before returning to his spot. They lay there like that until morning, when a lone streak of sunlight managed to peak through a crack in the thick curtains. That gave Misaki four free-hours of unconscious Akihiko time, time that gave him courage to kiss and nuzzle his lover knowing that no one in the world would ever see him.