I don't own the character, just the plot.

Remus stayed after dinner to talk to the Weasley family. Molly was cleaning up, Ron and Arthur were discussing something about the ghoul in the attic and spattergroitt, the twins and Ginny were talking about their store, and Bill and Fleur were talking about the upcoming wedding. Remus didn't talk much, just listened to the conversations.

Gradually everyone started to go upstairs to sleep, until it was just Arthur and Remus. Arthur sleepily said,"Remus, you can stay over if you want. Percy's room is open."

Remus smiled and said,"Thank you," and Arthur walked to his bedroom.

Suddenly there was a POP sound, and then there was knocking. Remus walked toward the front door and asked,"Who is it?"

"It's me,Charlie."

Remus felt a twinge of anger and asked, "What product did the twins test on you yesterday?"

There was a sigh and he answered,"The Nosebleed Nougat."

Remus opened the door and saw Charlie carrying Tonks.

"What happened? Is she all right?" asked a worried Remus.

Charlie sighed and said,"Oh, no she's fine, just sleeping. After we went to the pub, we went to her flat to watch a movie. She fell asleep on my shoulder the first thirty minutes, so I watched the rest of it and carried her here."

Remus nodded, being jealous of Charlie

"Here," said Charlie putting Tonks in Remus's arms,"Can you carry her to Percy's room? I am going to see if there are any leftover food," and walked away to the kitchen, humming a song about dragons.

Remus looked at Tonks in his arms, and smiled. She really was adorable. He carried her to Percy's old room and set her on the bed. He turned to look toward the window and sighed. He started to talk quickly.

"Tonks, I know you can't hear me, but I just wanted to know I love you. I love you too much to be with me. I will just be a burden and just bring you down. You are young and beautiful and so full of life."

He sighed and continued,"I thought that my reasons were logical and that I was being sensible...until now. I never realized how much I care about you. I never realized that I need you. I wish you were mine but now, you are with Charlie and you two will be happy together and-"

"Who said I was with Charlie?" asked an amused voice.

He spun around, wide eyed and looked at Tonks. Tonks was sitting on her bed with her arms crossed, smiling,"I'm not dating Charlie."

Remus asked in a hoarse voice,"You're not?"

Tonks uncrossed her arms and laughed,"Merlin no! He's a brother to me, I would never date him!"

"B-but what about today? What did you do tonight if it wasn't a date?" sputtered Remus.

Tonks grinned,"Oh, we were just discussing plans to set him and a friend up."

Remus gaped,"But e-everyone was saying that you two were dating! Bill, Fleur, the twins-"

"Hang on," interrupted Tonks,"The twins? You believed the twins?"

Remus opened his mouth and then closed it.

Tonks's smile faded as she sighed. She quietly asked,"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" asked Remus.

"How you love me. How you care about me. How you wish I was yours. All that, did you mean any of it?"

Remus froze, she was awake?

He thought for a while and finally said,"I meant all of it."

Tonks stood up,"You love me?"

"With all my heart."

Tonks grinned and walked next to Remus. She looked down and shyly asked,"Even the part about me being yours?"

Remus replied,"Will this answer all your questions?" and cupped her face. Tonks looked up at him, and Remus planted his lips on her's.

Tonks put her arms around Remus's neck, closed her eyes, and deepened the kiss.

After a couple minutes, Tonks said,"So are we-"

"Dating? Oh definitely," answered Remus.

Tonks beamed and hugged Remus. She put her head against his chest and sighed contently. Remus put his arms around her waist and put his chin on her head.

"I love you Remus," Tonks mumbled into his chest.

Remus smiled and replied. "I love you too, Tonks."

Unknown to both of them, an Extendable Ear was in the room. Charlie and the twins grinned and high-fived one another.

"Mission Accomplished!"

SO yeah, that's the end I believe. This is probably the first multi-chaptered fanfic that I have ever finished.

