Chibs was way past getting frustrated, he was in the camp of fucking pissed off. Happy was spending more and more time with Elena, which meant he was spending less and less time with her. When Quinn came into town he never saw her at all, the three of them were always together, she was always over at Happy's apartment, or somewhere else he couldn't get to her.

Chibs and Elena hadn't had sex in- actually he couldn't even remember the last time they were in the same room when they were awake at the same time. Right now she was spending two weeks at Happy's place while Quinn was in town. She never came to Friday night parties while Quinn was in town anymore. Chibs felt like his balls were turning blue permanently.

He really needed to get laid and it looked like she wasn't going to be around tonight. Chibs knew getting his dick wet with a sweet butt while in charming was a HUGE risk but he felt like he was slowly going insane. As a blond busty sweet butt passed by him, he didn't care anymore. He grabbed her by the wrist dragging her back to his room.

What he didn't notice however was the fact that both Quinn and Happy were sitting in a corner watching his every move. And when Quinn was in town, Elena was attached to his hip. Tonight was no different. She watched Chibs with tears in her eyes.

Happy got a blank look on his face. And if you knew Happy, you knew that was bad. When he had no expression on his face, trouble wasn't far away; it was just around the fucking corner. Quinn's face was thunderous, his big hands clenching and his knuckles cracking in the absolute rage he felt. Neither man could understand how Chibs could possibly want that skank whore, when he had the love of this girl.

She came here tonight to try and patch things up, and that jackass just had to go and screw it all up, it was just unfucking believable. Elena stood up with tears streaming down her face and started walking down the hall towards the dorm rooms. Happy and Quinn looked at each other, stood up and followed her, both thinking the same thing, this is not going to end well.

When Elena got to the door and heard the noises coming from the room, she kicked the door open. She looked at Chibs and the sweet butt and said "Don't let me stop you. I just came to get my things, seems like I'm moving in with Happy." She crossed the room and grabbed her suitcase and filled it with her clothes. Before she turned and left she tore off the necklace Chibs gave her two days ago and threw it at him. "I hope the blonde whore was worth it, if I never see you again, you controlling jealous bastard, it will be too soon." She spat out as she left.

Happy put his arm around her and led her out of the clubhouse. Quinn gave the sweet butt a look and the girl ran out of the room so fast Quinn was surprised there wasn't a trail of fire behind her. Quinn walked over to Chibs and looked him right in the eye. "You're never going to see that girl again; I warned you what would happen if you broke her heart." Quinn told him before punching him square in the face. Chibs didn't even fight back. He just let Quinn beat his ass.

He knew Quinn was telling the truth. He and Happy would try to keep Chibs away from Elena. Fuck! He didn't even know she was here tonight. She was clearly trying to surprise him. He knew he wouldn't stop until he got her back. If it was the last thing he did he would get her back. Because she was his and no one else's, he would never allow anyone else to have her, to touch her. She. Belongs. To. Me.