Me: Percy, Soul would you mind?

Soul: -sighs- Disclaimer

Percy: Don't own Percy Jackson nor Soul Eater

Me: also have OC character(s) here! maybe...

Percy Jackson Cast *Meets* Soul Eater Cast

Chapter 1: Keeping Up With The Training - Portal Opens?

Percy: Hey guys!

Annabeth: Whats up?

Leo/Hazel/Frank: Nothing

Nico: I see some birds

Piper: really? -looks up-

Nico: no

Jason: -.-'

Thalia: ok?~

Hazel: are we gonna train or what?!

Leo: or what?

Percy: X3

Annabeth: -sighs- might as well

-someone stumbles into the camp-

Thalia: -gasps- ca...cant be!

Percy: -looks also- what?!

Person: -smiles- hello, Percy, Thalia, Annabeth -looks at the rest- who are they?

Leo: you don't know me? Come on! everyone knows me!

Jason: Leo! Not the best time!

Nico: -gets his sword out- what are you doing here Luke?!

Luke: eh? oh you see. I bring a present

Piper: really? -sounds excited-

Annabeth: Piper! Not the best time!

Luke: er... anyway~~~ -takes a box out- have fun -leaves- -mutters: losers-

Percy! WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA THERE! ...whats in the box?

Luke: figure it out! -disappears-

Thalia: ya...helpful -mutters-

Leo: -pokes the box with a stick-

Frank: you sure that's helpful?

Leo: he said figure it out right?

Jason: Leo i don't think that's gonna-

Box: -glows-

Leo: -backs up-

Thalia: what you do!?

Leo: I...I don't know!

Everybody: -backs up-

*They All Get Sucked In The Box*

All: AH!

Travis & Connor: -comes in- hey Percy we hav...

-they look around-

Connor: where they go?

Travis: -shrugs- lets see of Leo or Nico wants this

Connor: ok -they leave to find them-

Maka: Black*Star do you really have to do that?!

Kid: -face-palms- he's gonna break it again!

Black*Star: -on a candle on the school- am the amazing Black*Star! The one who'll surpass God! -laughs- YAHOO!

Tsubaki: -sighs- when will he learn?

Soul: -shrugs- maybe when he breaks his neck?

Maka: -Maka Chops Soul- don't joke around!

Soul: ow!

Patti: -laughs-

Liz: -cross her arms- at least give him a break

Black*Star: -jumps without knowing- YAHOO!

Tsubaki: BLACK*STAR!

Maka: that idiot!

-portal opens and the PJ cast falls out-

Percy: everyone ok?

Piper: not really...


PJ Cast: huh?

Percy/Hazel/Jason/Annabeth/Thalia/Piper: -stands up and see's a blue-haired ninja falling down-

Black*Star: -lands on Leo and Nico-

Leo/Nico: OW!

Percy/Hazel/Jason/Annabeth/Thalia/Piper: -looks at them-


-they look where the voice came from-

Tsubaki: -comes- Back*Star are you ok?

Black*Star: yup! thanks to these guys!



Jason/Frank/Percy: -tries very hard not to laugh-

Piper/Haze/Annabeth: -smacks their boyfriends heads-

Thalia: ?

-Rest of SE cast comes-

Maka: Black*Star! You Idiot! -kicks him off Leo and Nico and sends him flying-

Kid: sorry about that Black*Star is an Idiot like Maka says

Thalia: -rolls eyes- reminds me of someone i know -looks at Percy-

Percy: HEY!

Nico: -snickers and stands up-

Leo: -stands also and wipes his shirt-

Soul: why your shirt says Team Leo?

Leo: cause am awesome like that! HAWHAWHAW

Piper: -smacks him-

Leo: ow! Its Hate Leo Day isn't it?

Annabeth: -sighs- Sorry, he's always like that

Liz: can't imagine how that feels -sarcastic-

Patti: -giggles-

Maka: are you guys new?

Percy: -looks at them confused- new?

Soul: -confused also- ya, this is the DMWA

Hazel: meaning?

Kid: Death's Mesiter Weapon Academy

Annabeth: ah

Nico: why did Luke brought us here?

Liz: -tilts head- Luke?

Percy: our old enemy...-whispers- thought he was dead...


Travis: -pants- we'd searched everywhere but no sign -sighs-

Connor: ya... where can they be?

Travis: lets ask Chiron!

-they go in the Big House-

Chiron: hey Travis. Connor. Why are you dirty?

-the Stoll twins are covered in dirt, leaves and twigs are in their hair, and clothes are kinda ripped.-

Travis: we were looking for Percy, then Nico and Leo. But cant find them anywhere

Chiron: cabins? bathrooms?

-they nod-

Chiron: stables? woods? lake? beach?

-they nod again-

Chiron: dining? attic? La-

Connor: we tried everywhere!

Chiron: under their beds?

-they paled- er

Chiron: at least check! ...oh! have you seen Nico, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Thalia and Annabeth?

Twins: -they shake their heads- no. Why?

Chiron: -sighs- no one have seen their cabin leaders today

Twins: -trade glances- we'll start a search!

Chiron: -nods and the twins leaves-

N/A: dunno what that means... anyway did ya enjoyed? Me and my sister had this idea came outta nowhere! lol bye-bye now!

Don't own PJ nor SE cast, if we did we wont be making FanFics of them! X3