AN: Hello. Here's a let Christmas present/ early New Years present. Though this isn't exactly happy... Anyway, I was planning on adding on a little part with Ed and Rachel but I wrote that out before the ending and I haven't figured out how I'll fit it. I'm sorry. I promise I will create more romance between those two. Though Rache is 14, so she doesn't really know what love and all that mushy stuff really means just yet. Alas, if you wish it I could just make her even more educated than she already is. I still might find a spot for that piece if I don't just decide to add it in later, so just keep checking back. Anyway, on with the story!

Disclaimer: Me: Me no own FMA franchise. So, how was everyone's winter holidays? Our tree didn't make it. It wouldn't drink the water and our dogs wouldn't stop beating it with their tails and running into it as they came inside. Poor tree... =( But we took it down the day of Christmas. Mom and dad were tried of getting stabbed by the needles. Let me tell you though, they really were painful.

Chapter 20 - Life Choices
.:Rachel Hughes:.

"Morning!" I called, pushing open Ed's hospital door.

"Ah, Rachel. It's lovely to see you."

I smiled, "Oh, hello Fuhrer Bradley. I didn't think you would be here."

He nodded, "Yes, well I wanted to check up on how you and the Elric brothers are doing."

"Why are you so chipper?" Ed questioned.

I shrugged, "I don't know, a big worry of mine was relieved yesterday. I'd say that calls for some happiness."

"Don't be mean brother," Al scolded. "It's nice to see you smile Rachel."

"I agree!" dad cried, throwing his arms around me, "My baby's smiles are the brightest in the whole world! Nothing can compare to the light that shines from their presence!"

I rolled my eyes, "Alright, happiness gone. Get off!"

"I see your injuries have all healed," Bradley commented.

I nodded, "Yeah, I didn't really come into play until most of the fighting was done. I was knocked out by some stupid palm tree haired guy, but that was it."

"So you are in pursuit of the Stone as well."


He nodded simply, "I came to order all of you to stop your search. From what we have learned, the enemy is always two steps ahead of us. In order for us to remain in control, we must stay on the defensive. Do not mention what you have learned to anyone and stop the search. But know, when the time comes for us to strike back, I will call on all of you."

"Yes sir," we all answered.

Faint talk could be heard from down the hall, several voices searching for the Fuhrer. He let out an annoyed sigh, walking to the window. "Not to worry, just my bodyguards. Funny, since transferring you Rachel, the number of shadows have increased. It seems I have made a mistake letting you go."

I chuckled, "I feel like an 'I told you so' should follow that."

He laughed softly, "You would certainly not be wrong. There will always be an opening, should you choose to return."

I nodded, "Thank you sir. That's very generous."

Winry came in as Bradley walked away, "Hey I- What's everyone looking at?"

I waved my hand, "It's nothing. What are those?"

"The train tickets Ed asked me to get."

"Leaving already?" dad asked.

Ed nodded, "Yeah, we're heading to Dublith."

"Dublith?" I asked. "What's there?"

"Our teacher," he answered simply. "We've been getting our asses kicked lately. Plus our combat alchemy could use some work."

"A combat teacher?" Winry crossed her arms, "How far is it anyway?"

"Um..." Alphonse set down a map, "right here. It's not that far from Central."

The blonde nodded slowly, squealing when her eyes ran over another town. She placed her finger on a marker, "I can't believe it!"

"Rush ...Valley," I read, glancing up at her questioningly.

She nodded, "Auto-mail heaven! All the best mechanics are there. Please, can we go? Oh please Ed?!"

"No way. Go on your own time."

"And who will pay for my travel expenses?" she grumbled.

"I will," I offered.

"Really?" her and Ed asked.

I shrugged, "Why not? I mean, it's on the way. And if she can get an apprenticeship there, it'll be a win-win for both of you. Besides Ed, you're covering you and Al. Paying for Winry is the least I can do."

He nodded, sighing, "Alright. Fine."

Winry grinned, throwing her arms around me. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

I looked around in awe. There wasn't a single person that didn't have something to do with auto-mail; either owning a store or having a limb. "Auto-mail center of the world," I mused. "Rightly named."

"Isn't it amazing?!" Winry ran ahead of us, visiting nearly every store.

"-Come one! Come all! Step up and challenge the victor!"

"Lets go check it out," I said, grabbing Ed's hand and pulling him along. The four of us pushed our way to the center. A muscular man was sitting behind a small table wearing a smug grin.

A dark skinned girl volunteered, taking the other seat. The match began. It was pretty even for the most part, the girl winning slightly. Then the announcer moved closer to the table, discreetly placing his hand under the top. The wood split, the muscular guy taking hold of her surprise to win.

I grit my teeth at their expressions. "Ed, they-"

"I know."

"So do something about it."

He sighed, "If I tried to fix every rigged game, then we'd never get any closer to the Stone."

"Who else will we challenge the Champion?" the announcer called. "How about you?" he pointed to Ed.

"Pass," he replied, waving his hand. "Lets head out."

"For the best. Better for such small children to run than face against someone superior. Must be faulty auto-mail."

I smirked, breathing out a quiet, 'Ohh...'

Both Ed and Winry stopped, death on their faces. "Edward, kick his ass."

Said boy handed over his cloak and jacket, taking a seat. The two smirked at each other, the match beginning. It wasn't much different from the other match, though Ed was pulling ahead. I watched the announcer move his hand to the table. From there it was simple, Ed counteracted the alchemy, turning (and winning) the match.

After the whole match fiasco, including Ed getting his watch stolen by an agile, dark skinned girl, we were lead to her house, which also happened to be the home of Dominic LeCoulte, an auto-mail protegee.

I wandered through the halls, checking out the various equipment. As much as I tried to concentrate on Winry's praise of Dominic's work(and begging to become his apprentice), Ed's grumbling about 'only trying to help during the match' and Paninya's attacking on the alchemist's height and how she could beat him at a race, my mind was elsewhere. Namely, everything that happened at Lab 5 a few days ago. So those people are homunculus? But what does that mean? I know that they're artificial humans. How many are there? Are they connected to the Stone?

I rolled my eyes. Of course they are. Why else would they have wanted Ed to create one so badly? But what do they want with it? Lust said she wanted to become human. Can the Stone do that? And if it can, what else can it do? What are the limits? Are there even any? What happens if we end up making one? Will they kill us to retrieve it? Something told me no. Lust had called me an important piece. For what?

I groaned softly, throwing my head back. Why is it there's always a million questions but never any answers?


I glanced to the side as Ed joined me on the porch. I smiled softly, "Hey yourself."

"Something wrong?"

I shook my head, "Nah, just thinking."

"About?" he wondered.

I debated answering truthfully. I don't have anything to hide from him, we're both in search for the Stone, even through we told Bradley we'd back off... "Family," I lied. If I do go searching, it needs to be low key. Telling him will only peek his interest, then we'll all be heading back.

His eyes narrowed, "Family? That's why you looked so confused?"

I sighed, "I was giving you the broad answer Blondie. So, what's up with you? Why are you out here?"

"Nothing. No one knew where you went-"

"So you came searching for me," I finished. "That's sweet."

I smirked as he looked away. I leaned back on my arms, "I think I'm going to head back."

"What, what?" he turned towards me, "Why?"

I shrugged, kicking my feet, "I don't know, I just- I want to check up on something."

"We're only going to be in Dublith for a little bit. We can head back early, or whenever-"

"No, that's okay. I can head back on my own." I looked to him, "There's not really anything after me anymore, so you don't have to worry. And I'll even call you before I go to sleep," I added, nudging his shoulder.

A faint blush hit his cheeks. He shook his head, "N-No. You don't have to."

I nodded, "I should leave now; if I want to get there before sundown."

"Just be careful."

I rolled my eyes, "Blondie, I'm the epitome of carefulness."

He sent me a deadpan look. I laughed lightly, waving my had dismissively, "Stop worrying so much. I'll be fine. Research, bed, then I'll be on a train and back to teasing you again in no time."

He lightened a little, nodding, "See you then."

I was able to catch the train as I arrived at the station, making my way to Central Library as soon as the transportation docked.

Going in, I figured there wouldn't be much information. Why would there be? Then again, Lab 5 was hiding all kinds of secrets. There possibly could be something. But would the information be hidden like Marcoh's notes? That's a possibility. But going through every novel would take forever. There's always Sheska- I shook my head. No. I'm not going to involve her anymore than I already have.

So, what does that leave me? Would going to the librarian and asking is there was anything relating to artificial humans, Ouroboros, or the Philosopher's Stone work? Pretty sure I'd get a weird look and no help. What about dad? No, he doesn't know any more than I do. Though, he would have the resources.

I put the book in my hands back into the shelf, sighing quietly. When am I going to stop getting him involved? With what I've learned at Lab 5, the search is getting dangerous. The more people that are helping us just means the more people that can be used against us.

The sound of falling books directed my attention. I peeked around the shelf, my body freezing. Near the librarian's desk was a man. He was wearing military attire, but that wasn't the freezing part. He looked exactly like the guy from three years ago. He glanced up, our eyes connecting. Dropping the novels in his hands, he bolted for the door. I ran after him, busting through the front doors. Looking around I saw him crossing the street. I took off after him, thankful for the strange deadness of the Central streets.

So it is him. What was he doing at the library? And why is he still wearing his uniform? I haven't seen him since Ed and I kicked his ass. Dad took the description to Bradley who scoured the entire Central military staff. Even after I've kept an eye out. If he's been hiding, why come out now?

I followed him down several alleys, a feeling of familiarity washing over me. I showed to a stop, looking around. A thick, metal door came into view, the signs of transmutation still evident. Their old camp? Why'd he run down here? It's a dead end...

I walked the few yards to the blocking brick wall, though I didn't get what I expected. He was gone.

I fell against the closest wall, sighing quietly. "Great," I muttered. "I was chasing nothing." I ran my fingers through my hair. What now? I headed out of the alley, back onto the main road. Illusions... What causes those? Exhaustion? Stress? I smiled humorlessly. Well, I've had quite a bit of them lately.


I pressed myself against the closest building, listening. Was that... gunfire? But where'd it come from? I watched as someone ran into the street, heading away from me. I jogged to where they came out from, backtracking to a park of sorts. Brightly lit lamp posts dotted each side along the path, a public telephone up in the distance.

I wandered further up the path. I did not imagine that. There was a gunshot. I seriously doubt the person running was the one hit, so there should be another... "Body."

A pair of legs were sticking out of the phone booth. But... those are military slacks. A hesitance took over my legs, refusing to let me run. I didn't want to go over there. Something crunched under my foot. Lifting the limb, I stared down at a family photo of four. "Dad?" That's the one he keeps in his wallet, but why...?

I shot forward, dropping to my knees beside his body. "No.. Nonono. Dad, look at me."

His eyes squeezed closed, opening slowly, "Ra...chel." His hand lifted, running across my cheek limply.

"It's me. I'm here." I pressed my hands to his shoulder, blood gushing over my hands. "God, there- there's-" I ripped off pieces of his jacket, wrapping the wounds. "Just hang in there." I hook my arm around him, putting all my strength into lifting him. "Please, dad, work with me."

"Rachel... stop. Sweetie, listen to me."

"No. Stop speaking. I'm getting you to the hospital-"

"Listen!" He gripped my hand, gaining my attention, "I-I'm not going to make it. But listen to me, I need you to be strong. Don't stop moving forward. No matter what you find out, remember who you allies are. I love you."

"Wha... Dad no-" I ground my teeth together, his hand falling to the ground. "No. You are not dying on me. I'm not letting you." I pushed from the ground, leaning all of his weight on my side.

They watched from the trees as the Hughes girl struggled to carry her father's dead weight. "Well now, this is an interesting turn of events."

"Not like it matters," Envy sneered, "he's already dead. The hospital won't be able to to anything."

"Your job was to distract her Envy. Not lead her to him. What if you were seen?"

The green haired homunculus rolled his eyes, "Stop worrying Pride. Everything will be fine."

.:Rachel Hughes:.
Faces passed by, random people offering their condolences, asking how I am. What a stupid question. How am I doing- How do you think I'm doing?! His funeral was three days after his death, late in the afternoon. I hung back, shading myself underneath one of the trees. Shots were fired off, words were said and the dirt was thrown. So simple. It only took a few hours.

One by one, everyone left. Getting on with their lives, their work. Fuhrer Bradley passed by, putting his hand on my shoulder briefly before walking away. The gesture was supposed to be comforting, but I found it to be more empty than anything.

"Are you just going to stand here all day?"

I shrugged, "What do you want Colonel?"

"I need your help. You were the last one to see your father alive, the first to the crime scene. I need you to tell me what you saw."

I chuckled humorlessly, pushing off the base of the tree, "Should've seen this coming. I can't tell you anything more that I've said to the countless others that asked me that same question. You want my report, go to them."

He grabbed my wrist as I walked past, standing close enough for his voice to be heard by us three. "I understand how upset you are Rachel, but I need you to work with me. Anything you may have seen could bring me closer to getting the person who killed him."

I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes. Sighing quietly, I nodded, "Okay. Fine. There was about a five minute period between when I heard the shot and I arrived at the booth. I couldn't really see the person, but I know they were white skinned."

He nodded, "That rules out Scar or any other revenge-seeking Ishvalans. Is there anything else?"

I shrugged, "Not really. He had two wounds but I arrived too late to make a difference."

Mustang placed his hand on my shoulder, "No you didn't. He was able to see you before passing. That makes a difference."

I nodded, smiling softly. He patted my shoulder, "Thanks. Stay strong kid."

Riza smiled at me, hugging me tightly before following after him. "Wait!" I called, running to catch up. He half turned, an eyebrow raised. "I want in. The investigation; I wanna help."

He smirked, "What could a kid do to help?"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever Smartass. Oh, and dad told me about your goal. I'll back you up."

He let out a laugh, "Wouldn't that be interesting. Alright Rache, you'll be my inside force." I smiled triumphantly as he walked away.