Hello, me again. This story is short, I know, but I was hoping I was going to have time to continue it. I mean write more chapters and continue the story but only if you want me to... :D

So pleas review if you see any mistakes, or if you want me to continue it...

Oh and I don't own Winx club, to bad since I would make the stories much more spicy and interesting... :D


Clouds spread over Alphea grounds. The atmosphere was dark and sad. For Musa it wasn´t just some other rainy day. This is the last day she´s going to see Riven. This was her and Riven´s last year at school and she had to go home and for Riven, she didn´t know if he´ll come and visit her, she didn´t even know where he is going to live. By the look in his eyes when he came into her room she could tell that this time he´s saying goodbye for good. She was just determent that she will not forget him, she was hoping he won´t forget her to…

They were lying in her bed. His strong arms were carefully wrapped around her small waist. They were looking in each other's eyes when he spoke

"I´m going to miss you, I´m going to miss you a lot. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I´m not going to forget you so easy. Well I don´t really won´t to forget you but when you're going to get home you're probably going to meet a lot of other guys that are going to be much nicer then me and more sweater you know someone who will make you happy and will give you all that you deserve and…"

She placed her finger on his lips making him silent almost instantly. She looked at him lovingly and smiled gently…

"Riven, you are the one who makes me happy, you're the one who gives me everything I deserve, you're the one who's sweet and nice to me. You and only you are the number one thing in need. I don't want to go away from you. I want to be with you forever, I never want to forget how it feels to be in your arms or how it feels to kiss you. I want to do that every day…"

She stopped to let her tears fall. He gently wiped them away. He looked at him again. His hair spiked and sprayed always looking perfect. His eyes, making her knees weak every time she looked at them for too long. Then his lips, so soft and sweet every time she kissed them. She got closer to him and pressed her lips upon his. He responded quickly. The kiss was slow and gentle and warm. She wanted it to last forever. She placed her hand on his face and touched his cheeks. She moved her hand and started to stroke his hair in the back. He was now in the lead of the kiss. He hugged her tighter never wanting to let go. She stopped so she could breathe. But then she asked him seriously…

"Why don´t you want to come live with me"... He looked at her with confuse, anger and sadness in his eyes. He answered calmly… "Musa you know why. Your dad hates me, and me being in your house while he can't even look me in the eyes would just be painful…and..and" …he got up and sat on the edge of the bed and looked away… "You can't live with me…I can't support you. I can barely do that for myself. I'm not rich, when we are officially out of school I first have to buy myself an apartment. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that since I don't have much savings, but I´ll survive. You will do better with your dad. I just have to start my life you know, get a job, pay for rent and stuff like that. You won´t have what you deserve with me"

…He was to ashamed to looked at her. He put his head in his hands. He wanted to be with her, live with her, have a family with her, but he couldn't. She wouldn't be happy with him, with what little he could offer her… "I´m sorry, I´m so sorry, so, so sorry…" He said with tears in his eyes. He could feel the pain in his chest from sadness. She came from behind and hugged him. She hold tight. Deep down in her she knew things will be alright, everything will be just fine one day. She was just hoping that day would come soon…

Pleas excuse me if in the story something wont make sense, because its late at night right now where I live and its school tomorow so...

Oh and review so I will now if its good.
