For the first time in his life, Kaname was glad that he didn't keep a clock in his room. He was unsure how much time had passed since Zero, his now-proclaimed lover, had entered his room. He didn't care though. His world had narrowed to include only the two of them. The Senate and their priorities could go to hell, heck the entire world itself could end and he wouldn't have minded, as long as Zero Kiryuu was with him he was happy. The said hunter gave his hair a light tug as the pureblood's eyes unfocused. "Earth to Kaname..." He blinked for a second then sensually smiled down at his lover and provoctavly ground himself against the hunter's lean and supple body. "Sorry, got lost in thought. Where were we?" Zero groaned as Kaname's body slid against his own. "T-think later, we're doing something more important right now." From the pureblood came a soft chuckle, which turned into a low moan as the hunter pulled harder on the chocolate brown hair in his hand. "Zero...even you should know better by now than to do things that can arouse me, you're going to be sore enough as is already by the time we finish." Zero rolled his eyes as he pulled Kaname's head down and teased the other vampire's bite area with his lips, tongue and fangs. The pureblood's body shuddered while a low growl rummbled in his throat as his lover's act caused his already swelling cock to swell even more inside his passage. "Like that do you? What's wrong? Scared to cum before I do, Kaname?" Even though he should have expected it, the hunter's body still sang in deep pleasure as the other vampire thrusted hard into him and made him scream. "Kaname! H-hurry up already, b-before someone...f-finds out!" Dark brown hair quickly blocked his view as his lover lay low above him. Before Zero had a chance to ask, a warm and moist tongue moved slowly up the un-tattooed side of his neck. His body shivered at the sensation and he softly gasped as that wicked tongue moved along his ear then moaned when the adjoining teeth nibbled the edge of his ear before they grasped an earring and gave it a small, but sharp, pull. "Mmm these actually do come in handy after all. It's a deliciously delightful torment isn't it Zero?" Kaname softly purred as he rocked his hips up so he was rubbing his toned stomach against his lover's hard cock. "Am I wearing you out my hunter? If that's the case...then say so." He had lowered his voice until the last few words were a meer whisper and was rewarded with an answering shiver and low moan. "" His eyes went jet black at the sound. No one had ever said his name like that, with...almost tangable passion. He fought hard against the instincts that told him to fuck the hunter into oblivion and sharply nipped his ear instead. "Yes Zero? What do you desire me to do?" The hunter's response shocked him so deeply that he almost forgot what he was doing...almost. "" His breath caught in his throat at the request. "Do you...know what would happen if I were to do that to you?" His jet black eyes were now rimmed with red as his lust merged with the blood lust that swamped him from his lover's request. Zero looked up at him in suprise, he had expected the vampire to latch onto his neck without question. "D-does it...matter? You already have my body, and now my heart. And...I know you've drunk from others before so...why are you hesitant about taking my blood? it because...I'm a Hunter?" Doubt began to cloud his amethyst eyes and an unexpected knot of dispare sunk into his gut. Just as he was starting to finally mean something to someone... "That's not it at all Zero. It's...complicated and now isn't a good time to explain. I will, I promise, later." Kaname pushed the future discussion to the back of his mind and lightly pumped his lover's weeping cock, making the hunter whimper adorably. He slowly brought the two of them to the edge of climax and gave his lover's neck a promising nip. "Cum with me want need can feel how close we both are, can't you?" Unsure of what he was supposed to do, Zero clung tightly to his lover. True to Kaname's words, he felt the orgasm building deep inside of him then sudden arched his back and keened as his lover took the two of them over the edge, spilling their essence over and inside of each other. Their hearts synced as they pounded against each other's chest while they both heavily panted from the force of their release. Their eyes slowly returned to normal as they rested agaisnt each other. There was no going back for them, too much had changed that night, and they both knew it. And Kaname looked down at his lover's flushed face, he wouldn't have changed a moment of it. All of these years his other half had been starring him in the face. Now though, his eyes were open and his heart was finally full. Soft snores caught his attention and a small smile appeared on his lips, his dear hunter had fallen asleep. There was something almost heartbreaking about the level of trust that simple act showed. Not wanting to break the trust he had been shown so willingly, he ever so gently pulled out of his lover's sleeping body and covered him with the blanket before going into his bathroom to take yet another shower. However, the smile that was still on his face showed that this time it was being happily done.