A/N: Thank you Jessie, lipamo, Corleone, fanforlife, and phoenixmagic1 for your reviews!

Jessie - I love the fact that you have picked up on a lot throughout the story's progression. Yes, from the start, Kate's death was implied. To tell the truth, this whole story came to me in dreams. Silly, huh? I knew from the start how I wanted this story to go, which isn't how I normally write. I'm also happy that you are seeing that Dick is still remaining in character, always doing the right thing first over his own needs. Also, to make it up to you, I am currently writing another story for you. I hope you're going to be okay with a Roe/OC story? I'm not sure when I will finish it and post it, as I will be taking a break from hardcore writing, but I thought I would let you know. Keep a lookout for my name. =)

Lipamo - I'm glad you love the story and relate to it. Also, your English is much better than most people I know. You're doing great!

Corleone - I'm not entirely sure that I understand what you mean by things ending too neatly. It could be a preference thing, but I like books that wrap up everything at the end, where you are not left hanging with open storylines or plots that were not complete in thought. For this story, it's the end of war and things are ending and there isn't much left to be done. I'm sorry if the ending falls short compared to the rest of the story for you. Maybe this last chapter will help with that? Also, keep in mind, Winters is by the book kind of guy. He always does what is expected of him, putting his job and whatever task before himself and his wants. He wouldn't be able to properly mourn Kate until his task is complete. Not sure if that helps or not either...haha, I'm sorry. I'm useless today.

phoenixmagic1 - Thank you for all of the kind words and PMs and reviews! I am working on another story, so look out for that, as I mentioned above to Jessie.

So...here it is...the last chapter. Reviews make for happier days. Enjoy!

I drove the Jeep up to the airfield where we would be witnessing the official surrender of the German General. The ride to get here was quiet. Nixon had waited for me, while Harry was called away.

Nixon didn't ask how I was doing. I think he already knew.

We sat in the Jeep as the General made his approach. He passed by Lipton and looked at me with his stern gaze. He nodded hello and I returned the gesture, but motioned for him to turn his attention to Lipton, whom he ignored completely.

The General looked over at Lipton and said, "With your permission, I'd like to address my men briefly."

Lipton kindly smiled. "That'll be fine, General."

As the two approached the waiting army, I spotted Sobel walking towards us. I recalled how he treated me and my men, but more importantly, I recalled how he treated Kate. He bullied her so much during the course of the war, that I suddenly wanted to make things right, the only way that I could given my position.

Sobel tried to ignore me as his assistants saluted. I saluted the assistants and waited for Sobel to do what was required of him. Nothing happened.

"Captain Sobel," I started.

Sobel looked at me. "Major Winters."

He tried to continue walking past me. I finally had enough. "Captain Sobel!"

Sobel finally stopped and looked at me, clearly frustrated that I stopped him. I thought of Kate as I stated, "We salute the rank, not the man."

Sobel's eyes spat fire at me as he finally surrendered and saluted me. I returned the gesture and watched as he walked away as quickly as he could.

I turned to Nixon who started to chuckle. I hoped that Kate would have appreciated that as well. Even though, deep inside, there was a part of me who wanted to punch the man, it wouldn't have a difference. It wouldn't have brought Kate back or make things right. All it would have succeeded in doing was for me to feel a little bit better and relieved, not to mention the repercussions that I would get from Sink and the military. I also knew that by not hitting him like that little voice in the back of my head was telling me to do, I was the bigger man...the better man, as Kate would say.

Just the thought of her in my mind, made tears form in my eyes. I blinked them away as this was not the time and place to mourn.

As the Genereal began his speech, I spied Liebgott standing close by. I asked, "Liebgott?"

The kid approached my Jeep and started to translate, "Men, it's been a long war. It's been a tough war. You've fought bravely, proudly for your country. You are a special group. You have found in one another, a bond that exists only in combat. Among brothers, we've shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You've seen death and suffered together."

As the speech continued, I suddenly stopped listening. Every word this man said, I felt and understood each one. More importantly, it applied to me and Kate, as well as the rest of our men.

I kept thinking about her as the speech finally stopped and the surrender was over. Everyone started to move out while I sat in my Jeep, reminiscing over Kate.

Nixon patted me on the back. "Let's get out of here, Dick."

I blinked back to reality and turned to face the wheel. "Of course."

I turned the Jeep on and began to drive off.

Nixon finally asked, "I wasn't going to say anything, but are you going to be all right?"

I thought for a moment before replying, "I'm not sure, Nixon. One day at a time."

"You know, she used to say that a lot too." Nix laughed.

I smiled as I remembered the moments she would say it. "That's right. She did."

The next free moment that I had, I headed to my swimming spot. I needed to focus on something other than the loss of Kate. For some reason, being in the water and looking up into the sky while I swam helped. It didn't stop me from thinking about her or stop my emotions, but I was able to release some of my tension by swimming. The cold water probably helped there too.

I spied Nixon standing on the shore, so I swam over to him. When I got close to getting out, I asked for my towel. Nixon tossed it to me.

He was holding a photo in his hands. He turned to show it to me. "Take a look at these two kids. What the hell happened to them?"

I started to dry my hair with my towel as I took the picture from him and gave it a good look. I chuckled as I spotted Kate in the background. I never noticed it before, but she was watching me in the picture. The look on her face was similar to those I would throw her way when I thought she wasn't looking. It was comforting to know that we were meant to be together, even if it was for a short amount of time.

I handed the picture back to Nix. "New Jersey, huh?"

Nixon looked down at me after taking the picture. "Yeah. Think about it."

"I am...You awake yet?" I asked.

Nixon chuckled. "Awake? Time to go to bed!"

Before I could ask any questions, he plunged into the cold water.

I waited for him to surface. When Nixon swam over to me, I tossed him my towel. I asked, "So, what's the word?"

Nixon dried his hair and face. "Just got word last night after much deliberation...the war's over. It's official. We're going home!"

"When do we tell the men?" I questioned.

Nixon stated, "Sink said that it would take a couple hours to get all the necessary paperwork and everything else organized, so most likely this afternoon."

I smiled as I thought about telling the men they could return home. It had been too long since we were sent here, and it was an unfortunate series of events that would allow a few to return home out of our entire Company.

I thought about the untimely death of Kate again. If only things had worked out differently, she would be here to see the end with me.

Nixon saw the look on my face and stated, "You know, she wouldn't have had it any other way."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"She loved you. She's still here with you, that I can guarantee," he stated.

I smiled as I thought about it. Finally, I looked at my friend. "Let's get cleaned up. We've got a war to end."

Nixon smiled as he pulled himself out of the water and walked beside me towards the hotel.

That evening, I watched as the men were playing baseball. I approached Speirs and stated, "Gather them around."

"Easy Company! School circle!" he shouted.

The men ran up and sat down to listen to what I had to say.

I smiled as I stated, "Listen up. Got some news. This morning, President Truman received the unconditional surrender from the Japanese."

The men stared at me, unsure of what I was saying was what they were hearing.

I added, "War's over."

The men cheered, and started to get up so they could run to their rooms to begin packing for the long trip home.

As I watched them run towards their rooms, I spied a person standing on the pitcher's mound. I blinked and looked closer.

Standing on that mound was a young woman, dressed in a light blue summer dress with little yellow flowers on it, dark brown hair slightly curled down to her shoulders. I stared at her.

It was Kate. She smiled at me, nodding her head ever so slightly as if to tell me that I did a great job, and that she was proud of me...that she loved me.

I couldn't believe my eyes! I was about to run out there towards her, but no one else seemed to notice her. The men ran past her without even acknowledging her presence.

Once the men passed by, she smiled at me again, and looked down at her feet before glancing at the sky. She faded away before my eyes.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about the men that I served with, and those that never got to enjoy life without war. I never stopped thinking about Kate.

I did what she asked me to do. I moved to New Jersey and took Nixon up on his job offer. I found a quiet place to live my life and I even married. Even though Kate wanted me to love with my whole heart, I couldn't do it. My heart belonged to her, no matter how hard I tried to move past her. She was the missing piece to my heart that had been lost those many years ago.

The first few years living in New Jersey alone, I would often times see someone who looked like Kate, whether it was a girl walking down the lane or a glimpse of someone standing in my garden, but each time I looked, she was gone. But I could always feel her presence...smell her scent in the wind...

I never saw Kate again like that day she was on the pitcher's mound, except in my dreams. She would always wait for me with a bright smile and warm hug. Then one day, she finally came for me in person, holding out her hand and telling me that it was time.

I didn't hesitate to take her hand. She was as beautiful as the day that I met her, and I could feel my heart beating again as we held each other's hand, and entered into our personal Heaven together. My missing puzzle piece had finally come back to me and I was finally whole again.


And there you have it. It's over. It's done. See, there was a sort of happy ending. I know it's not quite what you were wanting from the beginning, but it's still something. No, I didn't rewrite it just for a happy-ish ending either.

Thank you everyone for reading, reviewing, PMing, favoriting etc. (This includes my silent readers). Without you, this story wouldn't have been so successful and I might not have finished posting it. Thank you for all of your kind words and constructive criticism. I feel that I have improved on my writing since the beginning.

Also, I would be very pleased if you would read Emmeline's Story as well. It's still in the works, but it's a different take on the story. As I mentioned previously above, that I am working on another BoB story, but I am not sure when that will be posted. Life is starting to become crazy, so I will be writing less, so hopefully that new one will be written! =) I'm rambling! Sorry!

As always, I love hearing from my readers. Feel free to drop me a line any time. My door is always open. =)

I hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it and reading your thoughts. Thank you guys again. Currahee!
