Hello everyone, this is HyperInuyasha, everyone's favorite loony fanfiction author! Once upon a time, in 2008, I wrote a terrible series called Trapped in a Mansion. It lacked proper characterization, longevity and I went into a fit when a guy flamed me; I was younger at the time and looking back, it is a terrible story. So, I decided to remake the entire series: the first story, the sequel, and the spin-off. I'm doing this so when people go back to look at my earlier stories, they won't be facing terribly written crap, but decently written crap. So, here we go!

Trapped Series: Trapped in a Mansion

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing because this is a fan-fic.

Chapter 1: Curiosity Killed Everybody

Pikachu and Fox sat down on the lawn of Luigi's Mansion; they had just finished sparing each other on that stage, and they were taking a well deserved break. Fox guzzles down some soda and looks behind himself, examining Luigi's mansion.

"Hey, Pikachu, have you ever wondered what's inside the mansion outside of matches?" asked Fox, with a curious expression.

"Wait, what?" responded Pikachu.

"Well, the Ancient Minister has the place like, morphed and stuff so we don't smash up Luigi's actual mansion. Since no one's fighting there..." Fox suggested with a mischievous smile.

"Hell no." said Pikachu, turning it down like a jerk (which he indeed is).

"What? But come on! There's probably some neat stuff in there!" said Fox.

"No. Don't you remember what happened last time?" said the Pokemon.

"What in the who now?"

Pikachu smacked himself in the face. "Come on, I know you're an idiot, but you seriously don't remember?"

"Hmm... Last week, I remember that I had a barbecue in my dorm and it set on fi-"

"No! Last time we went in there, King Boo hatched a plot to take over the world and me, you, and Meta Knight stopped his sorry ass!"

"...Pikachu, I don't know what you're talking about. Well, I don't know what anyone's talking about, but this is seriously the most confusing thing I've heard. We're not even friends with Meta Knight, but that would be cool though!" said Fox. Now it was Pikachu's turn to be confused.

"How do you not remember? And how come Meta Knight's not our buddy yet?"

Let me answer that for you, Pikachu; this is a remake of the original story, which is the first story I made involving you guys. Therefore, he doesn't know anything about future events!

"Hold on Hyper-"

"Who's Hyper?" questioned Fox.

Alright, I forgot, this is the first story. You guys don't really know me yet. Well, I know what you're going to ask, and that is, "how am I the only one who knows what went down in the original story?" You see, I thought it would be a funny idea to let you keep your memories, so that you have to suffer through this again in complete awareness! Mwhahahaha!

"You. Dick." muttered Pikachu.

"What is going on over here?" Both of the Smashers turned their heads and saw Meta Knight coming toward them. "Pikachu, Fox, why are you two here? There's no matches here today."

"Oh, we were just practicing." said Fox. He pointed at the towering mansion. "Hey, Meta Knight, have you ever wondered what's inside the mansion?"

"You mean when we're not doing matches?" responded the knight.

"Yeah! There must be really cool secrets in there!"

"Fox, let me enlighten you a bit; after the events of Luigi's Mansion, Luigi cleared his mansion of ghosts, leaving behind an impressive, ghost free house. I imagine that the actual mansion that we don't have our fights in is completely purged of all its secrets." said Meta Knight. He paused a bit before admitting, "I do admit though, I'm curious about how it's like inside now. After all, Luigi hasn't actually visited his mansion in years. He still hangs around at his brother's house."

Pikachu's jaw dropped in disbelief. "Please tell me you didn't forget too."

The Knight raised an eyebrow. "Forget what?"

"Oh no. Hyper, you are the worst!" cursed Pikachu.

Yeah. Just keep saying that.

Meta Knight whispered to Fox, "Do you have any idea of who's he talking to?"


"I can hear you, you know." muttered Pikachu.

"Oh, sorry." apologized Meta Knight; he's among the nicest, honorable, and most sane of the Smashers.

"So, do you think we should see what's inside the mansion?" Fox asked the other two Smashers.

"Hmm... perhaps. But you should ask Luigi permission first." said Meta Knight.

And so Fox hatched a stupid plan; he held up his hand to his ear and pretended he was talking into a cellphone. "Yes, hello Luigi? Can we go into your cool mansion? Really? Neat!"

Unfortunately, Meta Knight wasn't paying too much attention to him and fell for it. "Excellent. Let's try to finish exploring before dinner." He was already walking up to the front doors of the mansion. Fox picked up his struggling Pokemon friend.

"No! Stop! You have no idea what the hell you're doing!" yelled Pikachu.

"Pikachu, it should be safe inside, as I had explained earlier." said Meta Knight.

"Yeah! Besides, what could possibly go wrong?" said Fox; he said the cursed words that no one should ever say, sealing the three to their fates; reliving my first, terrible story. Meta Knight discovered that the front door was unlocked; he and Fox pushed the doors open as they entered Luigi's Mansion.

The place was oddly dark, which Fox and Meta Knight didn't expect. Still, the two were mystified by the interior design. Meta Knight was looking up at the lighting fixtures. "That is a very fine chandelier up there. Perhaps I could get one for the lounge for the Halberd."

"I should get a chandelier for my Arwing!" agreed Fox.

Meta Knight sweatdropped. "I don't think a chandelier can fit in your Arwing, Fox."

"Says you."

Meanwhile, Pikachu was looking around wildly, waiting for King Boo and his army of ghosts to appear. "Um... don't you guys find it suspicious that there's no lights?"

"Well, it has been years since Luigi last came; he'd have no reason to leave the lights on." said Meta Knight, raising a good point that he's unaware that doesn't apply to this situation.

"Do you guys think that Luigi has those cool fancy wines?" suggested Fox.

"Hmm, let's find out. He might appreciate it if we bring some back for him." said Meta Knight. They advanced out of the foyer and through the door that lead to the second area of the game. There, they were subjected to a terrifying sight.

Boos were filling up the hallways; all of their backs were turned on the Smashers, thankfully. All of the ghosts were paying attention to someone at the end of the hallway: it was a much larger Boo, with red eyes and a crown; it was King Boo.

"...and that's my awesome plan to take over the world." King Boo finished a speech. All of the ghosts cheered, while the king looked pleased with himself. His helper, RanBoo (a terrible pun for random; god I was such a terrible writer back then), actually patted him on the back.

"Uh, wow sir. That plan actually sounds good." admitted the terribly named Boo.

"I know! I think I read it out of a book or something." said the terrible king.

"Wait a minute, how come King Boo is a bumbling idiot?" Pikachu asked me, the terrible author.

Oh, well, since this is a remake, I'm using everyone's new personalities that I've built up over the years. Remember when Meta Knight used to be kind of a dick in the original story and now he's the nicest guy around?

"Oh yeah... Yes! Now that King Boo's an idiot, we could deal with his dumb plan even quicker!" shouted Pikachu; his shouting attracted the attention of everyone packed in the hallway. King Boo gave a friendly wave to the Smashers, not perceiving them to be a threat.

"Hey! We're about to take over the world, can you guys get some wine from the kitchen so we could celebrate?" requested King Boo.

"I knew it! There is fancy wine!" said Fox.

"King, those guys are Smashers! They might mess up our plans!" informed RanBoo.

"Really? Oh. Okay, get those guys everyone!" commanded King Boo. All of the Boos looked threateningly at the Smashers... then covered their faces in fright because said Smashers were looking at them directly in the face.

"...Keep your eyes on them and move backwards out of the room." muttered Meta Knight.

"I warned you guys. I fucking warned you." growled Pikachu.

"You don't have to rub it in." whimpered Fox. The three moved out of the room slowly while King Boo just watched.

"...Huh? Oh right, I could have gone after them myself!" said King Boo, who was unaffected by their stares.

"Then why aren't you?" growled RanBoo, who was covering his face.

"They seem a little far away..." whined King Boo. "Oh, how about we summon ghosts that aren't scared of looking at people?"

"Yes. That would be a good idea."

Fox was trying with all his might to pull open the front doors; Meta Knight and Pikachu had already tried, but they failed to pry the doors open. Expectantly, Fox failed as well.

"Hmm... It looks like we're in trouble." said Fox.

"Nooooo... really?" responded Pikachu.

"Okay, we should retreat somewhere so we could reevaluate our situation in safety." suggested Meta Knight. None of the Boos shown up yet and the three definitely weren't going to go back into that hallway, so they decided to run upstairs. They went through the anteroom (also known as the anteater room, to AttackingTucans fans) and started to take a rest in the wardrobe room.

Pikachu remembered what happens next. "Oh no..."

Meta Knight didn't hear him. "Okay, next to this room is the balcony. We could jump off of it and escape from there."

"I'm on it!" said Fox. He went to pull the door leading to the balcony when vines suddenly appeared on it. "Ouch! Oh no, ghost vines!"

"You shouldn't be worrying about the vines." said Pikachu. He turned around, and just as he expected, there were some pink and orange ghosts, ready to fight.

To be continued...

Ugh. Just looking at that first chapter made me cringe. Anyway, if you're wondering what will go down in future chapters, too late; I already deleted the original stories because they reek of horrible and stomach indigestion. I've backed up those stories, so only I alone can revel in how shitty the original stories were. Anyway, this is a vast improvement over the original first chapter, which I'm very proud of. I hope you guys enjoy this remake, and, if you guys have the copies of my original stories backed up by flagfic or something, please delete it. I beg of you. Save yourselves from my terrible writing.