A/N: Thanks for reviewing. Now this story is coming to an end, and even tough it is sad to say goodbye, I loved our time together. Now enjoy the last chapter of: 'The Volvo change lives.'

The future

"Ouch! Alice carefully!" I screeched. "Oh give me a break Bella! You have to look your best. It's not every day you get married." I smiled at her words. Today I would officially become a Cullen. I carefully put a hand on my still flat stomach. I was pregnant with Edward's baby. I was going to marry Edward! My life couldn't be better.

Edward and I decided to get married after college. I had a degree in English, and soon Edward would be a doctor. As you could probably guess, I was pregnant too. Two months along. Everyone in the family knew, and Edward and I were so excited to be parents. We were just praying that it would be healthy, and I wouldn't miscarriage.

Alice fluttered around me a couple of minutes before she pulled me out of the chair. She wouldn't let me see myself before I was 'the pure essence of beauty.' Alice words, not mine. She went to her closet and pulled out a white bag. Butterflies entered my stomach when I saw her pull out my beautiful dress.

My dress was a bit old-fashioned. The sleeves and the back were made out of white laces. On the back, buttons went all the way down the middle. Other than that, the dress was very simple. It went all the way to the floor, and the lace sleeves were ¾. Soft curls cascaded down my back, and my make-up was light. I was beautiful. More beautiful than I thought possible. I smiled at Alice and thanked her. She just waved it off.

Rosalie arrived in that moment. "Bells! We're ready!" she exclaimed out of breath. "Thanks Rose," I said sincerely. She just smiled, and went down the stairs again. "Okay Bella. Charlie is on his way up. When I go down, count to ten and then follow me. Understood?" Alice instructed. I nodded, getting even more excited. Normally, you would be nervous. Asking yourself questions like; 'What if he's not the one?' or 'Can I tie myself to only one man?' I knew all the answers. Yes Edward is the right one, and yes I can tie myself to only one man. As long as that man is Edward. Charlie came up then, a big smile on his face making him look ten years younger.

"You ready sweetheart?" he asked. I nodded a big smile prominent on my face as well. He chuckled, and offered me his arm. I kissed his cheek and whispered: "I love you dad." He smiled even bigger, and whispered back: "Love you too Bells," before we started to decent the stairs in the big Cullen house. We agreed on having it in the Cullens back yard, since it's so big and beautiful. I focused very hard on the steps I had to decent in these shoes. I could hear Rosalie playing the wedding march. The piano is Edward's. He plays for me at every chance he got. And I love it. He wrote a lullaby. My lullaby. He would play it every time he saw I was sad, or stressed. It always made me happy, and so moved. And he knew it. It always resulted in a heavy make-out session, which often ended in the bedroom naked.

That image of Edward distracted me, so I didn't even realise I was on the last step of the stair. I made an inner happy dance. I did it! Then I looked up, and saw the most amazing sight. Edward wearing a tux, standing next to a priest, waiting for me. Since I saw his face the first time looked at me concerned, I had that dream every night, and now it was not a dream, it was my life.

He smiled a breathtaking smile at me, and I could see the tears forming in his eyes. I gave him the same big smile back, and could feel the tears in my eyes as well. Charlie chuckled to himself, but I was far too caught up in Edward to care. I almost ran to him, but Charlie gave me a stern look, sensing my train of thoughts. I smiled sheepishly at him, and then returned my gaze to Edward. Not long after, Charlie put my hand in Edward's, with a big smile. At this point, a few stray tears went down my cheeks. Edward wiped my tears away, and we faced the priest.

The ceremony was perfect, and so were our vows. At the end, I had tears streaming down my face, and even Edward let a few tears fall, even though I could see he tried to fight them. When the ceremony was over, and a photographer took a couple of pictures, Edward grabbed my arm, and took me to his old room. He shut and locked the door. He led me to the bed, and hovered over me. "I've wanted to do this since I saw you coming down that aisle," he whispered huskily, and my breath caught. Then his lips were on mine, and every current thought went flying out of my head. His tongue swept over my bottom lip, and I opened for him. We kissed for a good five minutes, and then someone knocked on the door. "Get out here! It's your reception!" Alice scolded through the door. "Two minutes!" Edward yelled, and then started kissing my neck. I groaned, and Alice yelled: "I don't want to know what you're doing in there, but come out soon!" "Sure!" I yelled, not really meaning it. She huffed and stomped away, and I pulled Edward's face back to mine again.

We kept our word, and after making sure we looked just like before, we went to the guests again. Everyone had questions about the rumour of me being pregnant. I confirmed them, with a big smile permanent on my face and on Edward's as well. His hand was on my still flat stomach, but I loved the safety it brought, to know that he was there with me. From time to time he would kiss me on the neck, and I would look even more forward to our honeymoon.

7 months later


"Come on love. You can do it! I love you!" I encouraged my beautiful wife. I winced when another contraction hit her, and she tightened the hold she had on my hand. She looked apologetically at me, and then it went away and was replaced with a glare as she was hit with yet another contraction. "I love you too Edward!" she replied breathlessly. I gave her a smile, and she tried to give me one back. "Just one more push Mrs. Cullen," the nurse told her. Bella smiled at the name, and then pushed. The next sound heard made a big smile break out on my face. A baby crying. My baby crying. Our little baby boy Ethan Anthony Marie Cullen. Bella started crying, and reached one hand to my face to wipe away the tears I didn't notice was streaming down my face before now. "We did it," my wife whispered. I nodded, and put my hand over hers on my cheek. Then the nurse came with Ethan. Bella's smile was as big as the one from our wedding. "Dr. Cullen?" the nurse asked me. "Yes. That's me." I answered, my eyes still glued to my family. "I thought I had seem you before."

Now my life was complete. I had my wife, my son, my family, my dream job and the house I just bought to get us out of our apartment.

And all because of my Volvo. The Volvo change lives, that's for sure!

The end

A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I love you all! Please review on this one as well!