After returning to the base with victory, they all chorused 'we won' with a winning smile.

As they still group hugged together, father of Natsu approached his son and embraced him into a big hug.

"I'm proud of you, son."

Natsu looked at his father, grinning childishly. "You got it, pops."

A reunion of father and son after not seeing each other-in years.

Igneel smirked. "Now you go to her!"


Pair of lips clashed with each other.

Both of them blushed furiously. "Luce.."

"Natsu.." Lucy responded. ".. Ne, Natsu. Do you remember our promise at child?"


Little Lucy brought a thorn made from flowers, beautiful ones. "Natsu! Let's make a promise! When we get older, let's get married!"

Natsu looked at her, chuckling. "Hehe, sure!"

"..Yeah." Natsu said. Then he grinned. "That's a promise, and a promise is a promise, right?"

I'm glad I remembered.


Soft pair of lips met his.

Choruses of congratulations were soon heard.

"Heh. So Lucy finally married Natsu-san." Sting laughed. "Deja vu-ish, I remembered the time when we planned that escape from our own 'wedding'."

Rogue sipped on his tea. "Ah..right, back when you two were supposed to get hitched? Brings back memories."

Sting's lips twitched in annoyance.

"Meh." His comrade chuckled.

".. It's great that they're finally happy. They really do look like they're in love." Rogue coughed, suddenly choking on his tea and looked at Sting in shock.

"Are you being romantic?...What a rare sight."

"...shut up."

"Papa!" A girl with long pink hair, tied into twin tails called out for her papa. Her large onyx eyes blinked as her father scooped her up in his arms, asking what the matter was. She pointed to a woman with long blonde hair, writing without break. "Mama keeps on writing even though I asked her to play with me!"

Mama sighed apologetically and glanced at her.

"Nashi, I'm busy... This is for our family you know."

The father grinned. "You could always take a rest Luce!"

Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Ne, Luce." Natsu chimed in. "Who am I?" The grin on his face making her smile widely.

She never tired of this question.

"Natsu Dragneel, my husband."


Last comments to beta Reader;

Thank you very much for sticking to this crappy story of mine lol. I can't write romance it seems XP So I'll leave it just like this. Thank you for all the hard work you had done. Without you, this story can't go on.I can't thank you enough.

I'm sorry for all the errors I've made, thank you for having the patience with this.

One final word, Thanks.


Last Comments:

Thank you, for putting up with me, I'm sure it must have been annoying to put up with such an inexperienced beta reader. But I am glad you chose me. I'm almost sorry to see this story finished. It was a pleasure to beta it for you, and enjoyed reading as a reader. Me, being as inexperienced as I am, I'm happy my first story to beta was yours. I wish you luck in future stories, and I ask that the readers continue to read Titana_Falls' stories. I know I will!


Last comment to her again; ohgosh my feels, I can't take this anymore ;w; You are too kind to me. Thank you for the wish. And no no, I'm very glad I have a beta reader like you! Thank you very much, my god I'm so crying out of happiness right now ;A;

