Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Legend of Korra

Chapter: 1, The storm

my name is Hazen and I'm traveling towards the northern water-city Aquarius to tr a in with my my best friend and mentor Kira. To strengthen my water-wielding. I have learn the last element water and find the other guardian s. There are four gifted in the world. One is born a fire-breather, they have ability to control fire and it's purer forms. One is born ear th-child, they can control earth and it sub-forms. One is born a water wielder, they can control water and heal people. One is born a air-wielder, they can control the air currents and fly.

I am a air-wielder and I am a guardian. My father is a earth-child and my mother is a air-wielder. My great grandmother was a powerful being known as a Travele r. They guard our worlds and intervene in dire times of need. She was sent by our deity Lady Rana to learn fire-breathing from master Higouta. She also fell in love with my great grandfather and they had 13 children. One of which was my great grandfather Lucas. He later married a girl called Meura, my great grandmother.

My sister Meura and I stoppe d on the top of a mountain, to setup camp for the next three days to restock our supplies. But a I saw a storm coming our way and I knew it would slow us down. I looked to my sister "we'll stop and setup camp here for the next few days" I said.

"Finally!" she exclaimed. "I thought we'd never stop. Because it's been at least two days since we last stopped and rested". She sighed falling backwards in the snow and rolled from side to side laughing.

She finally stopped rolling and made an igloo for us and one for our animals. Then we set to work gathe ring what herbs the mountain provided. Meura took the herbs and food in to the shelter to dry for storage on our trip north. I stood out sid e a little longer to observe the storm longer.

"I don't like the look of that storm. Somethings off about it"I thought looking at the storm.

In another world.

"I don't want to hear it. It's clear you love her more then you loved me" I yelled at Mako. I had caught him kissing Asami while I was looking for Tenzin.


I was looking for Tenzin so I could talk to him about these st range dreams I've been having lately. I heard a noise come from behind me. Curious about the noise I followed it around a corner where I found Mako and Asami.

I froze to the spot. But they had not noticed me yet as I started to move slowly back away. But Mako noticed me backing away from them and broke the kiss and started calling as I ran away. Tears started to roll down my face as I ran from house.

I stopped at the top of a cliff and fell to my knees crying. I wiped the tears off my face and looked at the storm that was going hit the island. It looked bad I had to go back now or I might get in it. I turned

saw Mako had found me.

"Korra I'm so sorry I didn't mean for it to get so far" Mako said

"You didn't mean for what to get so far? What our relationship or your kiss with Asami?" I yelled at him.

He was about to say something when I yelled at him again.

"I don't want to hear it. It's clear you love her more then you loved me" I yelled.

Flashback ends

I turned ran for the cliff edge and jumped off it. Then a strong wind sent me fly back into the cliff side hitting my head on a sharp stone. I started fall hearing Mako screaming my name. That was the last thing I heard before the world went black.

Hazen pov

I woke with a start after having a strange dream. It was a very strange dream in a place that reminded me of the bay in Tartuarus where my oldest sister lived. I looked outside to see if the storm was holding. It was not as strong as it was earlier but it was still going.

"I'm going to check out the area outside Meura" I said grabbing glider-staff and wal king outside.

Using an air-current to open my glider and take off. I flue through the storm thinking about the dream and the girl she reminded me of Kira and yet she was different. Her clothes were made from animal

skins and a strange fabric. While all of this was passing through my head I hadn't noticed the light coming from above m e. Then when I finally saw the light it was starting to fade revealing a person in the center of it.

The person in the light stopped glowing as they started to fall towards the ground below. Realizing this I dived in and created a buffer to stop them from hitting the gro und to hard. After slowing them down enough to keep them becoming just a red spot in the snow. I landed next to the impact crater only to be surprised to find a girl in the center of it.

Upon further inspection I found that she was a water wielder but she wasn't from any village I knew about. Then it clicked she had to be the girl from my dreams. When I finished my inspection of the girl I noticed red staining the snow around her head. Knowing full well what Meura would say when I bring the girl back with me. She was starting to shiver from cold so I rapped her in my bearskin shawl to keep her warm until we reached my camp.

I realized that using my glider would be impossible wi th a unconscious girl in tow. Feeling in my pocket for my spirit whistle to call Tempest to help me get the girl back to camp before the storm gets worse. I used the whistle to call Tempest to my location on the mountain so she could help us get back to camp.

I heard her groan when I put her on Tempest's back. Her eyes opened slightly but I could tell that they were a deep sky blue.

"Mako?" she asked before closing her eyes.

Frowning down at the girl I needed to get her back to Meura. I urged Tempest towards camp. Morph ing into my panther-man form to keep warm as we rode in to camp. Meura had been asleep when I rushed into the shelter with the girl.

"What's going on?" Meura asked groggily.

"This girl fell from the sky while I was flying in the storm. She has a gash o n the back of her head." I said laying the unconscious girl on the table in the middle of our shelter.

My sister started to work on the girl and I sat on my sleeping-bag watching them. After 30 minutes Meura walked over to my corner of the hut.

"She'll live. The head injury was but she had lots of bruises on her back." Meura reported. "The best thing for her is to rest for now."

"When do you think she'll wake up Meura?" I asked.

"Probably two or three hours maybe." She said curling up in her sle eping-bag.

"Okay. Goodnight." I said to Meura.

"Night" She responded.

The big question on my mind was where the girl came from, what her name was and why she was here.

Back at the impact area a nose popped out of the snow. Soon a head emerged from the snow and soon a big dog form stood were a pile of snow was. It had the head, the back legs an d tail of a dog but had the front paws of a polar-bear. Rearing it's head up in the air it started to sniff the for something. It soon found it the scent of her companion and started to fun that direction. She had to find Korra.