Already picked the OC's! Congrats Actiongirl101 and Snowstar98! Yes I added a 7th whatever. Lets start!

It's a regular day in Ignacia village. An old man with a bamboo staff walked down a road to a blacksmith shop. The shop is called Four Weapons. Two people, a boy with auburn hair in a lot of thin spikes and a girl with black hair with a small tuff in the shape of a star, ran the shop. The boy was working on a sword.

"To forge the perfect weapon, you first need the right metal and plenty of heat. Cool it off and.. PRESTO!" The boy says, dunking the sword into a bucket of water but comes back curled," Aww."

"Haha. You made it too quickly Seth. Be patient. If father was still was still here he'd say-"The girl spoke

"I know. No matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn overnight. That may work for you Kaya, but I'm gonna be a better blacksmith than dad ever was." Seth said. (Okay I'm tired already of "old man") Sensei walked up to the shop

"Hmm… Your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down, Useless in the art of stealth." Sensei said

"All tools for a samurai. But nothing for a ninja?" Sensei asked

"Ninja?" Seth chuckled, "Heh. You're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts old man. And the shop is called "Four Weapons" not "For Browsing". Either by something or go peddle your insults somewhere else." Seth said a little coldly.

"Ha. Too bad. I thought I'd find something special here" Sensei walked away without the two noticing.

"If its something special you're looking for," Seth picked up a helmet," Let me…"

"What is it?" Kaya asked

"He was just… Forget it." Seth said, putting down the helmet

Right at that moment, dark purple clouds swarmed in from over a hill. A skeleton monster truck and several skeleton bikes appear on the hill. In the truck are Knuckal, Kruncha and their leader Samukai.

"Oo! Oo! Oo! Let me go first please! Oh Please! I'm dying to go down there!" Knuckal pleaded

"You Nitwit! You're already dead. Try to control yourself in front of Master Samukai. Ahem. Uh with all due respect, last time you did say that I could go first hehe." Kruncha said(Honestly, I don't know how these guys became generals. They're really dumb)

"Sorry boys this one is mine. Just remember what we're after and find that map. ATTACK!" Samukai yelled. All of them drove and surrounded the blacksmith.

"What are they?" Kaya asked

"I don't know. Stay here." Seth said putting on armor and stepping out of the shop.

Seth starts to battle them, swinging his sword at the skeletons and kicked a head that bit his leg. Kaya sneaks up on two skeletons and whacks them with her own bamboo staff.

"I thought I told you to stay back." Seth said, slashing at more skeletons, Kaya joins her brother

"And what? Let you have all the fun!" Kaya responds as the duo continues to battle. Kuckal and Kruncha sneak into the shop while Seth and Kaya were pre-occupied. The two begin to search the shop but Knuckal doesn't do anything but look at a shield.

"Your're not looking hard enough." Kruncha throws a helmet at Knuckal

"Ow! You're not looking hard enough!" Knuckal retaliates with a helmet and the two down a slap fight. Kruncha punches Knuckal into a wall which causes the sign to fall down, still connected to the building. Behind it is a map. The two stop they're fighting when they see it.

"A MAP!" The two exclaim

Seth slashes away one more skeleton before facing Samukai. Seth initially laughs until Samukai reveals his four arms armed with daggers. Samukai knocks Seth's sword from his hand and kicks him to the ground. Samukai spins his daggers with the intent on killing Seth.

"NINJAGO!" A gold tornado whacks Samukai away from Seth. The tornado slows and stops revealing Sensei Wu.

"Sensei Wu! Your spinjitzu looks rusty." Samukai said

"Nothing like bone to sharpen its edge Samukai" Sensei snaps back

Samukai sees Seth struggle to get up under the heavy armor he's wearing, then the wooden tower. With a chuckle, Samukai throws his weapons to Sensei. Sensei dodges the blades and the daggers hit the leg of the tower. As it begins to fall to Seth, Sensei quickly uses spinjitzu to get Seth out of the way.

Samukai jumps back onto the monster truck, "Lord Garmadon says take the girl!"

"Lord Garmadon!?" Sensei says in shock after getting up.

Kruncha activates a bone claw which grabs Kaya who was still fighting the skeleton.

"Kaya!" Seth shouts as Kaya is drawn onto the truck. The skeleton drive away as Seth runs to try and catch up but is too slow," They took Kaya."

"I told you. Useless." Sensei said, tapping Seth's helmet

"Argh! You could have done something! Y-You could have used your twistitzu or your- your-" Seth says in anger

"Spinjitzu." Sensei corrects

"But you did nothing. I'm gonna get my sister back." Seth walks off

"Where they go, a mortal cannot. That was Samukai, King of the Underworld. And if its true that he's carrying out orders for Lord Garmadon, then I fear things that are far worse than I had ever thought." Sensei said

"Lord Garmadon?! Underworld?! What's going on? What do we have that's so important to them and why would they take my sister!?" Seth asked a bit angry

"What's so important? How about everything in Ninjago itself." Sensei says

Sensei Wu:

A Scene where one person starts the creation of Ninjago

Long before time had a name, Ninjago was created by the first Spinjitzu master by using the 7 weapons of spinjitzu (I know its four but there are 7 ninjas here so I have to extend. And I'm sticking to four arms, I don't want a human centipede)

The weapons are shown in the air one by one

The Scythe of Quakes

The Nunchucks of Lightning

The Shurikens of Ice

The Sword of Fire

The Daggers of Light

The Whip of Water


The Bow of Storms

The father disappears and two young boys are seen

Weapons so powerful that no mortal, no one can handle all of their power at once, let alone the four main weapons. When he passed away, his two sons swore to protect them. But the oldest was consumed by darkness, and wanted to possess them.

The two boys fought and the now grey boy fell into an abyss

A battle between brothers broke out and the oldest was struck down and Banished to the Underworld.

The youngest is mediating in a peaceful forrest

Peace returned and the younger brother hid the weapons. But knowing his brother's relentless ambition for power, he placed a guardian to protect them. And for fear of his own demise, a map for an honest man to hide.

"That honest man was your father. The older brother is Lord Garmadon, And I need to find those weapons before he does." Sensei finished

"Y-You're the younger brother? Then you came here looking for the map?" Seth asked

"No. I came for something greater. You. Since my brother cannot enter this realm, Its obvious he's struck a deal with Samukai. If he were to collect either the four main weapon or all of them, even I will not be able to stop him again. But you, you have the fire inside. And I will train you to harness it. Use it. Become a spinjitzu master" Sensei said

"Look. I'm flattered that you think I'm all that. But I gotta save my sister. I'm not getting involved in your sibling rivalry." Seth begins to walk away but is quickly tackled by Sensei

"Haha. Clumsy of you. You were not even ready to face my pinkie toe. If you want to get your sister back, you must control the fire that burns inside. Only when you become a spinjitzu master will you be able to face Lord Garmadon" Sensei says

"Okay. Then when do we start." Seth asks

The nesk day(I think because the dark clouds were no longer there), Seth was climbing the back side of a mountain to a building with a lot of difficulty while Sensei does it with ease.

"How long is this training gonna be?" Seth asks when he finally reaches the top, "Aren't we in a little bit of a rush since they have the map?"

"Patience." Sensei replies

Sensei opens the doors to an empty courtyard with a small dragon statue in the middle. Sensei walks in while Seth stands by the entrance

" You will be ready when you are ready. Not a minute sooner" Sensei says

"*pant pant* A monastery? You expect me to learn how to fight in a place of peace?" Seth said

"Not fight. Train. To become a true ninja, first you must be able to see what others do not." Sensei said

"But there's nothing here." Seth said

Sensei lightly taps the post of a little dragon statue, which then falls backward, still hinged, revealing a small red button(DON'T TOUCH THE BUTTON! hehe). Sensei presses the button which causes some training equipment to pop up.

"Woah. Is this gonna teach me to do that cool move?" Seth asks in excitement. He then jumps onto one of the posts, jumps again to face Sensei, then the post sinks into the floor.

"Oh dear.' Sensei says before Seth is flung off, falls onto the dragon statue before landing on the floor. Seth looks up to see Sensei sitting down with a tea set next to him.

"Complete the course before I finish my tea. Then we will see if you are ready." Sensei said, pouring some tea into a cup

Sensei then drinks the cup quickly while Seth is still on the ground

"Today you failed." Sensei says before jumping inside the monastery, Tomorrow you will try again"

"FAILED?! But I didn't start to-" Seth said until the doors close

"Patience" Sensei said

The next few days, Seth slowly improves on each course but fails every time by something that catches him off guard. On the fourth day(or fifth I'm not sure) Seth manages to complete the course in time by knocking the tea cup out of Sensei hands half way through the course.

"Was that one sugar or two." Seth says. Sensei gets up and begins to walk into the monastery

"So. Am I gonna learn this spinjitzu I've been hearing about?" Seth asks

"You already have. Your final test comes tomorrow" Sensei replies before the doors close," My advice is to get some sleep"

Later that night in the training grounds, 6 black garbed figures sneak through the building without waking Sensei Wu up. The figures make their way to where Seth was brushing his teeth.

"My advice, is to get some sleep" Sensei's words reminisce in Seth's mind

"Oh yeah? Well take this! And this!" Seth starts to wave his brush around forcefully while each of the figure's land in the room without making a sound, "And This!" Seth then spins around, when he stops, he's face to face with a scythe wielding figure. The others surround him. Two of the figures have ponytails sticking out of their masks. One is blue and bushy while the other is brown and messy.