Using the Fourth Hokage's famed technique, Naruto modified her father's seal. With Kakashi sacrificing his life to give his wayward student the chance to correct his mistakes, what will Sasuke do when he was forcefully sent back in time? Will he decide to alter history and save his clan especially the girl who sacrificed her life to save his soul? This is Uchiha Sasuke's road to redemption. Non yaoi. Sasuke-centric.


Standard disclaimer applies! Naruto and company are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.




Flashback "talking"

"Bijuu talking"

'Bijuu thinking'



A Raven's Song
By: Zelga Lim Li


Chapter 5 – Carpe Diem

It's been seven years since a young man from the future came.

With him is the knowledge that changed Namikaze Minato's life and those whom he made contact with.

Minato doesn't want to forget his memories. The sacrifices he made to the people he loved and cherished. Smiling briefly, the Yondaime Hokage wore his hat and walked away from the stone obelisk.

A few changes were made to the monument.

'I can't believe he even had the audacity to make a list…' Sighing for the quirk of fate bestowed upon him, the Namikaze took a scroll from his robe. "Let's see…" Taking a quick peek, the Fourth scrunches his face in apprehension and horror.

"You got to be kidding me…"


Some hidden training ground…

Itachi has trained continuously for the past two hours. His sparring partner was already beaten fifteen times if the constant cursing was not clear enough. Chuckling under his breath, the clan heir knew that if the said person has his way, he would probably burn him into a crisp.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Shisui doesn't have a choice. The Weasel knew a very valuable information that might ruin his cousin's life. Something that his cousin would do anything to make sure that it won't be discovered. If a few people knew, Shisui would drop dead to the ground, literally.

Thus a permanent training partner and dummy for Uchiha Itachi was made available.

"All right, let us rest a bit…" Itachi said gladly.

"Fuck you Itachi! May you rot in hell for all eternity!" Shisui exclaimed indignantly while nursing his wounded arm.

"It's just a scratch. Don't be such a crybaby." Itachi replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You almost broke my arm." The older Uchiha yelled furiously as he glared murderously at him. "And I thought you are not allowed to use that blasted technique. You damn well know it's forbidden…" Regaining his composure to avoid further conflict, Shisui sulked.

"You are right, Amaterasu is strictly forbidden. At least my eyes did not bleed this time."

"If Mikoto-sama knew you used that flames, she is going to get you grounded… that's for sure…"

"Mother wouldn't know unless someone told him, am I right, Shisui-kun?" With that is the facial expression that a certain wood element user liked to use to be 'friendly' with his subordinates. Around Itachi, his aura seems to darken and slowly it creeps Shisui to the center of his own being.

The older Uchiha gulped back as he nodded helplessly. Blaming the injustice of life, his tears streaked relentlessly.

"Oh Kami-sama, why did you forsake me!" Shisui cried like a drowned kitten while staring up to the heavens.

"Why would the Kami forsake you?" Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato asked as he appeared above the trees in a swirl of leaves.

"Hokage-sama." Itachi bowed respectfully. Glancing at Shisui, the younger Uchiha noticed that his cousin's color paled considerably. "You must have met my cousin Shisui…"

"H-hello, Ho-Hokage-sama… I-it's a p-pleasure to f-finally m-meet y-you," Shisui stuttered nervously. He is starting to sweat bullets.

Laughing inwardly, Itachi tried to hide his laughter by coughing. Shisui shot him a 'don't you dare betray me' look.

"Itachi, I did told you to rest, haven't I?" Minato shakes his head disapprovingly. "And don't you even argue with me about your duties and such… Even though you are an ANBU captain, you are still a kid…" The blonde gave him a quick and meaningful look. Itachi is still wearing his ANBU uniform and there are a few gashes on his arms. Minato knew that Itachi hardly ever get any injuries on his missions. But glancing around the area… it told a different story. The other one is also covered in bruises and one nasty burn. Poor kid.

The clan heir was about to defend himself but the Fourth scowled at him. Sighing in surrender, the Weasel started to collect his things.

Behind him, Minato heard the other boy mumbling his relief.

Much to Shisui's discomfort and Itachi's amusement, the Yondaime took the said teenager to the hospital so that his wounds would be treated.

"Well then, off we go…" Minato smiled.

"Are we going somewhere?" Itachi asks curiously.

"I need to speak with your father," the Yondaime replied as he acknowledges the villagers that greeted them on their walk. The two went straight ahead to the Uchiha district.

"Otou-san?" (1)

Itachi's eyes shone in worry but Minato sniggered as he put his arms around the young shinobi. The clan heir might be the youngest ANBU captain in Konoha's history, but Itachi-kun is still a boy according to his books.

"Don't worry a single thing, kiddo…" Ruffling Itachi's hair, the Yondaime smiled widely as the boy scowled. Itachi doesn't want the others especially him to treat him as such. "It's just a friendly chat… that's all…"


Uchiha district, main house…

Two of the most prominent men in Konoha sat in front of one another. The dark haired clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku, stares impassively at his guest, the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

Mikoto rolled her eyes as the tension unexpectedly grew. Well, the strain is clearly visible on her husband's part while the blonde remained calm and… wait… is Minato, nervous?

"Thanks so much," the blonde said his gratitude as his wife's best friend hand him his tea.

"Is something wrong with Kushina?" Mikoto asks worriedly. Ever since the Namikaze learned that Kushina is carrying their second child, the Hokage is a bit of a wreck, worrying over such trivial things. Looks like the blonde still hasn't recovered from the trauma called 'childbirth'.

Flushing, the Yondaime scratches his head. "Kushina? No, she's fine…" Grinning with a crazed expression on his face remembering his lovely redhead, Minato smiled wider. Fugaku had the urge to roll his eyes seeing the blonde. He wasn't this crazy when learned the he is going to be a father again. Thinking about it, he did handle it well.

"I assume this visit is neither about the council nor the village's safety, am I correct, Hokage-sama?" The clan head asks stoically.

Mikoto winces as she heard her queue and decides to leave these men. Surely, Minato can handle himself well in favor of her husband. Fugaku tends to be a bastard at times. She exited wordlessly and slides the door activating the seal of privacy.

She almost drops her tray when she saw Itachi in the middle of the hall. Standing behind him is her youngest son Sasuke. Tugging along is the Yondaime's daughter, Naruto, who seems to be her son's extended mouthpiece whenever the said boy decided not to talk. Which is most of the times.

"Kyuu-chan smelled dad, is he here?" The girl asks cheerfully, mentioning her most trusted companion that seems to take a liking to his new form. The nine tailed demon fox was able to maintain his physical body but all of his chakra was sealed inside the blonde.

And the said girl is covered in bruises. Again.

Clucking her tongue in frustration, Mikoto motions them to follow. "You two… Are you training again?"

"She/ He started it!" The two in question points at one another with the usual glare and the hissing (on Naruto's part) and some other expletives (the girl never ran out of descriptive names for Sasuke). Itachi recalled at one time, that it is their 'endearment' to one another.

"TEME! You bastard!"

"Hn. You are such a DOBE!"

Mikoto and Itachi both sighed in aggravation.

"Stop it, you two…" Mikoto started to clean Naruto's wounds but they are already healing up. Instances like this; the Uchiha matriarch is thankful for the Kyuubi and proceeded in scolding Sasuke for injuring his best friend who just shrugged his shoulders dismissively.

From the corner of her eyes, Mikoto saw her sons glancing at their father's study. "I forgot to pick up the groceries at Tsubame's. Would the two of you be kind enough to take them for me?" She asks Sasuke. Diversion is not necessary but knowing her youngest and his perception to such things, Mikoto took the initiative to drive him away.

"Sure," Sasuke complied without questions and went out of the house dragging Naruto with him who stumbled reluctantly and said her goodbyes.

"See ya later! We'll be back soon."

Mikoto took a sigh of relief as she heard the two who carry on with their argument loudly outside. She went to sit by the lanai, fanning herself.

"I still don't understand why you always send those two away every time Hokage-sama went here to talk my father." Itachi asks.

Knowing that she couldn't lie to her eldest son, Mikoto decided to play safe by asking him to do his chores. She was hoping to divert his attention as well but… Itachi already anticipated it and frowned at her.

"Kaa-san?" (2)

Mikoto started to sweat bullets. "W-well, I…"

"Is it about the unknown Uchiha that appeared here seven years ago?"

The Uchiha matriarch paled at the said mention. She forgot that Itachi is very sensitive and if she said something inappropriate he could…

"I know who he is, mother. There is no reason for you to hide it from me… I was the first one who met him… remember?" Itachi recalled. "…That young man that came here… He is my brother Sasuke who came from the future."

"W-when did you find out? How long did you… know out about this?" Mikoto asks wearily.

Itachi sighed and went to sit beside his mother. "I was there when he 'left'." Looking around the garden, the clan heir smiled serenely. One of the few that Mikoto has the privilege to see.

Uchiha Itachi rarely shows his emotions. But whenever he is with his mother, the Namikazes and especially his younger brother Sasuke… Itachi lets them see the real him.

Because they are his most precious people.


Shaking his head to clear some of his thoughts, Itachi stood and kissed his mother. "I'll be at the training grounds if you need me. I promised those two that I would teach them how to properly throw a shuriken." He gave one last glance to his father's private study and disappears in a shunshin leaving Mikoto in a bemused expression.

Mikoto released a few panicky breaths, it was what Fugaku and Minato saw when they went out of the room.

"Honey? Is there something wrong?" Fugaku worriedly approaches her. Minato went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"It's nothing… really," Mikoto replied weakly as she took the glass Minato handed her.

"Umm, I sensed the kids earlier. Where are they now?" The Yellow Flash turns around searching for his princess.

"I asked Sasu-chan to pick up some groceries. Naruto accompanied him as usual."

Nodding, the Yondaime glances at Fugaku. Shrugging his shoulders frivolously, the Uchiha clan head ignored the blonde.

"Mikoto, what happened?"


"Darn it! I told them to stay put… when did those kids ever listen…" From afar, one would think that the voice belongs to a talking animal summon. The four legged creature happens to be a red fox. Not as big as the Inuzuka's giant dogs or a regular sized one.

"Kyuubi-san?! I never expected to see you here…" Minato greeted the newcomer. Ever since that day, the two became somewhat friends. Sort of.

The demon appeared in red flames, about the size of a human adult. "Blondie." Kyuubi acknowledges the Hokage, a polite nod for Mikoto and an annoying smirk for Fugaku.

The clan head frowned at the sight of his teasing.

Minato's face scrunches in disgust. "You are as bad as Naru-chan. I am your Hokage, for crying out loud. Have some little respect …"

Scoffing, the fox sat on his hinds legs and sighed reluctantly. "Don't make me laugh. YOU are a blonde and an airheaded fool… according to your wife's words…"

"That's not true!" The Namikaze whined helplessly.

Fugaku is starting to have a migraine. "If the two of you would argue, I strongly suggest that you do it outside the premises, presumably, outside the Uchiha district. I just had the repairs done from the destruction your daughter brought to my house…"

"It was an accident," Minato sighed in sympathy. "She is still having a hard time controlling that technique."

"And I still don't understand why you taught your seven year old daughter, who barely cope with her studies in the Academy, a class A jutsu…" Kurama muttered disparagingly while shaking his head. "…You really are pathetic."

"He doesn't even disciplines her…" Fugaku added disdainfully. "What kind of a father is Namikaze Minato?"

Looking at the two who continues to berate him, the Yondaime turns to Mikoto and secretly asks for her help.

Mikoto already recovered from her encounter with Itachi and laughs quietly at Minato's helpless expression. "Stop it you two… Stop making fun of the Hokage."

"Ah, that's right. I have to get back… I've been away for too long." Minato hit his fist on his other hand's open palm, chuckling nervously. Saying his goodbyes, the Fourth Hokage disappears in a flash.

"Well… that's my signal…" Stretching leisurely, the fox stood on fours and left the Uchiha couple with an amusing grin. "…Though I hate to leave you two, I have to find the brats…" With a slight wink, Kurama fade away from his own flames. "…Make sure that they stay out of trouble…"

Fugaku palmed his face in relief at the demon's departure. "Finally, they are gone…"

"Oh will you stop it…" Mikoto pouted, "We rarely got some visitors… and I am glad that they stopped by to see us…"

"Perhaps…" Fugaku spoke thoughtfully.

"What did the two of you talked about?" Mikoto inquired with a quirked eyebrow.

The Uchiha clan head smiled softly at his wife and kissed her forehead lovingly. "Nothing to worry about. Just a couple of instructions left by that boy…"

"Um…" Mikoto hesitates. Should she tell him?

"What is it?"

"I think we should talk to Itachi…" The Uchiha matriarch said gently while twiddling with her fingers.

"What do you mean?" Fugaku asks.

"He knew who that boy is…" Mikoto glances at her husband. "Minato must have forgotten to tell us that the two already met…"

Fugaku said nothing as minutes passed by.


"We should have faith in him…" Fugaku placed a firm hand on his wife's shoulders. "He wouldn't reveal himself if he knew that it will confuse or hurt his older brother…"


"He never stopped fighting… he even fought his own demons and win victoriously. Eventually, he found his own path. Somewhere he belongs…" The Uchiha clan head commented with pride. "I think someone thought him how to never give up…"

Thinking about the present, Fugaku have his doubts. He had this nagging feeling that the coming days would be troublesome. Raising one brow at the thought, the clan head smirked. Looks like the other clans of Konoha already influenced him so to speak.

"I guess you are right." Heaving a tired breath, Mikoto finally relented. There is no point in worrying. If it weren't for him, they wouldn't be here in the first place.

Because of him, they were given a second chance in life. The chance to correct their past mistakes.

With her family by her side… and everyone from the Uchiha clan, they will live their lives to the fullest… with no regrets and hidden skeletons.

It was a new beginning.


Atop the Hokage Monument… two figures sat side by side, their body almost touching. If a certain blonde would see them now, he will definitely freak out.

"Ne? Why are we here again?" A bored voice asked for nth time.

"Hn." A grunt answered back. It wasn't really a reply the other was waiting for but knowing the owner of the said voice, she's lucky he even responded.

"Are we supposed to pick up the groceries? Your mother said so…"

"She already bought those things home yesterday morning." Came another dull reply. "Kaa-san just wanted us out of the house…"

The owner of the other voice rolls her cerulean blue eyes in contemplation. "If that's the case, then what are we doing here instead of training?"

Twin black orbs took a sideway glance at the girl sitting beside him. Sasuke knew that Naruto is not the type of girl that his father would approve of.


Smirking, the Uchiha pulled one of Naruto's pigtails.

"Ouch!" Snarling, the girl swatted Sasuke's hands and tried to punch the boy. However the Raven is quick and was able to use Naruto's force against her own accidentally dragging the Uzumaki on top of him.

"Hah! Serves you right…" Naruto cackled.

"I should have brought a camera…" Kurama sniggered when he appeared out of the blue. "…The Habanero would have loved this… Priceless."

"What are you talking about, Kyuu-chan?" The blonde asks.

The fox pointed at their position and Naruto found herself in a very compromising situation… something that would definitely shock her father to the highest level. She found herself straddling Sasuke in a very awkward position.

Turning beet red, Naruto scampered away from the Uchiha. To cover her embarrassment, the Uzumaki yelled loudly and ran towards the trees swearing colorful profanities that made the two winced.

Kurama gave a loud and boisterous laugh that echoed all throughout. From the background, Naruto snarled back in response. Sasuke sighed.

"Very subtle, kit… Should have seen that one coming…"

"Yeah, nice timing you got there, old fox…" The boy answered in a monotone ignoring Kurama's lingering chuckle. A couple of seconds passed by, Sasuke went back in observing the view beneath him.

Konohagakure, the village hidden among the leaves.

"If you want her all to yourself, you could have said so… I wouldn't mind…" Amusement twinkled in Kurama's red eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous…"

"Yeah right… whatever you say kit, whatever you say…"

Uchiha Sasuke smiled briefly and let the afternoon wind comfort him. "Were you able to hear them?"

The fox scoffed, "As far as I can remember, my most important purpose in life is to ensure the brats safety… nothing else." Raising one brow, Sasuke turned and faced the demon in his most stoic expression. "Don't give me that look… Just because you changed the course of history doesn't mean I have to follow your every demands…"

"To be honest, I really don't exactly remember… those demands…" Sasuke replied. "That's why I want… I mean, a favor… I asked for a favor from you. You are the only one who could spy on them…" The Raven explained. Shaking his head in exasperation, Kurama scratched his head.

"Perhaps it is best to let the adults handle the situation. Its their job now." The nine-tailed demon commented after wrapping his tails around himself. He just found a nice spot to take a nap. "You have done your part. No need to bother yourself with such petty things… Don't waste this chance to live the life that you… the two of you deserves…"

"You really think so?" Sasuke asked curiously.

"Let me remind you, kit… You are now a seven-year-old boy, not the seventeen-year-old war veteran slash former traitor slash former Avenger that came back from the future to correct your so called 'mistakes'…"

Sasuke crossed his arms and scowled at the fox. "I get it. No need to point the obvious…" Glancing behind the demon for any sign of Naruto, the boy lowered down his voice. "I just want to make sure that their sacrifices were not wasted…"

Rolling his eyes in amusement, Kurama pursed his muzzle in a complacent smirk. "You Uchihas are really pathetic. More so than that airheaded blonde…"

Sasuke stood and shove his hands into his pocket. "This is the life that I wanted Naruto to have…" Watching the village from below, the boy added that made the fox smile in return. "The life that was forcefully taken from her… and from me." Sighing, the Uchiha brushed a few strands of hair away from his eyes.

"Yeah…" Kurama conceded. One of these days, he might have the need to talk to Minato and Fugaku. He never expected that Sasuke would regain his future memories until the day he was sent back seven years ago.

It could be troublesome and might affect the boy's current life.

As if reading what the fox is thinking, Sasuke shook his head. "Don't even bother, Kyuu-sama…" The boy crouched down, fiddling with some dirt to preoccupy himself. "To make my current existence simpler, I tried to erase those memories but every time I do that, I woke up the next day remembering everything…"

Sasuke sat and let his legs dangle by the Fourth Hokage's head. "I even ask my brother Itachi to help me… however, after our fifth attempt, he concluded that those memories were already a part of me… and can never be erased…"

"I see…" Understanding lit his eyes, Kurama tried to make his own assumptions. "I guess, travelling back in time have unforeseen repercussions… Be that as it may, only time would tell if you are ready to move on with your life and seize the coming days… What do you think, Sasuke-kun?"

"I think so…" Trying his best to give in, Sasuke shrugged indifferently.

"Hey you two!" Naruto shouted from afar. "I'm starving… Lets head back to Ichiraku's and grab something to eat…"

"You are always hungry, dobe… that's nothing new…" The Uchiha commented sarcastically, Kurama nodded in affirmation.

"Very funny, you guys… come on… Itachi-nii might be waiting already. He did promised that he will teach us something new, right?" Naruto pouted and crossed her arms while stomping her right foot. The Uzumaki approaches them in a hurry.

"Ah, I almost forgot about him…" Sasuke frowned pensively.

"Riiight…" Naruto muttered and drag the Uchiha down the steps. "Are you coming, Kyuu-chan?"

Kurama ignored them and proceeded to sleep. Sasuke rolled his eyes in amusement. "I think he needs to take his much needed beauty sleep…"

"He's just being lazy…" Naruto stick her tongue out at the fox as she flips her hair. "Come on, teme, I'm hungry!" The Uzumaki walks ahead while skipping all the way down the steps.

Sasuke chuckled and followed her down. Leaving one last look at the fox, he saw Kurama peering from the corner of his eyes.

"Traitor." Sasuke whispered to himself knowing that the demon heard it loud and clear. Kurama really isn't a fan of Naruto's enormous appetite for ramen and every time he had the chance, the fox passes the opportunity to watch the girl fill her never-ending stomach. The fox grinned naughtily at him.

While on their way to Ichiraku's, Sasuke watches his blonde hops cheerfully before him. The boy smiled secretly to himself.

For everything that he's been through, Sasuke thinks that he really did a job well done.

Yes… Everything was worth it.


Epilogue – Homecoming

Uchiha Obito hated his very existence.

Why? Because he is so weak.

He never expected that he would wake up one day in the same position that he was in a few years ago. The day he pushed Kakashi to save his pathetic life.

The same day he gave him his own eyes thinking that he would be able to protect Rin.

Contemplating, Obito knew that a few days from now, the same fate would happen to the girl he loves.

Taking this chance, he knew that he would not let Rin die. Even if he has to sacrifice Kakashi's life… or his own.

At this very moment, he still has the purity of his heart… before it was tainted by anguish, despair and hatred. So he will use this opportunity… to make sure that Rin would be safe.

The old man who calls himself Madara sat on his throne, sleeping. Once again, he infused his body with the First Hokage's cells and it slowly mended his broken bones.

Planning to himself, he cannot waste this time to sit around and do nothing. The memories he had in the future would be enough.

"Hey, old man…" Obito called out and walks toward Madara. "I know you're awake… I need to ask you something…"

"What do you want?" Madara opens his eyes, eyeing him wearily.

Good. He knew that something was different in him. He didn't react badly like the first time he found out that he is still alive and was stuck in this hole.

"What do you think would you do if you knew that you have the chance to make things right?"

"What are you talking about?" Madara asks suspiciously.

Sighing tiredly, Obito looks up and stares at the demonic statue that contains the Juubi's body.

He was sent back in this time so that he could change his own destiny. Rewrite it according to what his heart truly desires.

It was all because of that boy.

He never knew that his nephew experienced something similar. Thinking about it, who could have sent Sasuke back in that time to stop him?

"Let us just say that I had a vision…" Smiling furtively, Obito bended his one good knee and faced his decrepit of an ancestor. Activating his Sharingan, the Uchiha smiled, "…A vision that would change the path that I am about to take…"


Somewhere between the borders of Iwagakure and Kirigakure…

Hatake Kakashi felt that something is wrong. It feels like déjà vu. Behind him, Rin was panting heavily. She went missing a few weeks ago. When he learned that she was taken hostage in this village and used as some part of an experiment, he begged on his knees to the newly appointed Hokage to let him rescue her.

Namikaze Minato does not want to agree at first but knowing him…

He will never forgive himself if something bad happens to her. He promised Obito that he will protect her with his life.

One by one, ninjas from Kiri started to move towards them.

"K-kakashi…" Nohara Rin called weakly. She had undergone a couple of experiments that made her valuable to Kiri in hopes of using her to destroy their enemies. "Y-you have to run…"

"No! I won't leave you behind…" Kakashi snapped.

"No you shouldn't…" A Kiri ninja said amusingly. "Because if you do leave her… she'll experience more pain that she have no other choice but to wish for death…" Flicking a kunai, he motioned the others to start their attack.

Snarling madly, Kakashi pushed Rin away and attacked thoughtlessly. Reinforcements are about to come and buying them time would cause him to give everything that he has. He is still yet to master the eyes Obito gave him but he will not let his sacrifice turn into waste.

Protecting Rin is all that matters.

However, the Kiri-nin chuckled and Kakashi cursed inwardly. He fell into his trap.

"Kakashi!" Rin shouted worriedly.

The Hatake couldn't move his limbs. His Chidori danced around his fingertips, inches away from the enemy's face.

"Seems like you have forgotten a few things, Hatake Kakashi…" The Kiri-nin commented dully. "In the village hidden among the Mist, we control the water…" Eyes gleaming evilly, he redirected Kakashi to face Rin.

'Damn it! I can't move, he's controlling me…' Kakashi gritted his teeth. He saw Rin moves towards him. In alarm, he shouted her to run away. But knowing Rin…

"I won't leave you behind," Rin said in a determined voice.

"Shit! Go away, Rin!" Kakashi tried to stop his arms but seems like his body started to have a mind of its own. "Run!"

"So this is what happens that day… interesting…"

Rin took a step back when a cloaked figure appears out of nowhere. However, his voice…

"Who are you?" The Kiri-nin asks in alarm. According to their intel, Konoha's back up would come at a later time. So who the hell is this guy?

Kakashi's eyes widen. That voice… it couldn't be…

His face is partly hidden by a hood; the newcomer looks around the battlefield, assessing the situation.

"Looks like we are surrounded…" He mumbled to himself. "…Nevertheless, I won't let any of you touch Rin…"

Kakashi falls to his knees, looking astounded. His tears started to fall. "O-obito…" He breathes reverently.

Rin couldn't believe her eyes. Like Kakashi, her tears started to streak relentlessly. She covered her mouth with one hand, trying to prevent her sobs from escaping. Hesitantly, she raised one hand, trying to reach him.


Turning to face her, Obito lets his cloak fall to reveal his face. Smiling, he took Rin's hand. Using his Sharingan, he sends the girl to another dimension. Somewhere safe.

"Damn you!" The Kiri ninja shouted furiously. He quickly grabs Kakashi and pointed his kunai near his jugular. "Where is she?"

Ignoring him, Obito shook his head as he faced his 'former' teammate. Kakashi is such a mess.

Former? The Uchiha chuckled as he took as step towards the Kiri-nin who drags Kakashi with him. "Where did I take her?" Using his Mangekyou, Obito smiled widely. "That is for me to know and for you to find out…"

Hoping that his sudden appearance won't affect Kakashi's genius intellect, Obito signaled him to do their much-practiced formation. He almost smiled in nostalgia, Minato-sensei would be proud.

"Chidori!" Kakashi lets his technique envelopes him, using his own body as a conductor to redirect the current towards the enemy. Electrocuted, the Kiri-nin drops him immediately. The others took a safe distance away from them, feeling weary of the newcomer.


"This isn't the right time for questions Kakashi…" Obito extended his arm towards the Hatake. "This time, let us fight together… for Rin…"

Nodding resolutely, Kakashi took his hand.

That day, aside from the Yellow Flash, Kirigakure included one Uchiha Obito and one Hatake Kakashi to their flee on sight lists.


Konoha… a few days later…

Mikoto couldn't stop herself from fidgeting. From her side, Naruto amusingly elbowed Sasuke who looks like he was about to drop from the post that he is leaning at.

"Hey, teme!" The Uzumaki whispered to her dark haired pal. "Your mom is starting to panic… Aren't you going to calm her down?"

Scoffing, Sasuke rolled his eyes and went back to his meditation.

"Eh?" Pouting her lips, Naruto tried to tug Sasuke's bangs but Itachi who appeared out of nowhere stopped her.

"Looks like my little brother is handling himself pretty well unlike my mother, hmmm…" Itachi smiled as he patted Naruto on the head.

"You know what, Itachi-nii, most of the times I really don't understand what you are saying…" The Uzumaki frowned as she crossed her arms while tapping her foot. The Weasel chuckled in response as he approaches his mother to calm her down.

"We all thought that Obito-oji is dead…" Sasuke said after a couple of minutes.

"Obito? As in Uchiha Obito of my father's former squad?" Nodding, Sasuke glances at her with that all too familiar expression. For the most part of their daily squabbling, she always notices her best friend staring at her especially when she is not looking. Raising her brow to question him for the millionth time, Sasuke shrugged his shoulders dismissively.

"One day, I am going to force you to tell me everything I needed to know, you bastard!" Naruto yelled as she jabs one finger on Sasuke's chest. Smiling secretively, Sasuke grab Naruto's outstretch hand causing the girl to blush like her childhood pal Hinata.

He was about to retort something back when he senses the approach of a familiar chakra signature. Dragging the blonde behind him, ignoring her outraged hissing, Sasuke waited for 'his' arrival.

Beside him, Itachi took his stance while shielding their mother inconspicuously. Mikoto waited in anticipation.

A few moments later, three Uchihas and an Uzumaki are staring face to face with Team Minato.

Happy to see her surrogate older brother, Naruto tackled Kakashi who looks like he was chased by a couple of crazy fan girls. Giggling happily, she smiled at Rin who waves one hand back. Beside her is an unfamiliar Uchiha who looks at her intently.

Naruto's brows furrowed in concentration. Black hair, check. Pale skin, hmmm, looks like the teme is the only albino in the family. Dark eyes… check. Yep. This guy is definitely an Uchiha.

As she approaches him, Naruto felt Sasuke stilled on his spot, like he was about to snatch her back away from the newcomers. Ignoring him, she extends her hand in greeting.

Out of politeness, Obito took her hand hesitantly.

"Hello. My name is Namikaze Naruto. You must be Uchiha Obito. Dad and Kakashi-nii has been telling great stories about you," the blonde started to grin widely. "Also, Obasan (3) really missed you, ya know…"

Naruto heard a strangled cough from behind; her father must have arrived by now together with his entourage. "Well then…" Smiling cheekily, she put both of hands behind her head. "Welcome back…"

From staring at the blonde, Obito raises his gaze towards everyone and falls on the boy with a peculiar shape of hair. He almost didn't notice his older sister embracing him tightly while Rin is silently crying by his side.

Their eyes meeting, Obito nodded gratefully at the boy as he returned his sister's embrace.

'Yeah… I'm back…'

The End


Author's note:
(1) Otou-san – Father

(2) Kaa-san – Mother

(3) Obasan - Auntie

Carpe Diem – A Latin phrase that translates for 'seize the day'

I really don't know what happened on that particular part because Masashi didn't reveal (yet) the real story behind Rin's death and why Kakashi stabbed her with his Chidori… so I improvised:)

We all know that Obito is a random Uchiha in the Narutoverse but making him Mikoto's younger brother in this story is relevant.

About the current Sasuke, he retained the memories of his future self (who died using the same technique as Kakashi because he sent Obito/ Tobi back), confiding with Itachi to help him with some 'other' stuff. Kurama pointed out possible reasons why Sasuke had the memories of his future self. Consequences of going against time and the natural order of things. Hmmm… I think I needed a more valid point, but you did get my explanation, right?

Anyways, unlike the future Sasuke who came back in time with his physical body, Obito's case is different. Sasuke modified the time travel seal as he sends Obito back with all his memories intact minus a body destroying the seal in the process.

I also did change the timeline of Team Minato's ambush for the continuity of the latter part of this chapter so, that's that…

Well, there you have it… A million thanks to all those who've added this story to their favorite's and alerts list. You all made me cry… *sniff* Thanks a many, guys;)

Don't forget to leave your reviews^^ Suggestions, friendly criticisms and comments on Raven's are very much welcome and appreciated. I would really like what you think of my latest craziness… *wink*

Ah yes, thanks for reading^^

Zelga signing out ~

Ja ne!