She was driving home from a long, hard day of work. It was busy today, they were short staffed because of the holiday's coming up and a lot of people were visiting their relatives out of town.

Monica pulled in the driveway of Ross and Rachel's house to pick up Kaylee. Day's like this when she had to work late, Ross or Rachel would pick her up from day care and bring her to their house until Monica got off and came to pick her up. She got out of the car and walked up to the door. She didn't ring the door bell because she wasn't sure if they were asleep or not; being almost eleven-thirty at night. So she knocked instead. Rachel came to the door, smiled and moved aside to let her in.

"Hey, how was she?" Monica asked barely above a whisper because it was late and she didn't want to wake Emma; Ross and Rachel's eight year old daughter or Nick their six year old son.

"She was prefect. As always." Rachel said in return "I put her down in Emma's room." She said and made her way up stairs, Monica followed close behind.

When they got there they quietly walked in trying not to make a sound. Monica bent down and picked up Kaylee careful not to wake her. She stirred in her mothers arms, wrapped her arms around her neck and went back to sleep.

Monica looked back at Rachel "Thanks again. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Sounds great." Rachel said and followed Monica back down stairs.

"Sorry it was so late, me picking her up. There was so much to do." Monica apologized

"Don't worry about it. Any time, we are here for you. You've been through a lot and we are glad to help." Rachel told her

"Thanks Rach. You're a good friend." Monica said

"Thanks. Now go before she wakes up." Rachel told her

"Okay, bye, I'll see you later." And with that she left

Rachel closed the door behind her and locked it. Then went back upstairs to check on Emma. She saw she was still asleep so she closed the door slowly, and then went to checked on Nick. Finally she made it to her bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

Outside Monica opened up the back door and put Kaylee in her booster seat. "Mommy?" Kaylee mumbled, not opening her eyes

"Yeah baby. We are going to go home now so go back to sleep." She whispered and kissed her on the forehead. Kaylee did as she was told, and Monica shut the door and opened her own, climbed in, buckled up and drove off.

When she got home she took Kaylee out of her seat. She stirred once again then went back to sleep. She made her way inside and up the stairs to Kaylee's room. Monica tucked her in, kissed her on the forehead "Good night Kaylee, sweat dreams." She said quietly, walking out of her room and closing the door behind her.

She made her way back down stairs. She turned the T.V. on but not to loud that it might wake Kaylee. She put on the News and went in the kitchen to get her a cup of tea. When she came back out she watched the News for the weather, like she does every night before bed.

"Snow…snow….snow..." She said to herself. Monica turned off the T.V. and made her way back upstairs, to bed.

The next morning they were running extremely late. Monica was so tired last night that she forgot to set her alarm. She quickly ran around the house trying to get Kaylee ready to take to day care. "Kay, you have to put on your shoes! Mommy is running really late this morning and needs you to hurry and eat your breakfast." So begged while putting in her earrings.

"Mommy, do you work on the weekends like Tyler's mommy does?" Kaylee asked. Tyler was another little girl that went to day care with her.

"No honey why? Monica asked trying to find her keys

"I just wonderin, cause I thought today was Saterday." Kaylee said

"Do you mean Saturday Kay?" Monica asked

"Yeah, that is what I said, Saterday." Kaylee said innocently

Monica just laughed and looked at the calendar that was hanging on the fridge "Oh my gosh! Why didn't you tell me sooner? Hm, hm? Monica said while tickling Kaylee

Kaylee was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe "I'm sorry I just thought it would be funny to watch you go crazy." Kaylee said while laughing uncontrollably

Monica finally stopped so that Kaylee didn't wet her pants again like last time. Kaylee was pretty mad and started crying because she was embarrassed. She really wanted to be a big girl. And big girls don't wet their pants

"Alright, now that we don't need to be anywhere, what do you feel like doing today Kay?" Monica asked her while sitting at the kitchen table

"Park!" She exclaimed

"The park? It is really cold outside; do you really want to go to the park?" Monica asked hoping she will say no because she didn't want her to catch a cold. Her last cold was awful! She still believes that it was not just a cold. But Ross told her it was nothing to serious to take her to the hospital for, and have to pay hundreds of dollars that they don't have, just to find out what they already knew.

"Yeah! That is what make's it even more fun!" Kaylee exclaimed

"Why do you say that Kay?" Monica questioned

"Because. If it is really cold outside no one is going to wanna go to the park. Only the crazy people will go to the park in the snow…Daa!" Kaylee said while getting up and putting her bowl in the sink.

Monica started laughing at Kaylee's last comment "Yeah, I guess your right." She said moving over to her daughter and lifting her up so she can wash her hands. "But we are going to have to dress extra warm, if you want to go to the park."

"Alright!" Kaylee said while drying her hands


"Ethan? Ethan? Come on buddy I don't have time for this." He said looking for his son. He started searching every room to see if he might be in there. Then he went to go check the bathroom. He went to open the door but it was locked "Buddy you have to open the door, we are doing to be late!" He stated

"Daddy, I can't do it!" Ethan said starting to cry

"Buddy I told you we do not lock doors in this house!" He said starting to get mad "Okay, now all you have to do is turn the knob." He said trying not to raise his voice, while explaining on the other side of the closed door.

A few seconds later the door opened and Ethan came out holding his Woody doll that he went every where with. He rushed over to his dad and hung to his leg.

"You okay, Ethan?" He said bending down to his height

"Yah. Daddy, sorry I locked the door. I thought it would be ok and I wanted to show you that I can be a big boy just like you." Ethan said bowing his head

"Hey." He said lifting Ethan's chin so he can look him in the eye "Its okay that you wanted to be a big boy, but let's not lock the doors just yet, okay?" He said with a smile

"Okay." Ethan said cheering up a bit

"Alright, now we really have to go!" Chandler said locking at his watch. He picked Ethan up grabbed his coat and ran out the door.

Chandler hurried and bucked Ethan in, and then jumped in the driver's seat and drove off.

"Daddy, why are we in a hurry?" Ethan asked innocently

"Because daddy has this meeting he has to be at for work. And if I miss one more than my boss is not going to be happy." Chandler said driving in and out of traffic

"I thought you were the boss?" Ethan asked

"No buddy." He said

"But you said that I had to follow your rules because you are the boss and the person in charge." Ethan said

Chandler took a deep breath and knew that he wouldn't understand it that easy "I am the boss of you because you are my son, but my boss is the person I work with. The person in charge of the business." He tried to explain it as easily as he could.

"Oh…okay." Ethan said. He didn't really understand what his dad was saying but he could see that he was getting frustrated and decided to drop it and ask him later.

When they arrived at Chandler's office building, he hurried in and told Kelly, his receptionist, if she could watch Ethan for a couple minutes.

"Yeah of course I'll watch him for you." She said looking down at Ethan

"Thank you so much." Then he hurried to where the meeting was being held.

When he rushed in people were walking out. Chandler sighed and went over to where Doug was. "Sir, I am so sorry…"

"Chandler I know that you are having trouble adjusting to your new life with your wife gone and I am very sorry about what happened. But I gave you enough time off and this is the seventh meeting, seventh meeting that you missed Bing." Doug said

"Sir, I am really sorry. If you just give me one more chance…" Chandler begged

"Chandler I'm going to have to let you go." Doug said softly

It took awhile for Chandler to respond "I understand, it was nice working with you….I'll go pack up my stuff." Chandler said and walked out

When Chandler was done clearing out his office, he went to go release Kelly from Ethan. "Thanks Kelly. Maybe I'll see you around some time." He said in a low voice

"Yeah, maybe. Good luck with everything." Kelly said in the same low voice Chandler was talking in.

Once he got back to his car and buckled Ethan back in, he sat there with his head on the stirring wheel and just thought. Thought about what he is going to do now, thought how he is going to pay the bills, thought why this is happening to him…thought, why it is all happening so fast. Until Ethan pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" He asked in a small, quiet, innocent little voice.

Chandler lifted his head up, to look his son in the eye "Nothings wrong buddy." Ethan was the one person that kept him moving forward every day. "Where do you want to go kiddo?" Chandler said while forcing a smile so he didn't get Ethan all worried.

"Can we go swing!?" He asked with a big grin on his face.

Chandler laughed at this "Sure we can go swing." And with that, Chandler drove to the park.