AN: I just got though watching the 10th/ duplicated and Rose Tyler on Netflix, and I found them so cute together. I thought I'd give it a shot!

I do not own the rights to the Doctor Who T.V series.

Pairing: 10th duplicated doctor/Rose Tyler.

My Rose

Rose Tyler's life changed when she ran into the Doctor. He took her into his time machine he called the Tardis. It was a blue telephone police box that was bigger on the inside. He showed her that the universe held many wonders, but with those wonders danger lurked. The Doctor promised her mother, Jackie that he'd keep her safe, and he would hold strong to that promise. They didn't expect to fall in love with each other in the process of their time in the Tardis.


Rose stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her wet petite womanly figure. Her blonde wet hair beaded down her body. She leaned over the marble counter and ran her hand over the fogged mirror.

"Come in." called Rose when their was a knock on the wooden door.

The Door opened the door, and Rose smiled at the slightly shocked Doctor. He had short slightly stuck up brown hair with sideburns, lightly toned skin, brown eyes with slightly board shoulders and thin frame. He mainly wore sneakers with a suit and tie. He wore read glasses from time to time even though he truly didn't need them .

"Rose-" said the Doctor not knowing what else to say. "Your not dressed."

The blonde smiled. "Please. You've seen me in less." He gave her a puzzled look. She laughed, "Remember my two piece when we went to Greece?"

"Well, I know your mother would like to see you in more then a towel." said the Doctor with slightly red cheeks.

Rose grabbed a nearby towel and threw it at him playfully. He smiled and closed the door behind him. She got ready to see her mother. She kept in touch regularly through her cell phone that the Doctor had fixed with his sonic screwdriver.

Rose stepped out of the bathroom after putting on some light makeup and braiding her long hair. She slipped into a pair of jeans and a sweater knowing it was going to be cold in London.


The Doctor stopped pushing buttons on the controls when he heard shoes hitting the stairs. He smiled at the woman that he came to love. Rose reached the last step and walked over to the man and kissed him on the cheek.

"Here we are." said the Doctor as he put on the breaks of the Tardis.

Rose beamed and he took a hold of his hand, and they left the blue phone box. He slipped the key into his pants pocket. They were pulled into a hug by Jackie.

Jackie favored her daughter with the same blonde hair but was a little boarder built. She was still a lovely woman. She always made the Doctor feel at home when ever they came to visit.

"Come along. The house is all decorated." said Jackie as they walked down the street. She turned to Rose. "You look good sweetheart." She turned to the man that as on her right. "You've been keeping her safe?"

"I promised you I would keep her safe." said the Doctor. Jackie kissed his cheek leaving a lip sick stain.

"Mom it looks great in here." said Rose looking around the house.

A tree rested near the window with decorations around the house and presents laid under the tree. Rose knelt down and looked at the tags. She smiled and saw several for the Doctor.

Jackie walked out of the small kitchen with two cups of hot tea. She handed one to Rose and the other to the Doctor. They sat down and the couple told Jackie about going to Greece in 1878.

The trio stayed up until late into the night. The Doctor knew that Rose didn't see her mother often. So he didn't mind spending time with Jackie. He liked Jackie.

The Doctor looked over on the couch and saw Rose curled up asleep. He sat his cup down on the nearby end table. He got up from the chair and walked up to Rose. He gently lifted her up into his arms bridal style. He walked out of the living room and down the hall to Rose's room. While Jackie pulled out the couch that formed into a bed.

The Doctor returned into the living room just as Jackie was placing the pillows down on the bed. He smiled and thanked her. She turned him smile, and she too turned in for the night.

The next morning Jackie found the Doctor sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea. He wrapped a black ribbon around his hand in thought as looked at a small black box that sat in front of him. He looked up when he saw Jackie sit down at the table across from him.

Jackie picked up the small black box knowing what rested inside. She lifted the lid and saw single diamond ring that rested on a gold band. She looked closer and saw inside the smooth diamond was a rose.

"It's beautiful. When do you plan asking Rose?" asked Jackie. The Doctor looked up in shock. He was about to ask her permission to marry her only daughter. "Yes Doctor I am giving you permission to marry Rose." She closed the lid and sat it back down in front of him.

"I have no idea. I have never been so terrified in my life." said Doctor truthfully. "I'd rather face a Dalek right now."

"Rose loves you. I know that for sure. She'll say yes trust me." said Jackie trying to reassure him. The Doctor only nodded.

Christmas eve had finally came, and there hadn't been any form of attack from an alien. The Doctor and Rose sat on the couch. Jackie gave him a nod and a smile. The Doctor got down on his knees in front of Rose. He pulled out a small black box and opened the lid. Rose gasped at what rested inside it.

"Will you Rose Tyler give me the honor of becoming my wife?" asked the Doctor.

Rose nodded with tears in her eyes. "Yes I'll marry you."

He pulled the ring out of the box and slowly slid it onto her left hand. "I love you," and he gently captured her lips with his own.

Rose smiled against his lips and deepened the kiss. She pulled back and said, "I love you too."

The Doctor rose to his full height and held out his hand to Rose, and helped her to her feet. He pulled out the black ribbon. He wrapped on end around his left hand and he did the same to Rose.

He turned to Jackie and said, "I need you to say, "I gladly give my consent to marry my daughter Rose Tyler."

"I gladly give you my consent for you to marry my daughter Rose Tyler." repeated Jackie.

"Rose I need you to say, "I gladly consent for you to be my husband." said the Doctor.

"I Rose Tyler gladly consent for you to be my husband."

"I gladly consent for you to be my wife." said the Doctor. "I want you to listen carefully and never forget it." He leaned forward and whispered in her. He pulled back. "I just told you my name."

Rose smiled, and he captured her lips with his own. She buried her hands in his hair. Jackie only smiled knowing that her only child was truly happy.

"What did we just do?" asked Rose when they pulled back from their kiss. "Are we married?"

The Doctor smiled. "We would if we were on my home planet."

Rose smiled sadly. She couldn't be angry with him. She was never or could never be mad at him for long. "I wish you would have told me."

The Doctor only smiled at his wife. "You can have a wedding here. Any time or any place."

Rose threw her arms around the Doctor's neck. He smiled into the crook of her neck. The couple were staled when Jackie joined in on the hug. He was surprised that he didn't get a ear full from the feisty blonde. The family pulled back out of the hug and the clock chimed, and they said good night to each other before turning in for the night.

Later on that night Rose sneaked down the stairs and into the living room where she found the Doctor sound asleep curled up with a pillow. She smiled and carefully slipped between the sheets. He opened his eyes and smiled at the woman that laid next to him. He wrapped his arms around her slender frame.

"We'll need to leave tomorrow." whispered the Doctor.

"I know." whispered Rose, and they fell into a peaceful nights sleep.

The next morning the Doctor, Rose and Jackie stood in front of the Tardis ready to leave for the next planet. Jackie was glad that the Doctor and her daughter didn't have to run off to save the earth on Christmas. It felt like a normal holiday. Jackie hugged the couple tightly and told them to call her soon. They nodded and left in the Tardis bound to anywhere in the universe.

"Where to now Dearest?" asked the Doctor as he stood at the controls. Just then a distress call came onto the screen. "We'll it seems we are heading to the United States. President Lincoln is in need of our help."

"Lincoln that's too cool." said Rose with a bright smile.

"Hold on tight." he told his wife, and she grabbed onto the railing of the stairs as the Tardis zoomed through time and space.

Hit the button and tell me what you think about chapter one!