I do not own Inuyasha!





Sitting in a field of wildflowers a little girl was picking flowers as she hummed a song to herself. In this same field a little green toad was watching over her while a two headed dragon was basking in the sun. Not too far off was a male sitting under a tree his back against the bark left leg stretched in front of him and his right knee bent with his right arm resting on it. His head was leaned back and he looked as though he was sleeping but anyone that knew this male knew that he was not he was as alert as ever.

The male's eyebrows drew together for but a moment when a scent provided his scenes. The scent was familiar yet different at the same time. It smelled of moonflowers and lighting who could possess such an enticing scent.

Words: 147


The male decided that this scent deserved to be investigated. He stood and looked in the direction that it was coming from just to see a light blue glow. Curiosity now peaked he looked to the others in the field with him.

"Jaken, watch Rin if anything should happen to her in my absence you will die a painful death." The male finished this sentence with a firm glare aimed at the toad.

Jaken bowed and fumbled with his words saying that he would not disappoint his lord. The male just turned his head. As he was making his way into the forest he heard Rin call out at him, he turned to face the little girl she him a huge grin on her face saying bye Sesshomaru-sama, he gave a curt nod then disappeared into the forest. He was still trying to figure out how the scent was familiar as he was on his way to investigate it and the light blue glow.

167 Words


As Sesshomaru ran through the forest to his destination he noticed that the glow was dissipating. He picked up his pace to try to make it to the place the glow and scent was coming from before the occupant left. Of course he could still track them by scent if they were gone before he arrived. He continued to wonder what could have put off that scent and what was going on with the glow.

He scented the air once more he could still smell moonflowers and lighting even though the glow was completely gone now. He could also tell more clearly now that he was closer that it was a female demoness with miko powers giving off the scent. He pondered to himself how the female could be a full-blooded demon but also possess miko powers. It did not make since she should have been a half-breed at best. With this new bit of information he picked up his speed even more if it was possible. He had to know what was going on. He had questions and as soon as he got to this female she would answer them.

It would not be much longer now the scent was getting stronger as he got closer. Sesshomaru finally came to a stop in a clearing of Sakura trees however instead of finding the female giving off the scent or the glow the clearing was empty. Sesshomaru growled in annoyance and began to sniff at the air but the scent never left the clearing. Sesshomaru cursed under his breath the female had concealed her scent and aura he would have to wait to find her. He hated to wait but as he was turning to leave the wind picked up and blew a few strands of midnight black hair with blue highlight in it across his face. He sniffed at the strands of hair and they gave off the scent of moonflowers and lighting. Sesshomaru smirked and tucked the strands of hair in a pocket in the sleeve of his haori.

He left the clearing thinking of nothing but the scent and glow. He was determined to find this female now. In all his centuries of living he had never come across a female that smelled as nice as this one or held as much power. He had to know who she was and how she came to be. With that last thought he continued on his way back to his retainer and ward. He never noticed a pair of sapphire blue eyes watching him from the trees she had concealed herself well.

She turned away from the clearing a smirk firmly in place. As she leapt from branch to branch she could not help but wonder why he had come to the clearing. With a shake of her head she decided that is was not important and continued on her way to her friends. She would have to stop and conceal her appearance before she got to the camp but for now she could just be herself. It has been far too long that she has kept her true self concealed from the world.

Once she felt that she was close enough to the camp she stopped and brought up her concealment. Smiling brightly she continued on her way she was not in half a mile from camp. They would not know the truth of whom or what she was until the time was right and it was not the time yet. So for the time being she would continue on as she has for the past three years.

Once she stepped through the tree line she smiled brightly at the scene she beheld. Sango was cleaning her weapon with a knocked out Miroku on the ground next to her. Inuyasha was still in his tree sulking because she sat him earlier. Then her eyes slid to her little Shippo who was sitting on her sleeping bag with Kirara coloring happily. She sighed in happiness and decided that she was doing the right thing by not letting them know right now about her secret. It could only help them in the long run right.

Smiling she looked up to the sky praying for the best as the wind blew all around her whipping her blue-black hair all around her body. Yes everything would turn out as it should she was sure of it. With a nod of her head she looked back at Sango and made her way over to sit with the sister of her heart. With a huge smile Sango said hey Kagome did you have a nice walk as the wind continued to blow around them.

Words: 780