No excuses. No Preamble. Just a happy Thanksgiving, hope everyone enjoys. :)
Disclaimer- Young Justice and it's characters do not belong to me.
Chapter 7~ It's Raining Cats
After Robin slips into unconsciousness once more the team picks up the pace, worried glances constantly sent back at the boy cradled in the super clone's arms. The raven haired boy's body had stopped quivering at this point, his breathing reduced to small, shallow gasps every few moments as hypothermia set in even deeper. The famed cat burglar of Gotham quickly led the small group through the twisted routes of the city, pausing every so often as if waiting for something. It isn't long until that that something is found out, Catwomen leading the Team into an alleyway, the entrance being closed off moments later, men also spilling out of the shadows ahead. The small group crowds together into a circle as guns are pointed in their direction, Superboy being forced ito the center with is precious cargo.
"She set us up." Artemis hisses, discreetly shrugging her bow of her shoulder and clutching it tightly, other hand inching towards an arrow.
"Suggest that again girlie and you may be my next clawing post." The cat burglar growls in return, slinking back with her whips coiled in her hand, gaze directed upwards as if waiting for something. One of the men steps forward, posture suggesting he was the leader, a sinister grin on his face as he stared down the teenagers and cat themed villainess.
"Well lookie here, seems like me and boys found some justice wannabes parading around our city. An look it that, seems like the little birdie isn't doing so good." The man says, spotting Robin's prone form in Superboy's arms. The Team instinctively crowds tighter around their most vulnerable member. "Guess it isn't much of a surprise however, aren't little birdies supposed to migrate south for such cold winters? I think it'd be best if we put him out of his misery once and for all."
"You know if you even tried Batman would have your head!" Batgirl shouts, trying to draw it out as long as possible, trusting the other known Gothamite to have a plan, both Bat and Cat knowing of their followers long before.
"Not if he never finds out, and none of you will be around to tell him little girl." The man replies, moving to gesture his men forward to shoot. They never got the chance. It was rather comical actually as suddenly a vicious rain fell down upon the gang members, armed with sharp claws and teeth, the expression raining cats and dogs becoming a half truth as Catwoman's reinforcements arrive. Naturally the felines were to serve as no more than a distraction, scattering as the wayward gunfire sprays but they had served their purpose, allowing the Team, Batgirl, and sometimes villainess to make quick work of the would be murderers, the conscious Bat's line used to suspend them off the freezing snow until the police arrived.
"Still concerned about me setting you up? The Cat hisses, her feline counterparts hissing their agreement as they disappeared back from where they came. "Since you failed to notice the men tracking you since we had met up." The Team has no reply, a glance and nod from Batgirl confirming the Cat's words. Catwoman coils her whip back around her arm tightly. "Now hurry up, we're almost somewhere where we can rest and patch kitten up, at least temporarily." No one dares to object and the Team follows her up a rusty fire escape and into window, the room they entered filled with cats of various colors and sizes.
"Wow, I think I found the cat army." Kid Flash mutters under his breath as Selina gently persuades a handful of her many pets from the furry couch, allowing Superboy to set Robin down with as much gentleness as he could manage.
"Many of the strays needed a warm place to stay, who was I to refuse?" The adult replies, gently scratching a scrawny calico under the chin as she gathers medical supplies from a cabinet, her plethora of cats crowding the small hero and gently pressing themselves to his skin, sharing body heat. "It isn't much but we can at least warm him up and patch up some of the injuries." Batgirl nods her head and gratefully accepts the supplies, able to replace the already worn and red bandages that covered the bird, relieved to see color slowly seeping back into his skin as she worked. The cats that surround him purr softly as the redhead's fingers move deftly over cool skin, Selina's fingers gently running through his damp hair, knocking any forming ice crystals out of the locks. The other teenage superheroes couldn't help but help feel completely out of their depth once again, the life of their youngest member shrouded in mystery long beyond his civilian persona.
Hope everyone enjoyed it and had a wonderful holiday! Please leave some comments if you can, it'll help kick my butt into gear and write more and better (assuming you all did enjoy it, if not please do let me know!)