
Disclaimer: P.S. I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its Characters if I did though that'd be totally awesome!

Lucy frowned as she opened the doors to the Guild walking straight to the bar to order something to eat. It wasn't that she was hungry it was just that she'd heard a few things on the way through the town that were hard for her to swallow. Random rumors and what people thought about others in the Guild. Most rumors being about Natsu and Lisanna which made her stomach turn in jealousy. She loved him, but he loved Lisanna… He was a big boy! He could choose who he liked by himself and if he loved Lisanna then she should be happy for him!

Yeah good luck with that… she found her brain thinking on its own accord making her sweat drop. 'Great now my brains contradicting my stay positive attitude!' she thought eating the ice cream she ordered. Mirajane flashed her a smile as she leaned against the bar "So how have you and Natsu been?" she asked watching the blonde poke at the ice cream with the spoon. Lucy shoveled a big scoop into her mouth in hopes of gaining a few extra seconds to answer the S-Class Mages question.

When nothing came to her she just shrugged deciding it would be best to tell the truth "We're find I guess… I don't really see him much anymore; I guess he's always out with Lisanna?" Lucy told the white haired model for Sorcerers Weekly. Mirajane raised an eyebrow before noticeably shifting her eyes from Lucy to her little sister who was indeed across the room with the blonde's bubblegum haired teammate. Mirajane sighed folding her arms over each other on the bar staring at Lucy "Don't worry Luce…" she said letting her eye fall on her sister again.

Lucy looked up at the Take-Over mage with a questionable look flashing through her deep brown eyes. Mira smiled "It won't go anywhere… because Natsu loves you." The Take-Over mage said letting her eyes dart back to Lucy not wanting to miss the look on her face. She seen Lucy blush the slightest bit before she bowed her head a little "H-How do you know?" Lucy stuttered over her words as she felt her heart slowly picking up the pace; beating twice as fast against her chest. Mira lifted one arm up allowing her cheek to rest in the palm of her hand before glancing back at Natsu.

She chuckled when she seen him look away from them quickly a small blush crawling to his cheeks at being caught staring at Lucy. "Because you're all he talks about…" She said still watching him. Natsu you could tell was dying to look Lucy's way just by how he'd turn to face her for a second, then would quickly look away when he notice Mira staring at him with an all knowing grin. Lucy's face was priceless when she glanced at her it was like a balloon filled with red paint exploded on her face!

Lucy looked deep in thought for a long moment before shaking her head "Your wrong…" she told Mira with a sad smile as she stood up from the bar and her half eaten half melted ice cream. Her hand ran over the smooth cherry wood bar until she reach the end; she paused for a long moment. Before heading back into the Guild masters quarters in the back. She stopped at the door and took a few long seconds to peer at the Fairy Tail stamp on her hand.

Lucy giggled "come here Plue!" she told the spirit who galloped into her waiting arms. She stood up as she held him against her chest with a small smile and lightly scratched his head. "Fairy Tail is the greatest!" She heard someone say. Plue titled its head in curiosity "It would be the greatest if it didn't have weak Mage's like that Lucy Heartfilia chick. She's all talk and no action!" another voice spoke randomly from the gathered crowd of people. They thought she was weak? Useless?!

Then again she was wasn't she? She found herself close to tears "I heard from a friend of mine that Lisanna and Natsu are going out now!" a teen age girl around her age told her five friends. The one guy in the group lazed against the brick walled building "What's so great about a dude with bubblegum colored hair?" he asked making all four girls in the group glare at him. They yelled at him in anger… Must be a part of Natsu's not so secret fan club.

Lucy eyed the pink insignia… All the Mages in Fairy Tail must be really strong… I wonder if they'll let someone as weak as me join? She remembered her own thoughts from just after she met Natsu and the fake Salamander. She gave off a deep sigh "Is something wrong Lucy?" an elderly father tone rang in her ears. Lucy looked down to see the Guild's Master staring up at her in concern. Lucy flashed him a fake cheerful smile "Can we talk in private?" she asked watching as Master Makarov stepped back holding the door open.

Lucy stepped inside and he shut the door asking her to take a seat in front of his desk which held mountains of paperwork. The small old man let the young blonde take her time on getting started. He could tell whatever she wanted to say wasn't an easy thing for her to bring up. "Is it possible… for me to go on a self mission? You know like take a few months away to get stronger…" she asked nervously hoping she wouldn't have to quit to leave the Guild to go train herself.

Makarov nodded in understanding after several moments. He gave a sad sigh as he walked behind his desk grabbing hold of a piece of paper from one of his desks many compartments. He grabbed the mug of beer and chugged it in several gulps before lightly slamming the mug back down to his desk. He unconsciously wiped the bubblely substance from his lower chin before looking back up to Lucy. "How long? Where? And when do you plan on leaving?" he asked readying a pen to the paper.

Lucy looked down "long enough to show results… I don't know and tonight…" she said making the old man pause for a long moment. He looked up at her and as if staring into her eyes would answer the questions racing through his head; he looked back down to the paper and scribbled down a few things. Once he was done he grabbed a check mark stamp "Approved." He said out loud placing the approved document in a folder. Lucy nodded standing up "Lucy!" Makarov said with his head bowed. "Come back unharmed… I'll make sure your personal belongings don't go anywhere…" he told her.

Lucy thanked him before walking out of the office to find Mirajane and Levy frowning outside the door. They'd obviously been eavesdropping. Lucy sighed pulling the two into a tight hug "Don't worry I'll be back." She said flashing them a smile before adding "But please keep Natsu here at least till midnight for me…" she asked. The two hugged her back tightly crying into Lucy shoulder; they nodded against Lucy's shoulder. The three calmed down and separated allowing Lucy the chance to leave the Guild undetected by a certain Dragon Slayer.

Lucy ran home hoping to get everything she'd need packed up. She planned on packing only things she'd need. She panted stopping in front of her apartment she met her landlady in front of her apartment door. "Makarov told me about what you're planning to do…" the elder women told her staring at the blonde teen. Lucy rubbed at the back of her neck "Expect to pay all your rent in full when you return." The women told her with a smile before adding "And Lucy… good luck." She told her before walking back down to her own apartment.

"Come to me" a female voice rang in her head. Lucy's eyes widened stopping with her hand over her doorknob. This wasn't the first time she'd hear this voice call out to her. 'Who are you?' she wondered enclosing her hand around the doorknob. She opened the door and took a few steps into her apartment before rushing around gathering the things she'd need on the road. She nodded to herself as she listed things off the top of her head making sure what she had littered on her bed was what she needed.

Lucy packed the clothing into her small pink bag also stuffing matches, a pocket knife, and other necessities she'd need on the road. Deciding to take one thing she honestly didn't need with her; she stuffed her unfinished novel into the confines of her small bag pack. She skillfully hooked her pink sleeping bag Natsu bought her to her bag pack. She ran to her desk pulling out the special whip her Spirits thoughtfully gave her and tightened its holster around her upper thigh with a small smile. She dug through her desk again gathering what little money she had left.

She stuffed it harmlessly into her pocket before walking over to her bag pack and pulled it over her shoulders with a light heave. She grunted at the extra weight 'God she was truly a wimp…' she thought to herself realizing once again how weak she really was. "Come to me… Lucy." That voice said again. Lucy sighed ignoring it this time she had other things to do then to find someone who might not even be real. Lucy shut down all the lights and locked the windows and doors behind her. Her gate keys clinked with each step as she neared the gates of Magnolia.

The crisp night air kissed her cheeks and the darkness of the outer forest welcomed her with open arms. She gulped slightly frightened about entering a dark forest that she'd be unable to see her own hand in front of her face. The sound of creatures shifting through the trees and bushes in the darkness made her shake in fear. A hand landed on her shoulder making her jump seeing a bright light from behind her "It's okay princess… We can do this together." Loki told her confidently. He was dressed in his normal suit and glasses to match his partner Capricorn.

Lucy nodded more to herself then to her supportive Spirit; Loki grasped her hand and they began their journey through the dark damp forest. The only thing to comfort her was the bright starry night that lit the world around her in the moons absence. That blonde chick in Team Natsu is the weakest link not just in Fairy Tail's strongest Team, but in Fairy Tail in general! She remembered the taunt. She was tired of feeling belittled for being so weak. She'd show them…