((Author's note! This is not connected to any of my other stories in anyway, shape, or form. It is NOT a preview into anything for Searching For Love, I promise. Just read, rate, and enjoy!))
Gone. Everyone Tony had ever loved was gone. First Pepper. God, how amazing she had been to him. But he was violent, volatile, and selfish, so she left him for Phil. Of all people, Pepper was getting married to Coulson!
Then there was Steve. Now there was a man. The captain was so nice to him, and tried to keep him in line. Steve was just too shy, and Tony was too horny. He didn't want to get married to Steve, at least, not then. So, Cap left him for Thor. Thor! The thunder god! Just because the big lug 'respected him.'
So, once again, Anthony Stark was flying solo. He hated being alone. Pepper had kept his life together, and Steve understood the nightmares, which since they broke up had gotten worse.
Tony eyed the options stretched out in front of him. Jump off the tower? No, JARVIS would save him. Drink himself to death? No, that would take too long. Tony wanted to die, quick and painlessly. A gun? Too noisy. The inventor idly traced the arc reactor with his finger tips. There it was. The answer to his problem. And all he had to do was make a quick twist.
But, one more problem arose. Loki had started living with them since his dad didn't want him on Asgard anymore. Tony and the god were actually friends, since he was just as broken hearted. Thor and Loki had had a thing, but Thor broke it off for Steve. Tony was bringing to think he even had feelings for the god of mischief. thinking? Hell, he fucking loved him.
That didn't matter. Not anymore. Tony pulled his shirt off slowly, his heart racing. He grasped the edges of the reactor.
"Sir, I would advise against that." JARVIS said. Tony chuckled.
"Mute." he whispered. Silence greeted his ears. The genius made the quick twist.
Loki was hiding in his room again. How he loathed the other Avengers. Overall, he hated the Captain the most for taking Thor from him. But, Tony made him feel whole again. The two had taken to going down to the lab together, and hiding out all night long. But tonight, Anthony had screamed at him, for reasons he did not know. So, here the god was, sulking in his room. Someone knocked on the door. He wished it to be Barton, so the man could put an arrow through his eye like he had wished. But he opened the door to Steven.
"Yes?" he hissed.
"Can you go get Tony? Dinner is ready." He said, awkwardly. Loki shoved past him, and headed for the stairs. The god walked silently down stairs. JARVIS was even silent.
"Anthony?" Loki called, timidly. "Are you alright?" he bottomed the stores, just in time to see Tony pull the reactor out of his chest. Loki gasped, and tried to pull the door open. It was locked. The god became angry, and blasted the door away. He grabbed the reactor from the inventor's hand, and placed it back in his chest. Tony gasped and coughed as it took over again.
"What are you doing down here?!" He shouted. Anger and pain registered to Loki.
"I came to tell you, Dinner is served." He screamed back. "Why do wish to take the coward's way out things?"
"Because...because everyone I love leaves me! It's like I'm broken or something! I know I'm not perfect! I know I have nightmares! I CAN'T FUCKING HELP IT!" The inventor panted. Loki swallowed thickly.
"I love you, and I'm still here."
"What?" Tony asked. He couldn't believe what Loki had just said.
"But, that means nothing, apparently, so I Shall be off." The god stood up and turned to leave. Tony stood as well. He grabbed Loki by the shoulder and spun him around. Their lips met. The god was taken aback, but melted into it.
"Woah! PDA! PDA!" Clint called, he turned away. The pair broke apart, blushing. "Rogers told me to check on you guys, heard you yelling. Everything alright down here?"
"Just fine, Clinton." Loki once again shoved by, and retreated to his room.
"Okay. By the way, Cap says at least you have to start eating with us again. He wants to make sure your eating at all."
"I'll eat later. Loki wait!" Iron Man followed the god to his room, only to have a door slammed in his face. "Loki...please open the door, I'm sorry." he laid his head against the door. He heard a sniffle.
"Leave me be." Loki demanded. He was sitting with his back to the door. He hated Tony. He hate Thor. He hated everyone.
"No. I won't. I'm sorry. I just...I had a moment of weakness. Please, talk to me." The door opened. Loki glared at him.
"How do you know I do not wish to die myself?" He whispered.
"Because it's a hell of a lot harder to kill you than me. Let me in, please? I just want to talk." Loki side, and let him in. He shut the door, and locked it behind him.
"What is there to-" Tony's powerful lips landed on Loki's again. The god gasped, but wrapped his arms around Tony's neck. He took this as a good sign, and hugged the God's waist. "I hate you." He breathed when Tony pulled away. The inventor chuckled.
"If that was hate, I want to see despise." He kissed Loki harder, causing the god to actually gasp in pain. He slipped his tongue into the other's hot cavern. Loki's own wrestled for dominance.
Shoving aside all previous thoughts of death, Tony laid Loki on his bed. The philanthropist kissed the sensitive skin between Loki's neck and collar. The chaos incarnate moaned gently. Tony went to remove his shirt, remembering it was already gone. He removed Loki's instead, running a delicate, expercined hand over his chest. Growling hungrily, Loki flipped their positions. Tony chuckled.
"Dominate, much?" he breathed. Loki ignored him, and kissed down Tony's chest. Loki sighed, and sat straight up. "What's the matter?"
"Anthony...I would certainly Love to bed you, but...I cannot."
"Why not?" Tony propped himself up on his elbows.
"I don't want a relationship between us to be based on lust."
"Okay. I get that." Tony sighed. "Loki?"
"Don't ever leave me."
"I won't."
"I swear on my life."