Darien/Tuxedo Mask/ Mamoru/ Prince Endymoon

Sure we know the story of Sailor Moon, but that is only half the story. People often forget the other side of this ultimate romance. However his story is screaming to be told and this humble writer is willing to sit and tell it. I will only do things that I feel are important to the romance, however I have creative license. He is a guy I will try to put in the old myth "Men think about sex every three seconds," In later chapters.

Prologue: Trouble

It was not the best of days for him. He just had to wake up late, today of all days, and he had a test too! This is how he ended up dressing/studying on the way to school when he was knocked over by a girl with the oddest looking pigtails. It must have been because he was hungry, but they looked strangely like meatballs! He said so, and watched as the fourteen year old girl grew red in anger. She looked like a freshman since she wore the newbie uniform, it was totally unappealing on the female figure, and he wished they hadn't changed them.

He was immediately irritated with her as she called him names. What got him the most was her blowing a raspberry at him! Were they five years old again? Just at this moment he felt as clueless about this girl as he had been then. Before he could make a witty retort, he choked on dust as the girl ran past him screaming about being late.

He snapped out of his daze, and realized that he too was late! Damn, now he would never make it on time! He raced after the meatball head as fast as his legs could carry him. He was late, he aced his test, and that night the dreams began.

It started like any teenage boys dream, with a beautiful girl. This girl seemed almost goddess like in her beauty and she called to him. He recognized her though he could not clearly see her face. She wore a ball gown, and a tiara. She asked him to use his 'gifts' to help her find the crystal. Something about her voice sounded desperate, and it pulled on his heart. Her voice started to fade, and he awoke in cold sweat on his bed.

For the first time in a long time he allowed himself to feel depressed. He was a teenage boy that although at the age of twenty-one would inherit an empire; he would rather remember the father who had built the empire. Now he was having haunting dreams. Looking at the clock he realized he was slightly late, but if he hurried he could make it with time to spare. He dressed quickly, and headed out.

He was almost at school when he was knocked down, for the second time in as many days! He turned to give whoever it was a piece of his mind, the meatball head had done it again! She was unsteady on her feet as she apologized without looking up at him. He watched with vague amusement as she clumsily stumbled over her own feet and ungracefully fell on him.

He had a moment to think that this girl was too flat chested before she yelled at him! Had he accidently let his mouth run without tempering it? He was going to apologize, when she again blew a raspberry at him and ran off. He watched her go and laughed; he stood and dusted himself off, before running after her.

He made it to school faster than he realized looking at his watch to make sure, but he had just run two miles in three minutes! He had vaulted an eight foot fence with ease; it wasn't humanly possible without training. He should know he was planning to be a doctor! After classes had ended he tried it again, this time he made the trek in less than two minutes! He looked at a light post and wondered, bunching his leg muscles and leaning on his toes he jumped. He almost fell off the post when he landed with a great view of the city. He carefully looked around and jumped down.

He needed something to drink, since as a future medic he had sworn off harmful illegal substances, coffee would have to do. He walked into a new arcade that doubled as a café and ordered a decaf. He was surprised as his best friend came and put on the table in front of him. He was about to ask what Mitoki was doing at the café, when meatball head came crashing through the doors.

Mitoki called out to the blond," Serena! Are you here to play the new games? There is this latest superhero one you might like! It's called Sailor V!"

"Yay! Thank you, Mitoki!" She then gave my best friend a dazzling smile. I saw her blush as Mitoki made a flattering comment on her outfit. I also saw how she leaned toward Mitoki with a star struck look in her eyes.

"Yo! Meatball head! How do you know Mitoki?" I blurted out for some reason unable to bear watching their conversation. She was his source of amusement not a girl that would chase after Mitoki! Damn it! What was he thinking?

"Oh it's you! The Jerk face that knocked me down this morning," She gave me a cute glare. I ignored it and sipped my coffee as if she wasn't even worth my notice, "I am talking to you!"

"Oh Meatball head I am sure your buns prevented any injury, you should apologize for running into people though. It is the polite thing to do after mowing someone down." I gave her my most annoying smirk, the one that always got me a fight at the orphanage, I wasn't disappointed.

"Why you jerk! Who do you think you are to preach to me about manners? You should be apologizing to me!" She said hands fist at her sides it was like she wanted to hit him.

She was such a tiny little thing; it would have been fun to see her try. I opened my mouth to reply when Mitoki came back with a really big milkshake. I almost gaped in shock as the little blonde drank it in fifteen seconds flat, gasped for breath, then promptly ran right to a game and began ignoring him.

"So Darien I heard that you will be starting at the university soon. I can't believe how you managed to set a new record in the test scores! So does this mean you will no longer be going to high school?" Mitoki asked.

"I am doing double classes right now Mitoki. The arrangement is as soon as I feel able to pass the final tests for all the subjects I can receive a special diploma, and afterwards continue with only my university classes. I should be done by now except I keep having trouble with my English Writing class. I should be ready to take that test by the end of this month. I really need it since I plan to do my residency in America." I said.

"In a month! Is that how you plan to celebrate your birthday? You are leaving us all behind Darien! Hey you only turn nineteen once right? So why don't we go out and party?" Motoki was smiling so wide I thought his lips would split.

"Party? Did someone just say party?" The blonde said sliding across the floor only to crash in an undignified heap on the floor. I had the urge to hold my stomach and roll on the floor laughing.

"Klutz!" I snickered trying not to do the embarrassing worm dance on the floor. I watched in amazement as she got to her feet fast enough to make my head spin and proceeded to insult me.

"Jerk! Idiot! Meanie!" She then she again blew me a raspberry.

"Childish." I said dismissing her. I again watched in amazement as fury transformed her features. Her cheeks burned red her eyes sparkled, and her lungs made my ears hurt! Thankfully, Motoki intervened or it was quite possible my eardrums would have burst.

"The party I was talking about was for Darien, Serena. His birthday is coming up, he is also going to be graduating early with a special diploma. After that he is going to be in the University to study medicine, so this party is our last together." Mitoki explained.

"My birthday is coming up too, Mitoki." Serena said ignoring the rest. She looked as if she had a crush on Mitoki. I wondered if I should tell her he already had a girl. Nah, it was too much fun watching her act the fool.

"Oh when is it?" Mitoki asked. He unintentionally gave Serena his 'sexy' grin as Darien had heard many female classmates call it.

"July 30th! I can't wait to be fifteen!" Serena giggled jumping up and down. No action what so ever in the chest department, she could not be fifteen!

"Darien your birthday is so close to hers! His is August 5th isn't that great?" Mitoki completely ignored the glares we sent at each other.

"I have to go study Mitoki, but I will talk to you later!" I said the interaction with the blonde meatball head was starting to give me a headache. I was also getting weird flashes that were to foggy to make out anything. They got worse when she ignored me.

The weeks went by quickly, and every corner I turned seemed to land me in front of the klutz. The dreams were slowly driving me insane, and my inhuman abilities seemed to be growing. It wasn't until the end of the month when he heard of strange occurrences, people were being drained of their energy.

I pondered this while taking a walk, and got a paper thrown at my face for my trouble! I looked to see that it was the meatball head in front of the arcade. I looked and saw red marks everywhere! I couldn't stop my sarcasm if you paid me," A 30? Admirable, are you really this stupid or just incredibly lazy?"

We had our usual short spat and she turned with a cute huff and left. Cute? Where did that come from? But still I heard myself say, "There is something about that girl."

A/N: I thought this was a good place to stop the prologue since this was what Darien actually said the first time we see him in the series.( I know because I watched it just to make sure.) I changed a few things technically Serena is 14 for most of the series but that was just too close to home for me, my 14 year old cousin is pregnant. So I made it that she starts out 14 but quickly turns 15 and doesn't get sexual implications in later chapters until she is 16 excluding Darien's secretly pervert mind. I also pushed her birthday to July 30th instead of June 30th and yes August 5th is Mamoru Chiba's actual birthday…I think. Well Chao sorry for the long authors note!