Intersex chapter 29

A/N - I'm still alive ? ゚リツ. However it's probably best for me to do monthly updates as it's easier for me to stick too. Sorry for the wait but enjoy this chapter xxxx - Also just a pre warning as this hasn't been mentioned since the earlier chapters Xion's Parents are Terra and Aqua (this info is needed this chapter). Also thank you for your follows faves and reviews and special thanks to Review Lord - I just read your comments - (they are fantastic btw) Stellar Mage, XionHikari, Shiny Zephyr, Undoubtedly Aesthetic and Justice Tokidoki and all the guest reviews xxxx. Please let me know if things are running consistently and I don't mind constructive criticism :). Thanks again and enjoy. Its also a bit of a longer chapter so hooray! :D

Chapter 29

I stood in the living room shaken. I had no idea what to do. Axel was sitting with some kind of smirk on his face (sometimes he can be the worst kind of friend) and Kairi just looked stunned.

"Wait! Are you Sora's girlfriend? ."

I felt my face burn with embarrassment. Though a great cop out it would be unfair to lie yet again for several reasons

She's pregnant - dont mess with a pregant girls emotions

Axel is there WAITING for me to blow everything if I say nothing - he will.

My parents are in - they'll blow it

It's not logistical

"No I-I'm not I um I am er…"

"are you sure?" I could feel kairi's voice get tenser as she asked. It was like in her eyes it was Xion ruining everything - she took the attention of her future baby daddy and then the attention of her childhood crush - as if things couldn't get worse for her.

I actually felt kind of bad…

"you know what I don't even care" Kairi snapped " I got a few things to say to you"

She the got up and began to approach me. Axel reached for her hand in an attempt to stop her but she shrugged it off. As I saw her get up I glanced at her stomach.

It was starting to get bigger…

"I don't care who you are or what the hell you are doing in Sora's house but I want to tell you"

"Stay the fuck away from my friends" she snarled

I snapped.

"Your friends! Who the fuck do you think you are! All you've done is come for me with bitchiness and knowing nothing about me - even when you meet me you come at me with a ton of brick. I can do whatever the fuck I want and you of all people can't stop me. Also Riku and I broke up so I hope that helps you sleep at night"

Silence … well except an 'oooooh damn' from Axel but I digress.

Kairi just stared at me stunned. I wasn't too sure if she was going to punch me or spit at me

But she still looked beautiful….ugh why am I like this!

"You don't know Sora like I do. You never will" I felt her voice getting heavy like she was going to cry "he's literally one of the only reason I can get through this … it's just first I heard about you and Riku and now you're here … why…"

"you don't know can never know him the way I do" she choked

Now I felt really bad - I looked across Kairi's face to then see Axel looking sheepish …

Yeah Axel you should this is not how you resolve things but he then mouthed

'Tell her'

I started to panic - now wasn't the time, I could feel my heart racing and hands clamming up. It's not right, not now but I could see Kairi was beginning to cry.

"see…. I knew it you don't -"

"I know Sora more than anyone here even you" I muttered

By Kairis expression it was like I said something blasphemous or something but I had to carry on.

I hugged her …

And then she started to cry not heavily but softly. I wrapped my arms around her waist and softly stroked her back, and put my mouth next to her ear.

"Im Sora Kairi. I was here all along. I'm sorry. It's complicated but I want to be here for you. Don't cry kairi - I don't like it when you do….

"I'm so sorry Sora…." she moved back and took a look at my face closely and the closed her eyes and opened them again.

"it is you … but you...why are you like? are Xi-"

"-I am intersex Kairi I'm both male and female - well more female actually…. and I won't be Sora for much longer…."

"No" she grabbed my hand tightly. You can't let Sora go… I - I

"You what?" I asked

She leaned in so out faces were literally centimeters away from each other and bought her lips closer to mine

"I love him"

My face flared up again and I felt my hands sweating - how can you love me when you are having a baby with Riku. I don't get it and now for sure is not the right time.

But it didn't matter because then we kissed. I know I know I'd kissed her before bit this was different. It felt more honest and open. It wasn't sexual and heated like our previous encounter but it was passionate and caring it was very short.

Well in comparison to our previous one.

"Sora I-"

"It's okay Kairi. I am sorry I couldn't...didn't tell you. I know you are going through a lot right now but I will be here….Just not as Sora… it's impossible"

I felt Kairi's hand clench my hands tightly - her eyes pleading for an explanation.

"I know you don't like Xion, but just think of her as like a female Sora so she'll be your best friend..

"It's easier this way…"

"Says who?" Kairi hissed "Sora is a joy a light someone who deserves not to be forgotten. I've never forgotten you. I can't tell you how much I've thought of you. I dreamt of us building a life together, getting married having kids but…..

I saw tears streaming down her face

"I'm having Riku's... fuck it! I wrecked it for myself, I look like a mess you and wouldn't want me anyway...but at least you can still be my friend as Sora"


I let go of Kairi's hands - As much as I want to please her I know what's best for me - I should be Xion.

"it's impossible ...I'm sorry but I do love you Kairi and I wish you…

Before I could finish I saw her turn her back heading towards the door. I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. Did anyone like Xion? It seemed like she was the problem as everyone loves Sora but

Everyone hates Xion

I didn't even bother chasing after her. I just felt kind of broken like a death had occurred. I wanted to hope that Kairi would come along and accept Xion but seeing my luck recently that's unlikely. I then saw Axel get up and put a hand on my shoulder.

"sorry Xion. I didn't expect it to end like this. I just wanted her to get closure. I care about you and I think Xion is great." He then wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug.

"it's okay Axel...hopefully she will come around soon"

"of course!" Axel replied cheerily but deep down we both knew it wasn't going to be that simple.

"Now you just have to tell Roxas" he smirked

"is now really the right time to tell me this." I scoffed My childhood friend basically left me due to this 'reveal' and you want me to tell Roxas ..

Not today Satan

Axel realised he offended me muttered a faint sorry.

"I know things are tough, and although I'm not always the most reliable friend. I will always have your back"

"thanks Axel. I'm just going through a lot right now"

"Tell me about it, but hopefully in ten years we can laugh about and we'll be living ordinary lives with a house spouse and 1.5 children." he replied

I laughed at the idea of having .5 of a child but in a sense I was kind of like a 1.5 child or a 0.5 child. At times I didn't feel fully complete but at times I felt I was too much.

The comment still made me giggle nevertheless.

Axel sighed. "I'd love to stay but I've gotta go help out Kairi she is pregnant and all."

"Yeah that's true." I muttered "Take care Axel and give Kairi my regards"

"from who?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk

"from Sora"

Kairi didn't text me for another week.

Part of me wanted to say it was due to her pregnancy symptoms and she wasn't feeling well, but deep down I knew it wasn't. It was heartbreaking in a sense. I felt like I kept on loosing my friends Riku blocked me (On Facebook, twitter and Instagram) and Kairi wasn't responding to my texts. Roxas had been a bit quiet and Axel….he was always bad at replying so he doesn't count.

There was nothing really to help me at this point as my operation date was still looming and I still wasn't ready to say goodbye to Sora, heck if I wanted to even be Xion.

But I know it's for the best. I sat down looking my phone in the living room aimlessly hoping, praying Kairi would send a response after the 10 messages I sent to her.

*Seen today at 10:54am*


Fine then I guess today will be a day where I do nothing - well I'm grounded anyway so I probably should work at least if my grades get up I can do something right and not be an utter failure to my parents.

"You okay Xion...Sora" My dad asked taking a seat

"Yeah I'm good dad"

"Really … Something tells me that you have a lot going on - I know we haven't talked one to one for a while, what's going on?" He asked

Since I didn't have much to do I thought it wouldn't be bad. Also over the years my relationship with my dad had been - not rocky per say but a bit odd - I feel like he always wanted a son and having me … I don't know I feel like he doesn't see me as a daughter or a son, with my mum though it's a bit different, but she did carry me for nine months so that makes sense.

"Just a lot a drama dad, you know with all my friends and stuff." My dad just looked at me blankly - I realised how much I had left my parents in the dark about this and I did feel a bit bad about it - and since I couldn't help myself with these problems and I wasn't receiving help my dad at this point was the best call.

"I told Kairi the truth and she walk talk to me. I told Roxas the truth and hes keep some distance from me. Riku found out and he thinks I'm a freak and Kairi's also…."

"Pregnant" My dad finished off

I stared at him floored...and then I became angry, my own dad knew probably before I did. I really was last to know but how did he even...who...what!"

My dad sighed and looked at me "Your mum and I spoke to Kairi's parents, they explained the situation with Kairi"

"Oh. Figures" I mumbled

"Anyway I'm not too sure what to do right now" i continued "I feel like I'm encountering problem after problem with no solution like I'm always going to be a freak, and no one will ever truly love me and then if I don't pass school I will be a failure, and I really hate being a teen right now - it just really sucks" I could feel my dad rubbing my back gently to comfort me and ease my stress"

"You know I was a teenager once too Xion and your mum was, and we both encountered many problems" my dad replied

I raised an eyebrow "like what?"

"Hmmmmmm" he took a deep breath "I shouldn't really tell you this story, but I will just to make you feel a bit better" he said then ruffling my hair.

"Okay what is it?" I was kind of curious to know. I always saw my parents as a cookie cutter example of an average nice couple with little drama and the boy meets girl narrative.

So this may be interesting.

"Well when your mum and I were a little bit older than you...about Axel's age I really liked your mum, but she wasn't too interested in me per say but she liked my cousin Zack who came around every summer, so I thought if I pretend to be Zack - since we kind of look alike she may eventually go out with me. SO I bought a fake wig and got some new clothes and viola I became Zack. So on weekends I would be Zack and on weekdays I would be Terra."

I looked at my dad in shock - I thought I could be the only one who could think of irrational ideas and living a double life - when unknown to me my dad started it all

My dad smirked at me "I think you can see where this is going"

I shook my head and lied "nope. What happened?"

"Well" My dad continued "I kept the facade for a while but then Ven caught on I what I was doing - being the goody two shoes he was he threatened to tell Aqua if i didn't. So I lied to him and told him I would - but I didn't. I also during this time was trying to get your mother to go out with me as Zack but then - she went out with a guy called Xigbar"

I paused he could mean my teacher could he well I better try and ask…."Xigbar Freeshooter?"

My dad looked at me "yeah, how did you…"

"He's my citizenship teacher"

My dad's face paled and then he looked at me

"Well this is messy... um you know what Xion I want to let you understand that although things seem crazy right now, they will work out in the long run and your mother and I will always be here to support you. I promise Xion.

He then hugged me which was nice.

"Anyways I have to go and prepare dinner as your mum is coming home late" H e said getting up

"Did you want me to help?" I asked

"No it's fine you rest and I love you"

"I love you too dad"

My dad then left the living room to go into the kitchen as I sat down and thought to myself - I can't believe it at all … but he didn't finish the story of what happened - does Mr freeshooter know whose child I am how would he react? Does Roxas know this story? His dad is Ven so he might know. What about mum? So many questions.

But at least I'm not the only one getting up to crazy antics. Heck it's actually kind of cool I know who I get them from…

A/N - I was gonna end this sooooooooo differently but I wanted to do something new, big drama will be happening so I wanted to end this chapter on a nicer note (I was going to make it much more mean). But now you know where Xion gets her crazy behaviour from and I thought it would be nice to get a bit of her parents backstory involved - once I have finished this if people want a prequel with Terra and Aqua I am more than happy to do it … if you want of course. I'm still thinking if I want to do a christmas related chapter next as December is looming and also you know me and my updates XD! but I will see. Thank you again, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and tune in next time for Intersex!