A/N: Wow. I can't believe this story is actually over. There is no way I could have finished this story without all of your support, so from the bottom of my heart, I would like to say a GIANT thank you to everyone who has followed and favorited this story. Another GIANT thank you to those of you who have left such kind and encouraging reviews. I adore every single one of you. I wanted to let you all know that I am planning a sequel to this story, but it's still in the first stages of planning. In the meantime, I encourage you all to go and read my newest story I've begun called "The Old Team."
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or anything related. That all goes to the BBC. *Some lines below are borrowed from the episodes The Last of the Time Lords, The Wedding of River Song, and The Family of Blood. Credit for those lines go to their respective writers.*
"Is this goodbye then?"
Martha looked at Rose in surprise. She had been looking for Jack and Rose and had ended up finding them in the nursery with the twins. The Doctor, she knew, was busy tinkering. "How did you know?"
"I could just tell. You know you don't have to go, right? This is your home too," Rose reassured her as she stood from her chair to lay Annie down for a nap.
"That's just it though. It's not really my home anymore and to be honest, I'm not sure it ever was. This life... this magical, wonderful, terrifying life was never going to be permanent. I was, am," she corrected herself, "going to school to be a doctor. This was just a temporary escape for me from real life. And I realise that now."
"I understand, but, know that you're always welcome here. Anytime you want to come back, you call. Alright?"
"Oh, I will! And you better come visit me too. No waiting till the twins are in their thirties or something!" Then Martha surprised Rose by hugging her tightly. "Never thought I'd hear myself say it, but I'll miss you Rose!"
Rose just laughed as she hugged her friend back. "I'll miss you too! And I promise we'll visit often."
"Now this is a truly lovely sight!" Jack exclaimed as he watched the two ladies embrace.
"Jack!" Rose admonished as she pulled back from Martha and wiped a few stray tears away.
The Captain pulled Martha into his own hug and said, "I'll miss you, Martha Jones. Come visit me in Cardiff sometime."
Martha just rolled her eyes. "Right. Cardiff. We'll see," she told him with a playful nudge to his shoulder. "Well, I guess I better go find the Doctor."
"Do you want me to come with you?" Rose asked.
"That's okay. I think I need to do it on my own."
Rose nodded and said goodbye as Martha made her way out of the nursery. She then turned to Jack and said, "So, you're really going to go back to Cardiff? You can stay with us you know."
"I know, Rosie. Really, I do. And I promise that I will stay for a little bit, but, I need to go and be with my team in Cardiff for awhile. They still need me."
"You can bring Ianto along if you'd like..." Rose hinted in a sing-song voice.
Jack just laughed. "Well, that does sound tempting, and perhaps we can take him on a few trips, but, I've got responsibilities with my Torchwood team and I can't abandon them."
"I know," Rose conceded. "I'll just miss you so much! I've gotten so used to having you around whenever I need you."
"Rose Tyler, I will always be there for you. Even if I'm not physically here all you need to do is call me and I'll be right there," he kissed her forehead, "I promise. And besides, you've got the Doctor. I bet it'll be nice having it just you two again. Well, you two plus your plus two!"
"That's what makes me nervous," she admitted.
"What? It being just you and the Doctor? It's been just you two plenty of times before."
"Yeah, but, now it's different. Now we're in this sort of relationship and I don't know what's going to happen."
"Rose, sweetheart, you've been together for months now! You have kids together for gods sake!" Jack said with a chuckle.
"Right. Yeah. But, see, the thing that we did to make those kids... hasn't exactly happened since..." Rose told him as she blushed furiously.
"Seriously? I thought you two confessed your love for each other? And the whole, dying then sort of regenerating thing healed you right up. Plus, I've accidentally walked in on your snogging sessions plenty of times in the past three months."
"Accidentally my arse, Jack Harkness!" She smacked his shoulder. "We've been taking it slow, really slow. I don't think he wants us to... dance... again."
"Somehow I highly doubt that, Rose," Jack said with a knowing smirk. "Tell you what, why don't you two have a date night? We'll have the Doctor take us back to Cardiff and Ianto and I can watch the twins while you and the Doctor go have a night out on the town."
"That sounds lovely, Jack, but, I can't be away from the twins."
"Why not? Sweetheart, you haven't had any real alone time with that man since before Canary Wharf. No wonder there hasn't been any dancing. It'll only be for a few hours and I promise the twins will be just fine."
"I-I suppose it might be nice to have a reason to dress up."
"See? Come on, let's go raid the wardrobe while the babies nap. I bet we can get the TARDIS to help us find you something sexy!"
The Doctor smiled when he saw Martha enter the control room. "Right then! Where to next, Martha? Your choice!" He watched as she opened her mouth to answer, bu,t then close it. He realised what she was trying to say. "Okay," he excepted.
"I just can't. Not anymore." Martha shook her head slightly and watched as the Doctor directed his ship back to her flat.
"I understand," he said as the TARDIS landed smoothly. "Thank you." He hugged her. "Thank you for everything. You, Martha Jones, are brilliant!"
"Yes, I am. I spent a lot of time with you thinking I was second best. But, you know what? I am good," she replied with a cheeky grin before sobering up. "You'll be alright now... won't you?"
"Always. Especially now."
"Right then," Martha said quietly before quickly kissing his cheek and walking towards the door. She stopped suddenly and turned around. "The thing is, Doctor. I used to be so jealous of Rose. I could not understand what it was about her that you loved so much. The way you spoke about her... Your voice would change and your face would light up. And now that she's back and I see you two together? I get it. I really do."
"Is this going somewhere?" the Doctor asked nervously.
"Yes! Cause you've never looked at me twice. Nor should you, you have Rose. But, I deserve that. I want a guy to sound in awe whenever they tell someone about me. I want their eyes to shine with their love for me. Like you do with Rose." She swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat. "So this is me, going to find my someone. But, Rose has my mobile number and I have her's, cause I'm not having you lot disappear! When I call, and I will call, you better come running. Got it?"
"Got it."
"I'll see you again, mister." Martha smiled as she walked out the door and left the TARDIS.
"You okay?" Jack's voice said from behind him.
"Yeah. I'll miss her, but, she's right. She's deserves more," the Doctor replied quietly as he directed the TARDIS back into the Vortex. "Where's Rose?"
"Getting ready."
The Doctor looked confused. "For what?"
Jack eyed him sternly."You, Doctor, are going to take Rose out on a date."
"I'm doing what?! A date? Isn't that a bit-"
Jack interrupted, "I swear if you say domestic, I'll knock you out again."
"Well, while we're on that subject, Captain Harkness, was threatening to kill John Smith if he hurt Rose really necessary? And calling me pretty boy? Really?" the Doctor said with a disgusted face.
"Oh come on!" Jack threw his hands in the air. "Before you regenerated you were always going on and on about Rose's pretty boys. Are you honestly telling me it's just a coincidence that you're exactly 'her type' now?" He eyed the Time Lord knowingly.
The Doctor didn't know how to respond so instead changed the subject by asking, "So back to Cardiff then?"
Jack saw what the Doctor was doing. "It doesn't matter what you look like, you know? She loved you with big ears and now she loves you with big hair."
"She loved him too though."
"John Smith."
"Listen, Doc," Jack said sympathetically, "you need to talk to her. Take her out on a nice date. She needs some romancing cause she's terrified you don't want her like that anymore."
"How could she think that?!" he practically shouted. "I've told her I loved her. We have children together for Rassilon's sake!"
"Yeah, but, you two have gone and done everything out of order! Now she needs some wining and dining. You need to woo her, Doctor. Make her feel loved. Make her feel wanted. Now get us back to the Hub. Ianto and I will watch the twins."
Two hours later Rose found herself "all dolled up" (as Jack had put it) and was now being pushed out of the TARDIS.
"Rose! Go with the Doctor. It'll only be for a few hours. The twins will be just fine!" Jack said exasperated.
"But-but what if they need me?" Rose responded, twisting her hands nervously. "I've never been away from them that long!"
The Doctor placed his hand in her's and gently lead her out the door. "Rose, love, they will be alright. Jack and Ianto have promised to keep them in the TARDIS and remember that is the safest place for them. The Old Girl would never let anything happen. Plus, you have your connection with them." He tapped her temple lightly. "You'll know if something is wrong."
"I know. You're right. Guess I'm being a little silly. Bye, Jack," she called to her brother. "I have my mobile so call me if you need anything at all."
Jack wanted to yell back that she had told him that dozens of times already, but, thankfully, Ianto stepped you and replied back to her, "We will, Rose! Relax and have a great night with the Doctor."
Rose was feeling completely content as she had the Doctor strolled hand in hand through various parts of Cardiff. She was feeling nothing but peace radiating from her link with the twins. She knew they were both okay and she had no reason to worry. Rose glanced down at the lovely red dress the TARDIS had picked out for her. It was a deep crimson color, halter dress. Very 1940's. She had even curled her hair to try and fit the style of her dress.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" the Doctor whispered in her ear.
"You mean beautiful considering I'm a human?" she said with her tongue in teeth grin.
"There's nothing to consider." He looked at her seriously. "You're gorgeous and I love you."
"I love you too, Doctor." Suddenly the most glorious smell washed over them. "Uh, Doctor? I know Jack said we should go out for a fancy dinner and all, but, I don't think that's very us..."
The Doctor gave her a bemused grin. "And what's very us?"
"Chips! I could really go for some chips."
"Chips it is then!" he agreed whole heartedly.
Soon the pair found themselves in a park near where the TARDIS was parked, eating their glorious chips. The conversation had been light between them, but, the Doctor felt it was time to talk of more serious things. "Rose? Can I ask you something?"
She smiled back before eating her last chip. "Anything."
"Do you miss him?" He ran his hand through his hair.
Rose swallowed and watched him carefully. "Miss who?"
"John Smith."
She took a deep breath. "Honestly? Yes."
"Right." He nodded. "You loved him," he said, not even making it a question.
"I did. But, hear me out! I miss him like I miss you from before. I loved him like I loved you before," she told him gently.
He looked at her skeptically. "You miss the old me?"
"Course I do!" She shook her head. "That doesn't mean I don't love this you! I'm so glad you're the you, you are now. But, you changed so suddenly, Doctor. Wouldn't it be strange if I didn't miss the old you from time to time? And the thing I realised about John Smith, was that he was you. He was you without the pain and guilt of being the last Time Lord. He was you if you didn't have the weight of the universe on your shoulders. I wish it didn't have to be like that for you, Doctor. Seeing you so carefree and happy was lovely. But, you know what? While I'll miss those bits of him, I am so glad I have you back. My Doctor."
The Doctor just stared at her with tears in his eyes. "Oh, Rose. You make everything better. Don't you see? With you and the children, I'm not the last anymore. You make the weight of the universe seem not so heavy. I love you so much." He leaned in and kissed her softly before asking, "Be my wife?"
Rose just giggled nervously. "What?"
"Marry me? Please?" He looked at her like a lost puppy, afraid she would turn him away.
Rose through her arms around his neck and responded with an enthusiastic, "Yes!"
"Well, then I guess we have a ceremony to plan." He hugged her back tightly.
She pulled back and questioned, "Wait a second, Doctor, what were your people's ceremonies like?"
"Well, back when they married for love it was a simple bonding ceremony with just your closet relatives. But, by the time I was around the Time Lords had stopped marrying for love and instead married for convenience. It was a whole big ceremony. Very boring." He made a silly face at her.
"You were married before, weren't you?" Rose asked carefully. "What was your wife like?"
The Doctor nodded. "She was... she was... nice. I liked her. We got along alright, at first, but I never loved her. It was an arranged marriage. We had 3 children together, two boys and one girl. I wasn't an ideal husband or father, bit of a rebel, me. But, I'm going to try and be better for you and Annie and Jay. I swear it, Rose. I can't lose my family again." He closed his eyes as a single tear escaped.
"Shhh. It's alright, Doctor. You're already an amazing father and I can't wait to call you my husband." She kissed his cheek and told him, "I want to do the simple bonding ceremony your people used to have."
He looked at her in surprise. "You do? Don't you want an Earth ceremony?"
"Nah! I mean who would I even invite?" she joked before turning serious, "I don't need a big ceremony, Doctor. I just need you."
What did he ever do to deserve this amazing woman? the Doctor thought to himself before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the TARDIS. "Come on!"
Rose laughed. "Where are we going?"
"To get married!"
"Jack!" The Doctor shouted as soon as he entered the Control Room.
"What is it?! What's wrong!?" Jack yelled a few moments later as he skidded into the room, followed by Ianto and Gwen each carrying a baby.
The Doctor gave a broad grin. "Ah, Gwen! You're here too! Perfect. Lovely."
Jack practically growled. "Doctor, what is going on?"
"We're getting married!" Rose squealed with delight before the Doctor could answer.
"That's wonderful!" Gwen cried out, followed by Ianto's, "Congratulations."
Jack just shook his head as he looked at the duo in front of him. "So when's the big day?"
"Right now," the Doctor said as he let go of Rose's hand and began to take off his tie.
"What are you doing?" Rose stared at him. They weren't supposed to take off their clothes in front of their friends, were they?
"Trust me." He winked. "Jack, if you could stand there in front of us that would be perfect. Since Rose doesn't have her parents here, you're acting as her guardian. Gwen and Ianto if you could each stand on either side of us with the twins, you both will be our witnesses." He took his tie off and handed it to his beloved. "Rose, take one end of this. Wrap it around your hand, and hold it out to me."
She did as she was told and noticed her hand was shaking with excitement. "What are we doing?"
"Getting married." He gave her the "just dribbled on her shirt" look. "Now then, Rose has opted for us to have the simple bonding ceremony of my people. Now a lot of this would normally be done in my native language, but, since no one here, besides myself and the TARDIS, would be able to understand, we'll do the quick version." He grabbed the other end of the tie and wrapped it around his hand before meeting Rose's. "Captain Harkness, say I consent and gladly give."
"Wait aren't you going to ask me if I consent and gladly give? Why should you presume I-"
"Jack..." the Doctor warned as Rose tried to hold back her giggles.
"Alright, alright, I consent and gladly give," he told them, joking aside.
The Doctor looked Rose's in the eyes and said, "There something I need to tell you now," as he bent down and whispered in her ear.
Rose gasped at the beautiful melody that rang through her body and mind. When the Doctor was done she told him through her tears, "I love you."
"I love you too, Rose Tyler." His face broke out into a grin. "One last question, how long are you going to stay with me?"
She smiled and pretended to think about it before whispering in his ear, "Forever."
"I think it's time for you to kiss the bride," Jack injected.
The newly wedded pair laughed as the Doctor leaned down a gave his wife a gentle kiss. He was suddenly reminded of their first kiss together right before he had regenerated. In that moment he couldn't help but smile. This was always meant to be.
Hours later, after they had all celebrated and turned in for the night, Ianto and Jack were curled around each other in bed. Jack was peppering the other man's shoulder with kisses when Ianto asked suddenly, "Jack? What did the Doctor do to the Family?" Jack had told him and Gwen, earlier in the evening, all about the Family of Blood and it had weighed heavily on his mind ever since.
The Captain pulled back and gave a deep sigh. "He never raised his voice. That was the most terrifying thing. The fury of the Time Lord. And then I realised why."
"Why what?"
"Why the Doctor, who I've seen fight with gods and demons, why he'd run away hide. He was being kind."
"You told me before that he took care of them. Did he end up killing them after all?" Ianto asked genuinely curious.
He shook his head slightly. "No. He wrapped the father in unbreakable chains, forged in the heart of a dwarf star. He tricked the mother into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy to be imprisoned there. Next, he trapped the daughter inside a mirror. Every mirror. You know when you look at your reflection and see something move behind you, just for a second? That's her." Ianto shivered as he continued, "As for the son, he was suspended in time. The Doctor put him to work standing over the fields of England, as their protector."
"I don't understand though. Wouldn't it have just been easier to kill them and get it over with?" the other man asked.
Jack shrugged. "They wanted to live forever, so the Doctor made sure that they did." He pulled the Ianto back into his embrace and said, "Time for sleep now, the Doctor wants to take Rose to the planet Barcelona tomorrow for a honeymoon and I volunteered us to go and be the twin's nannies."
The End.
Please Review! And don't forget to check out my new story, "The Old Team." xoxo