Disclaimer: Why do I try?

A/N: Well. Meow.

Now that that's done, thank you my dear readers. My roleplays are giving inspiration, so I decided to write. Warning, though. There's going to be light Rin/Jason. As in, flirty child kind of ship. Y'know how kids are. I promise I won't focus on it!

Special thanks t. Much. Haldir, for his inspiration, and Lanamere for being a badass RP buddy X3

"Jason, quit looking so confused." Rin remarked with a laugh. "You've been looking around so blankly!"

Jason chuckled lightly. "Sorry. Everything looks weird."

"You look weird."

"Shut up!" the boy laughed. Man, it felt good to genuinely laugh. It was strange, kind of foreign, but it was a happy feeling.

Something he hadn't experienced in a long while.

Rin started humming quietly. 'Carry On My Wayward Son'.

"Are you really singing that song?"

The girl looked up at him, shrugging. "Mm, yeah? So what?" She snickered.

Jason took her hand and continued on his path as he started singing aloud. "Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done, lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more,"

Rin laughed, smile widening. " Once I rose above the noise and confusion, just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion! I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high,"

They knew this song by heart. Kansas was, after all, a good band. And this was a pretty good song.

They sang as they strolled down the streets. Kids being kids. It was a rather cute sight to the passerby people, to see two kids so carefree - despite their lives at the moment.

This was a highlight of Jason's lonely childhood. He'd dream about this moment in his memories frequently, merely because he was actually happy and not so... angry.

For a moment, he forgot that he was so confused on why he was suddenly in the past. Now, he was just focusing on his best friend, and the good times they had together. Maybe it'd last a while, maybe he'd stay cheerful for just a little bit longer. That would be perfect. To stay like this.

Jason knew, though, in the back of his head, that they wouldn't stay like this - singing down the streets. He knew he was reliving a memory. He knew where this was leading to... and his heart was sinking with each step.

Rin turned, her white hair flipping in her face. "Jason, I have a question. Have you ever wondered what it's like to die?"

The boy blinked. He'd forgotten about this part. "...ehm?"

"I mean... well, you know, with my... my... little brother... guess I just, I wonder what it feels like to be dying. I guess I'm jus' curious, you know?"

Jason blinked again, trying to answer. "I... I dunno, Rin. Maybe it's peaceful?"

Rin tapped her chin, shrugging. "Mm... maybe. I just thought you might somehow know, because you know everything," she teased, nudging his shoulder.

"I never said that!"

"Oh, yes you have, don't deny it," the girl laughed,

Jason turned his head up to gaze at the sky. I asked you the same thing for a while, Rinnie.

"What's wrong now, mister sensative?"

He glanced at Rin, forcing a chuckle. He punched her shoulder lightly in a friendly manner, "Nothing! Just sleepy. Don't worry about it."

As they kept walking, Rin's humming fell quiet. She took Jason's hand as they started passing a string of alleyways that were nutorious for their... nightly events. Jason pulled them both to walk at the edge of the sidewalk, away as far as they could from the alley.

We'll get to the shelter... spend a night... and... and then she'll... The boy shook his head desperately. No. Not going to think of that. Not going let his short time with his Rin be spoiled by what he knew would come...

A/N: Okay, sorry this is so bad and filler-y. I'm starting the next chapter now, listening to Dancing Samurai. Yeap. Feel free to be mad at me in reviews if you'd like.