A/N: So, based on the reviews for my fic Ms. Brightside, I decided to do this prequel multichapter fic. I decided to do make Mr. Brightside into a multichapter fic as well. This takes place four years before during the begining of the Era of Billith. Title comes from "Misery Business" by Paramore. Love the song and thought it was somewhat perfect for the fic. Anyways, hope you all enjoy...

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. If I did, I'd summon Tara to feel up on her arms and Pam to purr in my ear. At the SAME. DAMN. TIME...

Bright stars filled the night sky, accompanied by the large full moon and the sounds of outdoor life. She watched below while crouched on a high hill with endless trees standing tall behind her. The two baby vamps were sparring in an open field in the middle of the woods not too far from their safehouse. She had heard about their little bar fight in Fangtasia. That was until Pam apparently put an end to it. Personally, she felt that there was a possibly that Tara, being younger, may have won by intereference, so she had them spar in their training room in the basement. Afterall, it only takes a moment to turn a fight around in your favor.

Jessica clearly have had some training, but it was clear that Tara had the advantage, as the mixed martial artist that she was, to fight in closed spaces. Now, she'd felt they needed a change a senary in battle. She needed to know their advantages in hand to hand, weaponary, open and closed spaces, ect. Although Eric was the head trainer in this family and forming alliance against Billtih, it was her job to make the battle plans for this war.

So she watched as they battled it out. Jessica wore her green fitted t-shirt and blue jeans while Tara had on her gray sweatpants and tank top, looking like a street fighter. Both now covered in dirt, mud and blood. What started out as a friendly spar between the two BVS, it was getting entertainly brutal pretty fast. Jessica was much more prepared in this fight as she became more accustomed to the other vamp's fighting style. She knew that playing with grappling moves with someone who'd done them for a living was not the wisest choice. She already had the advantage of being slight faster with her age and long limbs, so she figure out to use that to her advantage. She'd vamp speed in, attack, then speed out. She didn't want Tara to actually get a hold of her. It was clearly frustrating the younger vamp and that frustration was screwing up her concentration.

But Nora knew something was up. She could tell Tara was trying to calculate Jessica's movements and time her attacks. And just like that, Jessica came in with for another hit, ended up getting a hard shoulder thrust from her opponent. Tara hit her so hard, Jessica went flying in across the field in mid air. Her body slammed hard into the ground, kicking up a great amounts of dirt into the air, then slid the rest of way across the field on her back.

"Quite the beauty, isn't she?" a familliar voice compliments while crouching down beside Nora.

A smirk formed on her lips as she continued to watch the aggresive baby vamp leap on top of Jessica, twisting her in a submission hold that would have been deadly for a human. "Certainly." She, for one, couldn't deny that Tara had a raw sexiness that anyone could want to either tame, or let it completely unleash upon them.

"Too bad she's already spoken for. I have to say my progeny chose quite the woman as my grandchilde and her lover." His voice of pride shows a subtle hint of warning to his sister.

Nora rolls her eyes at the mention of Pam and her brother's warning. "I say she got lucky. If I'd known a human like Tara Thornton existed, I would have made her myself." She turns to Eric with curiosity. "Which begs me to question, why didn't you turn her yourself and a lot sooner?"

Eric quietly thinks about his reasoning before explaining. "I wasn't very knowledgable of Tara as a human, she wasn't exactly fond of our kind, I wasn't looking for another progeny and Sookie would have never forgiven me."

"Ah yes, your precious fairy. Well turns out she was the reason for Tara demise and turning anyways. Or did I inteprete that fairy's tale wrong?" Her amused chuckles with her use of play on words was met with her brother's silence. He knew the mentioning of Sookie brought his mind to something else. "Did she arrive in Bon Temps okay?"

He nods, his eyes showing worry. "I just received her call. She and her brother made it there safely. She said everywhere is filled with chaos. They should be coming back with others by morning though."

Nora sighs about the possible burden. "Great, more humans."

"Human can be useful in battle." He reminded. She knew he was right, but to what extent?

"Tara, that's enough!" An angry tone demanded. on the side of the field.

Nora spots Pam on the side of the side of the field and she immediately gives a heated glare and deep growl. What the fuck is she doing?! Eric lays his hand on her shoulder to ease her anger, so she takes her focus off the blonde and looks back onto the fight.

With Pam simple distraction, Jessica takes advantage and slips out of Tara's hold, with neck snapped to the side and her right arm snapped in three places. She runs off into the woods on the opposite end of the field before Tara could grab her. She climbs one handed up a tree, knowing Tara wouldn't be fast enough to catch her. Tara tried to keep up, but Jessica began vamp speeding from one tree to another, keeping away from her while her body healed.

Nora's eye catches Pam standing in the middle of field watching, fuming at Tara going against her order. It brought a wicked grin back to her lips as she turned back to the fight.

Finally healed, Jessica moved faster from tree to tree and Tara was becoming extremely frustrated. She jumps from her own tree back to the ground and looks up, clocking Jessica's tree leaping, trying to guess which one she was going to go to next. She vamp speeds to Jessica's next tree and with all her strength, pushes the tall tree, knocking it down right before the redhead latches onto it, making her miss it completely. The sound to the tree hitting the ground send a crashing that echoed throughout. Free falling, Jessica's vampire reflexes helps her land on her feet, but Tara was already on her. She grabs the older vampire by her throat throws from the woods out back into the field. Lucky for her, Pam was quick to catch her.

Jessica was still ready to go for Tara's possible further attack but Pam hand a firm grip on her throat holding her back. Just like Jessica anticipated, Tara came back out the woods to continue on, but Pam had other plans. When Tara got close enough, Pam snatched her by the front of her shirt, lifting her off her feet.

"I said that's enough!" Pam's voice commanded powerfully, making both the baby vamps, stop their actions and retract their fangs. After a few moments, her hand shoves Jessica away and drops her progeny on the ground with the other. "Come inside, both of you. Now." She finally turns around to head back to the safehouse.

Jessica walks over to Tara and extends her hand, showing no hard feelings. Tara accepts it and allows the other vamp lift her up to her feet. Like two guilty children about to be punished by their mother, they follow after Pam with their shoulders slumped. Tara looks up on the hill. She knew Nora was up there, afterall, she's the one who organized the fight. They lock eyes for a few moments, Nora with an intense stare, Tara with a look of confliction of authority, before the younger one looks away and continues on walking with her BVS.

Nora was furious with Pam's interference with the sparring match. Sure it got out of hand, but it was definately needed for her to do her job. Another growl emerges from her throat.

Eric once again places his hand on her shoulder trying to put her at ease. "Relax, min syster."

This time she doesn't follow his advice. His touch just makes her more tense. "It's not her fucking place." While her anger continues to grow, her eyes never leave Tara's retreating form.

"She just very protective of those two, but causing a scene in front of the children is not wise. Talk to her about it. Or may you want me to do it?" As soon as he suggested Nora confronting Pam, he knew it was a horrible idea. The women in his family were known to be more than quite stubborn and the ongoing rivalry between his sister and his progeny, neither of them were going to back down.

Once again, a mischeivious smirk appears on Nora's lips. "I'll do it. I have quite a few bloody words to say to your dear Pamela."

Google Translation(Swedish)

min syster - my sister

A/N: This chapter was actually my originally idea for Ms. Brightside, but I decided to go with the different senario with that one. Glad I was able to still use it for this prequel. I'll be trying to update each story around the same time because I wanted the two stories to somewhat parallel each other(hence the reason this chapter seemed like deja vu lol). But they will be a lot different, with hints of similarity as the situations are both different. Mr. Brightside will reference moments of this fic, sometimes before it happens in this one(ie. Nora missing Tara's lips). Hope there are no typos and hope you all enjoyed :D...