Warning to innocent and/or squeamish readers: Discussion of unpleasant sexual experience in this chapter, but no graphic sex scenes.

Carry on.

The only thing that Gilbert didn't like about choosing to study music was the fact that he couldn't listen to music while studying, unless of course that was part of the assignment. But he figured that just gave him a good excuse to find other ways to listen to new music…like going clubbing.

This club was better than most. They had a really great DJ who always seemed to know exactly what he liked to hear. And the crowd was always full of hot, scantily clad girls and guys that actually knew how to dance. Gil watched appreciatively from the bar as a slim, dark haired pretty boy did a pretty respectable hardstyle shuffle.

Gil danced his way over to the guy and yelled, "Not bad!" Then he showed off his moves, only for the guy to turn away and ignore him. "Hey!" Gil tugged on the hottie's arm and nearly got slapped. "Get off me jerk!" he spat. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for Gil the crowd was too thick for him to storm off, so Gil tried again. "Come on! I'll buy you a drink!" The brunette gave him an appraising look and visibly sighed. "Okay!"

They slowly made their way off the dance floor. Gil fought his way up to the bar and ordered two shots of tequila. He came back to find the hottie tapping his foot impatiently. "Here!" he yelled, handing him the shot. The guy downed it in one go looking unimpressed, and then grabbed the other shot out of Gil's hand. He threw that one back as well, said "Thanks for the drinks!" and turned to go.

Gil grabbed him again, dodged another slap and yelled, "Hey, don't cha wanna go somewhere, have some fun?!" The guy looked him up and down and swayed a bit on his feet. 'Guess those drinks are getting to him now…' Gil smiled his best devilish grin and cocked his hip. "Come on! Let's go!"

Gil woke up to find an empty bed.

"What the fuck…? Oh, yeah…" he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes blearily. "Ugh, well that sucked. Remind me to never do that again…" He groaned and put the pillow over his head.

The cute guy turned out to be the world's biggest jerk in bed.

"What the fuck! An albino!?" he laughed ominously, "Well, I never done it with one of those."

What the hell was his name…Roma-something. Sounded Italian… Gil couldn't help but remember how gorgeous the guy was once he was under some decent light. Ebony black hair, sharp features, olive skin… 'God, why did he have to be such an asshole?!' Gil was actually starting to get hard picturing the guy, but it made him feel disgusted with himself. 'Damn it! I'm not like that! It's sick to be turned on by him after what he did!'

"So Casper, here's the deal. I don't bottom 'cause that's for pussies like you, got it? And if you think I'm about to suck that pathetic pasty prick of yours, well you got another thing coming. Now, you wanted this so fucking bad, so now you're gonna get it!"

Gil got Roma-whatshisname to wear a condom, but only after he let the guy verbally and sexually degrade him.

'Why didn't I just throw him out? What the hell is wrong with me?' Gil wondered as he dragged himself out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He got in the shower, turned on the water full blast as hot as he could stand and washed the disgusting residue of last night off his face. 'Why did I just go along with it? I could have refused, even fought him off if he wouldn't take no as an answer. Why didn't I?' Gil washed between his legs. He was half-hard, just like when that asshole was… "Ugh! Stupid fuck! I'm such an idiot! Who cares anyway! It was just sex, it doesn't matter!"