The sun had just started to rise as the Vikings gathered around their ship preparing to cast off for Berk. After three days of negotiations the treaty between the two lands had been finalized. The Daypeaces would be happy to offer trade and share knowledge with their northern neighbors, even offering aid if necessary via use of the Gateways. The Vikings in turn would keep the secret of the Gateways while also trading in weapons and armor along with some of the northern delicacies. If needed the Vikings would also offer aid to their new friends. There were other agreements such as allowing representatives of the two parties access to the others home, joint expeditions etc. Hopefully the two cultures would influence one another in positive ways.

"Gobber make sure we have enough supplies to last the return trip. Snotlout check the sail, Ruffnut and Tuffnut take stock of our weapon, Fishlegs make sure the raft doesn't have any leaks in it. Astrid finish reinforcing the hull. Hiccup make sure the dragons needs are taken care of. I want to be sailing within the hour. We've been away from Berk far longer then I wanted to be. I can only imagine what Spitelout has done to the island in my absence," Stoick shouted commands at the group.

"Dad, I'm sure that Berk will be just fine when we get home. Remember we have stubbornness issues. Nothing short of the gods fury could make us leave."

"I know son, I'm just anxious to be back home. The warmth here is to much for my taste."

"It doesn't help much that our clothing is to heavy for this kind of climate," Gobber added helpfully. "All the stores are stocked with enough provisions to last us the trip. I added an extra barrel of fresh water just in case."

"The ship and the raft are secure sir. Weapons have been restocked. We can sail as soon as you give the word," Astrid informed him.

"We're ready to go as well. We'll fly part of the way and then when we get to the Gateway ride on the raft," Toothless spoke up. The experience had left all of them able to perfectly communicate with one another in Dragonese. It was a huge step forward in deepening the bonds between human and dragon.

"Heads up everyone, the far well party has arrived and it looks like they bring gifts a plenty for all of us!" Thornado shouted. Everyone turned to see Queen Rayna and Nissa, accompanied by Healer Skerry and the Honor Guard, walking across the sands towards them. The Honor Guard members were carrying bundles in their arms. Nissa was wearing a more regal Xanadu inspired outfit similar to her aunt's only in her color scheme. She carried herself with a lot more confidence and joy then before.

The two groups stood apart for a few minutes before Queen Rayna bowed to them. "I see that your preparations for your journey home is complete. The tide is in so you should be leaving soon if you want to reach the Gateway by afternoon. I've asked a few of my Honor Guard to escort you there. With their power and knowledge they should be able to land you back in your own waters with just one jump. You should reach Berk in two or three days. I'm sure they are eagerly awaiting your return so they can celebrate. I'm sure you'll have a few new songs to add to your repertoire when our first trading party arrives in sixth months time."

"Thank you for the assistant of your people. Even with the knowledge granted to us by Nissa I doubt we'd be able to operate the Gateways as effectively as you. The island will look forward to your trading party. I'll have commissioned suitable armor for the different climates by then."

"Excellent. Though we seek peace it never hurts to be prepared for battle as we have learned. I have come bearing gifts to give you to make up for our initial impression. I hope that you are able to use them."

"Ah cool! What do you have for us? I hope its something cool!" Tuffnut yelled. Ruffnut hit him on the head giving him a look. He was about to hit her back when a glare from Stoick made them both quit.

The Daypeaces chuckled at their antics. "There's no need for violence right now young Twins. I'm sure you'll get plenty of action once you return home. As for gifts; here is our first one," Ula said opening her small box. Inside, packed in some kind of protection, was beautiful colored glass. The sun sparkled off them in a ray of blues, reds, and yellow. Closing the box she handed it to Gobber. "This is the special glass we make here on the island. You won't find anything like it in the world. Its not enough for the whole island though I'm sure you could find somewhere special to put it."

"Thank you, my these are beautiful. I think we'll put them somewhere in the square so everyone can see their beauty."

"Our next gift is for the young riders. We hope these new saddles and riding clothes will make you more comfortable as you fly. The saddles have been treated to last in the harshest weather and the clothes are lined with an extra layer of fluff for added warmth," Steinar explained as he and the rest of the male members handed out the items.

"Whoa this is so soft and look it stretches!"

"I can't wait to test out this saddle. Hookfang and I will be flying circles around all of you."

"This is definitely a cool gift. Thank you so much!"

"You're very welcome indeed. We only have a few more gifts to hand out. We know its not much, but these medicines and designs for structures for dragons will go a long way into making sure your relationships on Berk last for a long time," Katriat explained as the rest of the females handed out the gifts.

Healer Skerry handed a satchel bursting with meds and instructions written in runes to Hiccup. "Be sure to give these to Gothi. I'm sure she can make great use of them, perhaps even improve upon them."

"Thanks. I'll make sure she reads the instructions. You know how Vikings aren't very big on reading."

"This last gift is for you Hiccup. I like you to have this," Nissa told him handing him a magical opal mirror. "Our bond is strong so and this will only strengthen it. I have the other one so we'll be able communicate face to face over long distances. Your dad can also use it to talk to my aunt to discuss business." She handed him the mirror and when their fingers touched they both blushed. Though they would never be intimate with one another, their strong deep personal connection could be felt with all.

"Thank you Hiccup for everything you have done for me and my people. Xanadu will prosper once more because you showed us the strength of ones will. I only hope I can live up to the example that you've set and become a great leader like you."

"I'm sure you'll do fine Nissa. You have more potential to be a leader then you realize," Hiccup said. Suddenly on an impulse he hugged her with all his might and she returned the embrace. "You are going to do just fine as long as you keep believing in yourself. This is your moment don't waste it."

"I won't, I promise to always do what is right and give the people of Xanadu my best. I'm no longer going to hold back for fear of failure. I'll always treasure the friendship and kindness all of you have given me. I will never forget it."

"I made this for you using the art supplies in the palace. I know its not much but I didn't want to leave without giving you a gift," Hiccup said handing her a small painting. It was a beautiful mini portrait of the two of them laughing as they stood on the beaches of Xanadu. Seeing Nissa's tears of joy he knew he made the right choice.

"We also have a gift for the people of Xanadu. We know how much the Daypeaces love adding manuscripts to your library so..." Fishlegs started to explain as he pulled a small notebook when Snotlout interrupted him.

"We've written down all our greatest legends and songs for your personal enjoyment. Some of my more heroic tales are included. I'm sure the kids here will love to read about the stories of the greatest Vikings who ever lived."

"We appreciate your gift. This tome will be added to the library at once," Queen Rayna replied as she accepted the gift. Nissa hugged the teens whispering her goodbyes as they responded in kind.

There were a few more gifts to be given. Gobber had made Nissa a new mace to use and Stoick gave her an extra Viking helmet. The dragons offered bits of their scales for different uses. All the Daypeaces said their goodbyes to the dragons in their own special way and Nissa hugged Toothless for a long time thanking him for everything. Toothless crooned to her saying how much he'd miss her and that he hoped that she would visit soon. After a few more tearful goodbyes Steinir and Ula manifested into their dragon forms and started leading the Viking party home.

They had been sailing for an about two hours covering a vast distance because all the dragons were pulling the ship on cables. "At the rate we're going we should make it to the Gateway by late afternoon. Hopefully there will be enough sunlight for our friends to send us straight home. I don't know about all of you, but I'm ready to get back to my forge. Plus I'm sure Phil is missing me tons."

"Yeah your sheep seemed so loyal to you when he trapped us that one time while the Bone Knapper attacked."

"I can't wait to get back and update the Book of Dragons with all the information about the Daypeaces. I can just picture how long the chapter will be although maybe I should hold back on mentioning their hybrid nature. After battling those poachers keeping some secrets about our new friends will be vital. What are the rest of you looking forward to when we get back home?"

"I can't wait to see my parents again. I never realized how much I would miss them if I was gone so long. I'm sure that they're missing me as well. Especially my mom who always wants my help in running the house. I actually am looking forward to cleaning my room and mucking out Stormfly's stable."

"We're eager to get back and show everyone that were not mindless crude thugs anymore! Who knew there were so many other activities we could enjoy if we stopped trying to hit each other all the time."

"That doesn't mean we won't miss out on causing a little destruction now and then. It wouldn't be the same if we didn't blow up something once and awhile."

"I'm sure Berk is looking forward to the return of your destructive ways. I'm looking forward to falling asleep in my own bed and being able to walk around without an escort. Xanadu may have many luxuries, but I wasn't able to enjoy them as much as I liked. I think the thing I will miss the most about Xanadu will be the hot springs. They were so relaxing it felt like all my troubles slipped away as I soaked."

"I'm sure we can rig a hot bath for you son if you miss warm bathing that much. Once we get home we'll have a feast in the Great Hall to celebrate your return and our new alliance. There will be enough drinking, song, and games to last a week. After that its back to getting Berk running smooth as a weathered stone. I hope in our absences the Outcasts haven't made a bid for Berk. I swear by Odin I'll rip Alvin apart if he's tried to harm anyone."

"Calm down Stoick, I'm sure that Berk is just fine. The most we'll have to contend with is Spitelout not wanting to give the chiefdom back to you after such a long time. All that power probably went to his head, but it will be fine I'm sure."

In the skies above the dragons were also talking gamely about what they would do once they returned home. This adventure had been fun and as much as they enjoyed strengthening ties with their cousins it would be nice to be back home. Dragons may migrate for different reasons; food, shelter, raising hatchlings but in the end there really was no safe harbor like home.

"Once we return to Berk I'm going on long deep sea dive in the waters. I loved the warm waters of the Mediterranean and all the exotic fish. Still nothing compares to bracing cold swim in dangerous waters and battling Scaldrun if I do say so myself. Besides I'm sure my fellow Thunderdrome Roar has been missing me."

"I can't wait to get back home to check on how the rest of the pack is doing. I'm sure the Terrors having been causing mischief and who knows what our offspring have been up to now that they're teens. I know my brood love to cause problems if they don't get their way."

"We're looking forward to flying in the forests once more. Its fun to knock over trees and play Dragon Nest with our riders. Maybe this time we'll win the game."

"I hope they've finished building the rest of the structures for our kind. My shelter is nice and I love sleeping on fresh hay. Still Astrid could make some improvements."

"I want to practice my battle skills! The fight with the Daypeaces should me I still have a way to go to become a true threat. Now that Snotlout and I are communicating better we might have a chance to beat all of you during the upcoming Thawfest games. Then I'll show you how much strongest Nightmares are compared to Nightfuries."

"In your dreams Hookfang! Once we get home after I take a long nap I'm going to go trick flying with Hiccup. Now that he knows what flying really feels like we can come up with all sorts of new tricks that will show you up any day of the week!"

"I would ask that you refrain from attacking one another until we get to the Gateway. You'll need to conserve all your strength if you want to make it back home as soon as possible."

"So stop hissing at one another and start flapping some more!"

They made it to the Gateway by late afternoon about an half until sunset. Steiner and Ula quickly went to work repositioning the quartz crystals altering the flow of magic. The other dragons helped change the amount of light entering the focusing lens while the Vikings worked the etchings. Finally the Gateway opened the path and they sailed through landing back in their own home waters. After making sure the Vikings could sail home safely the two Honor Guard members turned around back through the vortex to home.

Two days later their victorious return was celebrated by a fiery salute and cheers as the people of Berk saw their leader return with their heir. Spitelout and Stoick embraced one another as the riders parents fussed over their children. The dragons were having excited conversations with one another. Hiccup found himself the center of attention as Bucket and Mulch asked him a ton of questions.

Later that night a grand feast was being held. There were plenty of food and drink being shared. Songs were being sung and everyone was cheering loudly. Stoick raised his hand getting everyone's attention. "Now, I know your all eager to learn what happened on our voyage. Over the course of the next few days you'll all learn the whole story, but for now I'll will give you the highlights of our journey. The Daypeace Nissa kept her word guiding us through the vast oceans and mythical portals. We arrived in her home waters and did battle against the greatest of foes; a group of blood thirsty poachers who would have stopped at nothing to claim our dragons for themselves after beheading us. We battled with all their fierceness of the Gods emerging triumph it. After fixing our damaged ship we landed on the island of Xanadu and hiked through the dangerous terrain. At one point it seemed we had been betrayed for Nissa had kept secrets from us, important ones. I was ready to take out my anger on her, but she convinced me that she was on our side. All seemed lost when the Queen of Xanadu refused to return Hiccup to us. We fought as bitter enemies nearly killing each other if not for the bravery of Hiccup, Toothless, and Nissa who saved all lives. The girl was badly injured thanks though to my son she'll live and we have a new alliance. I understand the trepidation of working with such beings I believe though if we can learn to live in harmony with dragons we can forge a friendship with these beings. They have offered us great gifts which will be shared with the people of the village. For now we celebrate our successful quest and toast our new friends!"

"For Hiccup and Toothless! Yeah!"

"Boy, I never thought that many people would miss me. I guess I'm more popular then I thought huh bud?"

"You're worth more then you'll ever know to the people of Berk. When your not here this island is very dull. When are you going to start giving lessons in Dragonese?"

"Soon, I still need to get use to my new prosthetic. I have no regrets giving up my leg to help out Nissa of course; its just..."

"We know its a hard blow to gain something back only to lose it again. Still you made the right choice," Astrid told him gently.

"Yeah and anyways you look hotter with the battle scars. That fake leg tells the story of your strength and determination against all odds," Fishlegs responded.

"Blah blah enough with the sap, let's have some fun. I bet I can guzzle down more mead then you can!"

"Count us in we never walk away from a challenge."

"I'm going to enjoy this so much."

For the rest of the night Hiccup joined in the celebrations even managing to hold down one drink before he got to tipsy. As he settled into his own bed he felt a sense of warmth and safety blanket him. He was finally home. He didn't know that his father watched him sleep all night to assure himself that this wasn't a dream, that the boy was in fact home. Over the course of the next week or so life on Berk returned to normal. The glass was installed on the well in the town square for everyone to enjoy, Gothi was busy studying the new medicines she'd been given and the riders tested out their new outfits. It seemed all was well though the teens were glad that Fishlegs got to distracted to update the Book of Dragons. Between the trouble Heather and Alvin caused it was a huge relief that they didn't have to be concerned about the Draconia Daypeace's secret getting out.

Meanwhile back on Xanadu Nissa was in another study session with the tutors. Since becoming the heir to the throne she was learning all the protocols, world cultures, and how to harness her magical potential. At first it had been very hard for her to keep up with the lessons. She had to master etiquette, languages, and expand on her own abilities fairly quickly. Though as the weeks passed it soon became apparent that she was not only excelling in her studies, she was actually surpassing them with such ease.

"So Princess what can you tell me about the Middle Kingdom and who are connection is there?" the tutor asked quizzing Nissa.

"The Middle Kingdom is also known as China is ruled by an emperor whose legacy is passed down the male line. Each era of the country is marked by a different dynasty many who are involved with the completion of the Great Wall which has been erected to protect the country from their northern neighbors the Mongolians. The country itself uses a kanji system of symbols similar to runes to represent sounds and ideas for their written word. The people of China are very proud and have an honor system. The oldest male is the most important member of the family with the daughter having their feet bound at seven or six in order to keep them small. Woman are generally seen only as necessary to run the household and not valued very much. Dragons are revered in this culture as wise protectors and teachers. The elemental dragon of lightening merged his essence with the mountains, lakes, and spiritual temples of this land creating the wingless dragons who defend the country. We have established a working relationship with these protectors. In exchange for resources from their country such as its kites, fireworks, and teas we offer trade including our scientific discoveries, food, and clothing. We also assist the dragons with defending their land from rogue mythos who would do the people harm."

"Correct and what is the proper protocol when addressing a high ranking official in this country?"

"Bow at the waist and advert eyes while speaking with reverence. Do not respond until addressed. It is customary in the country to kneel for long periods of time."

"Yes, and how many dialects are there in the country?"

"Over thirty dialects exist in this country, but the two main versions spoken include Mandarin and Cantonese."

"Excellent work Princess Nissa. I've never had a student who was such a quick study before."

"Its nothing really. My parents and I would often play trivia games with me for fun."

"I see, well why don't you go practice your light magic for awhile then? I need to speak with the Queen about your progress."

"Of course; thank you for the lesson today tutor Keto. It was very educational and informative," Nissa responded giving a slight bow/curtsey before going outside to the training field. The Honor Guard was assembled helping her focus and use her powers. Nissa had already learned how to transmute light into different colors and use the sun's power to increase how own abilities. Now she was practicing using its power to fire beams of pure sunlight to destroy targets.

Observing the training session from the balcony was Queen Rayna who looked at her niece proudly. Never had she imagined in such a short time that Nissa would surpass all expectations placed on her. It seemed that without her knowledge the rest of the family had trained Nissa to become the next queen should anything happen to them. She had never been so grateful for her sister's ability to plan ahead then she was now. She heard Healer Skerry enter the room and turned to look at her friend and confidant. "Nissa's doing quite well fitting into her new role hasn't she?"

"Yes, she seems to have over come her self confidence issues. I've never seen her shine like this before. She is positively radiating and truly happy for the first time in a long while. The people of Xanadu also adore her and feel at ease knowing the two of you have finally bonded with one another. I must admit I feared the two of you would never connect. I'm glad I was wrong."

"To think all this time we could have been sharing our love with each other instead of growing more distant. I will always regret pushing her away for the longest time. I only hope she can forgive me."

"I believe she has, Nissa has a very forgiving heart. She understands what you were going through. Together you've both begun to heal and leave your hurt behind."

"Yes, as we draw closer together I can't help but feel how sad she really is. She hides it well of course. I'm not saying she doesn't love being here learning how to be a princess or growing closer to me. She's just lonely. She has many people she can talk with and does interact with her peers, but she hasn't formed any strong bonds with her age mates. The closest she ever has was with the riders. I can hear it in her voice when she talks to Hiccup how much she misses him and visiting the island. She's always asking questions about the other teens and chatting up with the other dragons."

"That's understandable considering how much time she spent there in the last fifteen years. Its a much a part of her as Xanadu and the Daypeaces are. Despite how opposite Vikings are from us she formed a kinship with the teens there and has embraced much of their ways. Perhaps she should be allowed to go on the first trading expedition in a few months."

"I was actually considering a different solution," Queen Rayna told her friend. Her Dragon Heart connected with her niece's sending her love and warmth that caused the teen to smile. "Ola had a saying. 'if learning to love is about growing closer, then its also about letting go'. I think I need to do what is best for Nissa." Healer Skerry looked at her confused by what she meant.

It was three days later and the teens were all the the Dragon Academy discussing what their plans to start introducing the younger generation to training dragons. They thought that if the kids learned more about dragons early on then it would be easier to bond with them once they reached their teens.

"So I was thinking that if we managed to corral a pack of Terrors in here we could let the kids have some fun with them. The Terrors aren't that dangerous and seem to enjoy playing with the kids at any rate. Afterwards we can start moving up to other dragons," Hiccup was saying.

"Sounds like a plan. When do you want to have the first session?" Astrid asked.

Before he could respond they heard an alarm go off. Startled they looked up at the sky surprised to see three Daypeaces circling above heading for the town square. From the markings they identified them as Nissa, Ula, and Steinar.

"Whoa what are they doing here? Did Nissa tell you she was coming for a visit?" Ruffnut asked.

"No, I'm as surprised as you are."

"Well let's get down there and see what's going on," Tuffnut urged as they all mounted their dragons and flew to the square. The whole village had gathered with Stoick looking at the guests with a mixed expression. The three dragons landed and reverted to their human form just as Hiccup and his friends arrived.

"Steinar, Ula, I'm surprised to see you here. I wasn't expecting to see your people for another four months. Is there a problem?"

"No problem per say Stoick. We've come for a different reason. Ula, the proclamation?"

"Ahem, by order of Queen Rayna of Xanadu; Princess Nissa Draki is to begin her first cultural peace mission. This entails spending the next five years living on the isle of Berk learning from the Hooligan tribe and assisting them in daily life and not limited to helping further the bonds between humans and dragons. The Princess is also responsible for learning more about our northern neighbors in attempt to bring peace and understanding the north. While here the Princess is to be treated as an ambassador of her people with all the rights afford the position while still subjected to the rules of the Chief Stoick the Vast Haddock. The tribe will offer their protection of the heir who will be guarded by elite members of the Honor Guard who will take up residence on said island. Upon completion of mission the princess will return to her homeland with an ambassador from Berk for a period of time to be determined at a later date. With your permission we would like to carry out our orders."

"Your serious? You want to spend the next five years here on Berk? I don't understand, what about your people, your aunt? I thought you were learning to be the next heir and..." Hiccup started babbling when Nissa silence him with a look. She had returned to wearing her old outfit with a new cloak to protect her from the cold.

"My aunt thought it would be best if I was with my friends for now. We're still connected and I can talk to her anytime I want with the mirror. I already have learned much about being the next heir and I will return periodically to my home, but for now if you'll have me I wish to be part of this tribe and learn from you as you have learned from me."

"I see no reason not to accept you and you bodyguards on the island. You have already proven yourselves as worthy allies and it would help strengthen our alliance. We can set you up in a home near the forge and you can help the kids out at the academy. It will be hard life and at times it won't be easy, but if you three believe you can handle it then we welcome you to Berk."

"Welcome to our home Nissa, its good to have you back!"

That afternoon they all went flying together laughing as the sun danced off Nissa scales as she twirled about. The friends were happy to have their newest member back and it looked like the adventure was just beginning. As Hiccup and Toothless raced against their friend trying to see who was better he couldn't help to think about the situation. We once thought it was impossible to be friends with dragons and now we are. Its funny how things can change. My friendship with Nissa was my oldest one I had, but now its grown to include her and all my other friends. Things have changed for the better and I can't wait to see where this new journey leads us.