This is my first HTTYD fanfic and I hope that everyone likes it. I have seen the movie and watched the show so I hope I can capture the characters the right way. Remember to read and review.

P.S. Please check out my profile to read my other works and to learn more about my original novel, "Battle for the Stars" available to be purchased online. Thank you.

Dragons and humans have had a strained relationship for years. Until a few months ago no one thought it would be possible to befriend a dragon, let alone ride them. Now that we are friends we have much to share with one another about our ways of life. Still what would happen if an old friend from the past came back? Would be reuniting with them change the relationship you have with your new dragon friend?

It was a typical day on Berk. The village was a bustle of activity with the Vikings going about doing everyday things. Mothers were teaching their children, the men were at work providing, and the dragons were about doing their best to assist in the daily chores that kept the island running smoothly.

At Berk's Dragon Academy Hiccup and his friends were busy training with the dragons. Today, Hiccup thought it would be a good idea to learn to share things about themselves with their dragons and for the dragons to do the same. He was hoping that the more they communicated with the dragons, eventually the riders would learn to actually interpret what their dragons were saying. It would be a huge step in the right direction to strengthen the bond between the people of Berk and their new dragon friends.

"Alright so this exercise is to help further the bonds of friendship with our dragons. Now who would like to go first? Anyone, come on don't be shy," Hiccup said encouragingly to his friends. He knew most of them, well Snotlout and the Twins, thought this was silly and he was pretty sure he already knew what Fishlegs and Meatlug were going to share, but he was determined to get the teens to open up more about themselves and the dragons at ease.

"I'll go first you big babies. Okay, when I was four years old I was playing with my dad's battle ax and I accidentally lost my grip on it. The ax went flying and it lodged itself in my parents' bed frame. I panicked and tried to pull it loose, but it was wedged tight. Just as I was about to rip it out I heard my parents come back. I was so startled I yanked extra hard and the ax came out and flew over my shoulder nearly taking my dad's head off. The bed was destroyed and my parents grounded me for two weeks making me do extra chores. Then my dad decided to teach me how to properly use an ax so I wouldn't destroy anymore furniture," Astrid admitted to her friends.

"You seriously cut your parents bed in half? That's so cool!" Ruffnut exclaimed.

"I bet we could have demolished more then just the bed. Hey we've managed to destroy three tables, two chairs, and a bunch of other half finished projects by the time we were four. It was a lot of fun," Tuffnut added, his eyes misting over as he thought of all the destruction they caused.

"The point is that's how I started my training to be a warrior. So Stormfly, did you ever do something similar to that?" Astrid asked her Deadly Nadder.

Stormfly grunted and nuzzled her rider. She stood up and started making low rumbles as she pantomimed flying and then stumbling to the ground. Her deadly tail spikes went flying embedding themselves in the far wall. The other dragons snickered and Stormfly gave them a hard look so they stopped.

"What is she saying? I don't really get the whole role playing exercise," Snotlout complained loudly.

"Isn't it obvious? Stormfly was showing us that when she was little and learning to fly she accidentally took a tumble and nearly impaled members of her flock. It must have been quite embarrassing," Fishlegs informed the other boy. Stormfly nodded her big head indicating that the husky Viking boy got it right.

"Me next! Okay when I first started reading, I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted to read everything I could get my hands on. So I snuck out at night to other people's houses to see if I could find new reading material. Well one time I got stuck tight in the back window of Mulch and Bucket's house and couldn't get free. I woke them with my screams. It took them and two Yaks to pull me out. To make matter worse they didn't have anything read!"

"Yeah that's a travesty, isn't it?" Snotlout joked.

"It is! Vikings could become a lot smarter by learning to read more. Isn't that right Meatlug? Don't you enjoy learning to read huh?"

Meatlug rolled over and let Fishlegs scratch her belly and let out purrs of contentment. She rolled right side up and started sniffing Fishleg's back until the Book of Dragons fell out of his pants. She used her giant nose to open the book gazing fondly at the pictures of the Gronkles.

"Appears to me that Meatlug likes looking at the pictures more then reading the text. So this is going well. Who wants to go next?" Hiccup asked. He looked at his cousin hoping he'd be the next one to talk, but the Twins beat him.

"Okay, we've got a story right sis?"

"Yeah, we once dressed up as the other one and pretend the whole day we were each other! Man did we drive our parents crazy!"

"It was so much fun, and then you had to grow those stupid girly parts and ruin the fun!"

Ruffnut snarled and hit her brother in the head. He responded by slugging her in the jaw and soon they were both slugging it out, only for Belch and Barf to separate them. The Hideous Zippleback two heads hissed out a lecture and demonstrated what happened when you kept fighting. All you ended up doing is knocking yourself out.

"Seems that your dragon learned the hard way how to stop giving himself a headache huh? Okay my turn! When I was a little kid I never thought I grow up to be this hunky specimen you see before me. So I used to stuff my clothes with bags of flour in hopes to look bigger, but all I ended up doing was getting flour all over the house and making my mom angry. She chased me all over the house until she whacked me good with her rolling pin."

"So, did you stop using your mom's cooking supplies to buff up or did you move onto something else?" Astrid asked.

"Well, then I tried the laundry only to have her dump the wash basin over my head. Then my dad taught me some ways to muscle up fast and today I'm the best looking guy on the island! After all I have the best looking dragon on the island right Hookfang?"

The Monstrous Nightmare stood up preening and setting himself a blaze. Everyone stepped back and watched Hookfang's male display. He really liked showing off just as much as his rider did. Finally the dragon calmed down.

"So Hiccup, what about you and Toothless? What do you want to share with us?" Fishlegs wondered.

"Yeah make it something cool!" Ruffnut said.

"Hope its some interesting at least. Considering how much time you spent drawing and working with Gobber you have to have a good story," Snotlout added.

"Come on Hiccup, what dark secret are you hiding?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup was about to respond, but Toothless beat him to it. The Nighfury was bouncing around and chasing his tail about. He was darting back and forth looking like he was playing two different roles.

"Oh I get it buddy. You use to play all the time with other Nightfuries. So you did have a family growing up. What happened to them bud? Why haven't we seen any other Nightfuries?" Hiccup asked his friend.

Toothless shrugged his shoulders and gave him a gummy smile. He made a few sounds and then just sat there for awhile. Hiccup didn't know what he was saying, but knew he'd eventually get the story. Hiccup got ready to tell his friends a secret of his when he thought he heard the scuffing of feet in the arena above. He quickly turned and looked up, but didn't see anything.

"Hiccup is something wrong?" Astrid asked, looking at her boyfriend in concern.

"I thought I heard something in seating area."

"There's nothing up there! Stop stalling and tell us a secret already!" Snotlout bellowed.

"I'm not stalling! Okay, um when I was younger I use to have an imaginary friend. Her name was…." Hiccup started to reply, but the other teens were laughing and their dragons were mimicking them.

"This is too funny! You had an imaginary friend and it was a girl? What couldn't think of any trolls to befriend? Oh that's right you did!"

"Man, you must have really been lonely to want a girl's company! Ow what was that for?"

"What's wrong with being a girl? I hit harder then you do!"

"I think it's sweet that you had an imaginary girlfriend. You'll have to tell us more about her some other time. It's a beautiful day, let's go flying!"

Everyone agreed and they mounted their dragon taking off. As they were leaving Hiccup swore he again saw someone in the seats, but when he blinked they were gone. Rubbing his eyes, he told Toothless, "I need to get some more sleep buddy. I'm starting to see things. Come on lets go show the others our new trick!" Toothless crooned and flew off after the others eager to show off.

In the seats above the arena a figure stepped out the shadows silently thanking the gods that no one had noticed her presence. The figure pulled the gray cloak with white trim tightly around her body before jumping through the cage roof and onto the arena floor effortlessly. The figure strolled over to the doors that use to cage the dragons and rested her hand over it for a few minutes.

A little while later she removed her hand satisfied by whatever she did. She looked around the arena examining the new layout smiling that all the weapons had been removed and water troughs, sleeping mats, and barrels of food had replaced it. Clearly the teenagers were trying to make their academy more dragon friendly. After a few more minutes of looking around she turned and left hoping to catch up with the riders. The silhouette of a dragon could be seen soaring across the sky heading for the woods.

A short time later the dragon landed in the woods and a few minutes later the figure could be seen climbing the tree to get a better look at the riders. She giggled softly at the antics of the Twins and had to hold back a full scale laugh as Hookfang buried his rider in a ton of mud. It seemed that Hiccup had lead the others into the forest for more bonding exercises, this time to see what dragons liked to do for fun.

The riders didn't know they were being watched. They were all just having a good time playing a game they termed, "Storming the Dragon's Nest." The dragons were guarding a large pile of fallen timber, pretending it was a nest full of hatchlings. The Viking teens were suppose to come up with ways to get past them, snatch the egg and make it out alive. It was game that dragons played to sharpen their reflexes and form familiar bonds with pack mates.

"Get down already! We've seen what charging straight on does, all you end up is a face full of ash!" Astrid hissed, pulling Snotlout under some brush.

"I'm a Viking we charge through anything! Come on its only four of them and six of us. We can take them! Whoa, hey watch where you're swinging that tail Hookfang!"

"Why don't we try climbing the trees and jumping on top of them? We could catch them by surprise?" Ruffnut suggested, actually helping out for once.

"Nah, the dragons would see us coming. They're always looking up incase another dragon tries to slash them in half!" Tuffnut argued.

"We could circle around back and try to take the nest from behind. No that wouldn't work Stormfly would hear us coming and just shoot her tail spikes at us," Fishlegs moaned.

"Toothless is the one guarding the nest itself. No way would he let us sneak in close enough to snatch the egg. This game is impossible!" Astrid grumbled frustrated.

Hiccup turned to tell her to calm down and he'd think of a plan when a snapping of a branch distracted everyone. The snapping startled the dragons whom turned to look at what caused the noise, only for more branches to snap all around them confusing them terribly. "What's causing that noise? It doesn't sound like anything I've heard before."

"Maybe it's a group of Terrible Terrors looking for food? They like to explore the woods for scraps," Fishleg's suggested. He let out a scream as shadow darted past some of the trees in the distance. "I…think…these woods…are haunted!"

Ruffnut smacked him upside the head telling him to get it together. Noticing the dragons were now clearly agitated the riders took advantage and rushed the nest, slipping past their friends and claiming their prize. The game was over and the dragons let out roar of frustrations they had lost. Toothless seemed especially miffed; scratching angrily at the ground and looking ready to blast anyone who came near him.

"Calm down bud, it's only a game. You'll win next time. We should really head back to the village. My dad and Gobber are helping to install the new dragon shelters today and they said they could use some help. We'd better go before he sends Thornado to collect us. I don't know about you, but I don't want to lose my hearing because of a Thunderdrome's bellows."

The others agreed and mounted their rides heading back to the village. As they left Hiccup and Toothless circled around the woods twice trying to figure out what snapped those branches, but couldn't see anything. Dismissing it for later they left not spying figure crouching on a tree branch.

"Hmm shelters for dragons? This is something I have to see for myself. I better take a shortcut and hope that mean old Mildew doesn't spot me," the girl whispered to herself. Tightening her cloak she made her way back to the village carefully crossing the farmland belonging to Mildew.

For the rest of the day the strange figure hid out observing the changes to the village with skeptical, but excited eyes. It seemed that much change had come to Berk since her last visit months ago; if the way people were interacting with Hiccup was any indication he was the one responsible for the change. It made her heart swell with joy as she saw the positive interaction between Hiccup and his father, Stoick, as they with Gobber's help finished the first home for a group of excited Gronkles. The way Stoick was praising his son for his designs on the shelters showed how proud he was of his child. That was something the figure had never seen before.

Later that night, when the villagers had all fallen asleep and the dragons were slumbering deeply the figure crept silently towards the chief's house. Pausing to listen to the sounds in the house, the figure was reasonably certain it was safe to enter. Hoisting herself up through the window she slipped inside the house careful not to make a reverberation.

The fire warmed her skin as she maneuvered past the sleeping chief. He was talking softly saying a name over and over again, but she couldn't make it out. She saw two swords, an ax and a small dagger on the table shining after being polished. It appeared that the chief had been doing routine care on the family weapons before going to bed. If he was taking care of Hiccup's dagger, that had to be a good sign about the improved relationship, between father and son.

The figure made her way towards Hiccup's bed, shuttering slightly as she passed the dozing Nightfall. She hesitated in front of the dragon for a bit, almost scared to go past him, but with determination strolled past him standing next to Hiccup's sleeping form. Though her face was hidden, one could sense how sad she was by the sight of the prosthetic. Gently she stroked the teens head seeming to enter a trance.

Hiccup was dreaming that he and Toothless were exploring the nearby islands searching for more Nightfuries. Just beyond the fog he could hear sounds of happy dragons chatting with one another. "You hear that bud? We've finally found the rest of your family! Aren't you excited?"

Toothless let out a slight purr and a growl of agreement. He spread his wings to their full length as Hiccup opened his tail fin. They banked high into the clouds expecting to see more Nightfuries only for Hiccup to end up by himself standing in a grassy field. "Okay this is strange. One minute I was with Toothless now I'm in a meadow. Either I've gone crazy or I'm dreaming."

"I would highly suspect it's the second one Hiccup. After all you usually dreamed up this place for us to play in when you were little," a melodious female voice whispered behind him. Hiccup whirled around a little shocked, but happy to see the cloaked female standing there. "Did you not expect to see me again? After all you were the one who brought me up today to your friends."

"Yeah, but I never finished telling them about you Nissa. Then again I wasn't going to admit that up until a month and half before I battled the Red Death that I still regularly talked with my imaginary childhood friend. What are you doing here now? I haven't thought about you in months!"

"Really, I'm the product of your imagination, to ease your loneliness and support you through your struggles, and your wondering why I've returned now? Hiccup, from what I seen you don't need me anymore. You have real friends, both human and dragon. Your father is showing you respect and love, the village is happy to have you around. I'm not needed anymore," Nissa replied pleasantly. She moved closer taking his hand in hers careful to keep her cloak around her. "I'm so proud of you Hiccup."

"Yeah well, thanks," the teen said blushing furiously. "You know I never would have had the courage to try to make friends, especially with a dragon if you hadn't taught me to look beyond what I see. Really, I owe you everything for helping me become the person I am today."

"I didn't do anything you didn't think up first remember? I just helped you figure out you could do it yourself. That's why I came to say goodbye. You don't need me anymore. I'll miss you, but if you ever think you need me or want to remember the good times just," Nissa stilled and suddenly the world around them vanished.

Hiccup woke up with a start as Toothless jumped on top of him snarling and generally making a ruckus. "Whoa bud stop, what's gotten into you? Hey get off me! Look what you did this place is a mess!" Hiccup's art pads and several of his inventions were scattered across the room. He heard his father demanding an explanation for being woken up in the middle of the night.

"Its okay Dad, something just set off Toothless. He probably had a bad dream. I'll pick up everything why don't you go back to bed?"

"Alright, but be quick about. I don't want anymore interruptions got it?" Stoick shouted, before going back to bed.

Hiccup and Toothless quickly picked up the room. As they did the boy noticed something that caused him to frown. There were faint outlines of shoe imprints in the dust that didn't belong to him or his dad. Also a page from one of his old art journals was torn out and a single grey thread was snagged on his window. Confused he looked outside the window, but couldn't see anything.

"Someone else was here weren't they bud? We'll get the others and investigate tomorrow," Hiccup told his dragon friend. Toothless nodded as the faint scent he picked up made him highly uncomfortable. He didn't know what it was from, but whatever it was certainly made him nervous.

In the cove on the other side of the island the figure, now known as Nissa, was fighting to catch her breath. That Nightfury had woken and she had to make a hasty retreat. She feared what would happen if the villagers found her unusual tracks in the morning. Hopefully she would be long gone by then. Removing an opal mirror from her cloak pocket she touched its surface activating its powers. "My Queen; I bring you news about the possible recruit we marked fifteen years ago."

"What's the update child? Is our recruit still miserable and lonely as before? What is his state of physical health? Will he be ready to travel when the Guard arrives?"

"My Queen; please hear me out. Things have changed here in the short few months of my absence. Hiccup has friends now, a good relationship with his father. He's showing the people of Berk a new way of life. I suspect he's even got a girl. It would be wrong to take him away from all of this. I don't think we should…"

"Silence child! A few months of happiness can't make up for years of misery and abuse. We marked him long ago because he was different then the people of Berk. If it's taken them this long to figure out his worth, well then that's their loss. We need him Nissa, you know that!"

"My Queen, without him here all this progress could fall apart. The other riders need his guidance to help ensure peace. Surely there is another way. What about…"

"ENOUGH NISSA! You know very well why we need Hiccup and what's at stake if your mission fails. I know that you have qualms about this and I myself wish we didn't have to suspend our morals and our primary purpose, but if we are to survive, to continue our dreams of peace for the world, the boy needs to be brought back to our home. The Honor Guard will be arriving in two days time. When they arrive you will assist them with bringing the boy back. Our time is running out."

"I know My Queen, we only have one lunar cycle to succeed and the new moon is in two days. I'll be ready for when they arrive. I'll talk to you when I get back. Nissa out. Oh Gods please forgive me for what trouble I will cause."

The next day the riders were investigating the area outside Hiccup's house searching for any signs of the intruder. So far they weren't having much luck. "Are you sure there was someone in your house last night? It was pretty late and you were half asleep. Maybe you just dreamed it all up," Astrid told her boyfriend.

"I didn't imagine the footsteps. What about the thread and missing page from my art journal? Are you going to say I just imagined them as well?"

"Well you did say you had an imaginary friend when you were little. Why not imagine evidence huh?" Snotlout barked. "This is dumb, I bet your dragon just went crazy and we're wasting our time looking for something that doesn't exist!"

"So does that mean these footprints I found aren't real?" Tuffnut stated. Everyone rushed over to see what he found. There in the damp earth were human footprints. The shape and depth of them indicated a female, but what really got them, was the imprint by the show didn't resemble Viking footwear. "What did I discover something important? Whoa that's a first."

"These are definitely fresh and I don't know anyone on the island who wears this kind of shoe. We may have an intruder on the island," Fishlegs exclaimed nervously.

"We should follow the tracks. Maybe we'll find whoever was in your house last night and give them a beat down!" Ruffnut said a grin on her face at the thought of beating someone up.

"We do need to confirm there's an intruder before we bring it to your dad."

"Let's go. I want to know why someone was in my house." The riders mounted their dragons and followed the faint tracks until midway into the woods. When they came to a clearing the tracks just stopped, well sort of. There weren't anymore human tracks those had vanished. Instead there were signs of a dragon instead.

"So a dragon landed here and took off with the mysterious intruder? That would make sense. Maybe some other tribes in the area have figured out how to ride dragons," Astrid suggested.

"I don't know it just seems very strange. Look at these tracks. Something funny about them, but I just can't figure out what," Hiccup mused. There was something about the tracks that bothered him and he just couldn't figure it out.

"The tracks don't resemble any dragon listed in the Book of Dragons. Whoa another new species! This is so epic!"

"Are we going to have to study it again? The last time we nearly broke the baby."

"Hey, whoa calm down will you Hookfang! I don't know about you, but the dragons are really agitated by the tracks. Maybe they know what they belong to."

"Do you know whose tracks these are bud? Can you tell me?" Toothless let out a series of growls and hisses, scratching at the ground furiously, but Hiccup couldn't understand what he was trying to say. They decided to head back to the village and inform Stoick what was going on.

When Hiccup arrived home, he saw his father had an ice block to his head. "What's wrong Dad? Did something bad happen today?"

"I just got a headache from listening to Mildew's newest list of grievances. He was here early going on and on about how the dragons were sneaking around his house last night keeping him up. He also accused them of stealing his cabbage and ruining the side of his house when he chased it away. I had Mulch and Bucket take a look, but there was no evidence of any dragon activity. Try explaining that to the old man! Ugh, I don't know if I can handle anymore bad news."

"Um Dad, I really hate to bother you, but I have something to tell you. Last night, a bad dream didn't wake up Toothless. There was an intruder in our house."

"Impossible! If there was an intruder I would have sensed it and woke up! Thornado would have been making a lot of ruckus if someone ran from our house. Are you absolutely certain son?"

"Yeah, some stuff of mine is missing and there was this thread caught on the window. My friends and I tracked the intruder to the woods, where it appears they got on a dragon and left."

"Appears? Your not sure if they rode a dragon or not?"

"Something about the tracks were funny, I just can't figure it out. Dad, if this intruder does have access to a dragon we need to find them and fast."

"I let Gobber know what's going on. I'll have extra patrols and have the clans search the woods. If someone is here spying on us, we'll capture them before they can cause too much trouble. Don't worry son it will be okay."

"Yeah I hope you right."

The next day at sunset the teens and their dragons were resting at their hangout perch overlooking the sea. So far the patrols hadn't found any signs of the intruder. Nothing else had turned up missing and it appeared that whoever the mysterious person was had vanished.

"So they haven't found any signs of the intruder? Isn't that a good sign?" Fishlegs asked.

"How's it good if one our enemies sent a spy here and we couldn't flush them out? We could be looking at war soon!"

"Yeah we get to blow up more stuff!"

"I can't wait to beat up someone!"

"Don't worry Astrid I'll protect you and Stormfly. Right Hookfang?"

All the dragons roared excitedly. They were much more relaxed then they were yesterday. Well everyone, but Toothless. He kept pacing around and keeping an eye on Hiccup, who was trying to reassure him everything was alright.

"Its okay buddy, I'm sure that Dad will catch the intruder soon. We just have to be patient," Hiccup assured him. He looked at the sunset sky enjoying its beauty. The dark reds mixed with the pinks, orange, and purple with a tinge of fading yellow sunlight. It was a sight to behold. Suddenly something large blocked out the sun. "What in the world? Did you see that?"

"Look! What are those?" The teens and the dragons looked up in the sky shocked to see the fading light blinding them as it bounced off the dazzling scales of approaching dragon pack. The whole village was in shock just standing there as nine dragons appeared in the sky above Berk.

It was hard to see any details in the fading light and with the sun blinding them all they could really tell is they were medium size dragons with mostly pink scales. The nine split up into pairs of two with a single dragon doing loops around the village looking for something. Upon spotting the teens, the lone dragon let out a roar to its friends. That's when things got crazy.

Two dragons flew low close to the square. They opened their mouths and let loose a blue flame that engulfed much of the square. When the flames burned up dragon and human alike were slumped to the ground with dazed looks on their face. Some were even snoring.

"Everyone to your dragons now! We need to drive these intruders into a corner. Get the children inside! Don't forget your weapons ahhhhhhhh!" Stoick bellowed. Another strange dragon zoomed past doing a loop before breathing a bright orange flame around the army. Instead of burning it formed a barrier of sorts cutting the Vikings off from their weapons.

The partner was locked in battle with a small group of Terrible Terrors and some Deadly Nadders dodging their spikes and fireballs. It twisted around heading up before doing a back flip over the attacks and hitting them from behind with a burst of fire.

The other four dragons were also engaged in battle with the Vikings who had managed to mount their dragons. It was chaos in the skies as Stoick riding Thornado blasted them with the deadly sound waves. On the ground the other adults were launching the catapults trying to knock the dragons from the sky. The four scattered and started flying in different formations confusing the people of Berk.

These new dragons kept spewing different colored flames with interesting results. It seemed that if you got touched by a pale yellow flame several of the Vikings seemed to lose their battle skills or the dragons fell in the air. In contrast when golden yellow flames bathed the intruder dragons their speed, strength, and intelligence went up. They were attacking in perfect harmony handling everything that was thrown at them.

The single lone dragon was doing battle alone against the riders. It had already got Hookfang and Snotlout trapped between some rocks and flipped the Twins and their dragon with it's flatten tail tip. Astrid and Fishlegs were next as the pink dragon hovered in the air waiting for them to strike. At the last instant it dove to ground so Fishlegs and Astrid were knocked to the beach and their dragons landed in the sea.

The pink dragon was sad as she watched what her kind had brought to Berk. There was no joy in hurting humans and dragons. The sounds of an approaching fireball forced her to roll over, just getting grazed in the shoulder by the Nightfury. Letting loose a roar she took off flying as fast as she could. Looking over her shoulder she saw Toothless and Hiccup increasing speed as they went after her. With that in mind she headed off to the areas were they did trick riding.

"Come on boy, you can catch up to her! Maybe if we can corral one of them we can figure out what this attack is all about."

Toothless bellowed in agreement as they zoomed through arches, twisted around several rocky outcroppings and before zooming high into the clouds above. Toothless let out a growl chasing after his elusive prey. Higher and higher they climbed getting closer and closer. Suddenly they were above the clouds, the last few rays of light outlining them. He growled and sniffed trying to scent his prey, but the female had vanished.

"Its okay bud, its okay. We'll find her later. We should head back to Berk," Hiccup suggested as they flew back to the island. He was keeping a lookout for any signs of the dragons. They arrived back at the island and saw the remaining eight dragons hovering about as if waiting for a sign. "What do you think they're waiting for bud? Why did they come here? What could they waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttt!"

The female dragon had appeared out of nowhere and snatched the teen boy right out of his saddle. Toothless started to tumble, but somehow managed to right himself and tried to glide after the female, but he couldn't control his tail fin properly. He ended up crashing into Gobber's forge.

"Let me go! Why did you grab me! I said let me go!" Hiccup shouted, struggling to break free, but the female's grip was tight. She let out another ball of orange, signaling the mission complete. The other eight dragons broke off the attack and flew into the sunset disappearing with Hiccup.

Stoick ordered a pursuit, but many of the dragons were injured and they discovered several of their boats had leaks in them making them unseaworthiness. As night fell and everyone tried to recover, the angry father vowed by the moonless sky he'd get his son back no matter what the cost.