I want to thank every single of you, who read and left reviews for this story, for favoriting and following it, who stayed all the way with me and supported me while writing the story. This is the last chapter of the fic. Love you all.

Open my profile to see the art for this fic.


In the morning, after they have breakfast and before Dean and Castiel return to their world, the Angelopoulos brothers give them some gifts. Castiel receives a rare copy of the book called The Iliad written by a Greek poet named Homer. It has a gilded cover with beautiful ornamentation on it, and has become the young man's favorite book during his stay at the villa. As for Dean, he receives a fine sword, made by a famous smith in Constantinople.

"Um… I'm sorry I don't have anything to give you," Dean says apologetically, but the hosts wave him off, telling him to not worry about it.

Amir fidgets nervously nearby and it draws the demon's attention. "Are you alright?" he asks the Arab.

The merchant sighs in defeat. His conscience has been tormenting him for days for not telling Dean that it was him who sold Castiel to the brothers.

"Dean, I need to tell you something and you will probably hate me for this." The Arab lowers his gaze.

"Amir, you've become a good friend of mine. There is nothing that would make me hate you. What is it? Tell me." The demon places his hand on the merchant's shoulder, squeezing it encouragingly.

"It's about Castiel," Amir mumbles. "It's just that… It was I… It was I who…" He stutters and grabs the end of his woven belt.

"It was you who sold him to Balthazar and Gabriel," Dean finishes for him. "I know."

"What?" Amir's head snaps up. "How do you know?"

"I'm not stupid. I guessed it right from the beginning. And I'm not angry at you. You didn't know who he was and you just did what you usually do. You are a merchant and you sell goods. And I'm glad you sold him to the brothers. If not for them no one knows where he would be right now." Dean pats him on the shoulder.

"So you forgive me?" Amir's eyes well up with tears.

"Yes, I do. And don't start crying now," Dean chuckles. But it's too late, as the merchant breaks down in tears.

"Castiel, I am so sorry! Please forgive me!"

It takes them some time to calm the merchant down and only after that do they go outside, into the garden.

Dean is wrapping his hand around Castiel's waist tightly, as if afraid some force will take him away from him again.

"Will we ever see you again?" Gabriel asks with obvious sorrow in his voice.

"Of course," Dean says with a nod. "I have the amulet, remember?"

"You know," Castiel cuts in. "You could visit us too if you'd like. We could take you to our world and you'd see what it looks like. Balthazar would love it. He would have so much material for the book he wants to write." The brunet smiles gently.

"That's a great idea, indeed! Next time you visit us, I'm definitely coming with you!" Balthazar exclaims, excited.

The demon addresses the small group of people. "Well, I guess this is it then. 'Til next time!"

After bittersweet goodbyes and warm hugs, Dean takes out the amulet, draws a circle and reads the spell.

As the earth opens up and freezing cold erupts with a deafening roaring, three men look on in fright and awe when Dean picks up the brunet, steps into the circle and smiles at them before vanishing into the darkness.

"Cas, I think you broke all of my bones," Dean grunts under the human, who's plastered over him. The landing had been rough.

"My apologies," the blue-eyed man mutters and crawls to the side. They stand up with some effort and look around. They are in the familiar forest.

"Home sweet home." The demon inhales deeply. "I missed this place so much."

"I need to go home and see my parents. So much time has passed. I don't think they expect to see me alive." Castiel turns to his mate. "And you are coming with me!"

"But… but…" Dean starts protesting only to be quieted by the human.

"No buts, Dean. You are coming with me. End of story."

The demon just shrugs and follows his beloved, who's already walking fast towards the village.

It's been almost two years since Castiel's disappearance, but the village has not changed that much. The only change is that there are no protecting wards against demons and no guards at the gates. What's strange is that they do not meet a lot of people on their way. Just little children playing in soil and a few barking dogs jumping around them.

Castiel's heartbeat quickens as he sees his house and he almost runs the remaining few feet. Just a few more seconds and he will see his parents, whom he's missed so much! Dean tries to catch up with his mate, sweating nervously as he remembers the sins from his past.

"Cas, I… I will wait outside," the demon mumbles when they reach the door of the house.

The brunet is not paying full attention to Dean's words, so he nods hurriedly and pushes the door open. He's met with silence, but then something delicious hits his nostrils, making him salivate. It smells of the freshly baked cinnamon rolls his mother used to bake.

The young man stands still, heart pounding heavily and hands shaking uncontrollably, when something crushes to his feet with a loud whine and whimpers. Castiel looks down and he's met with an overexcited Snowball. The dog looks so happy and vigorous that the brunet fears for the dog's sanity. Snowball just keeps barking, whining, and scratching at his trousers, waggling his tail nonstop.

"Hello there, you little bastard," Castiel says fondly, picking up the dog, who instantly starts to lick his face.
The noise draws someone's attention in the house and the door of the kitchen opens, letting a middle-aged woman in.

"Mother…" Castiel whispers and lets Snowball down on the floor.

Brita screams in surprise, a jar full of milk falling out of her hands and shattering on the floor. The woman's mouth hangs open, unable to say a word. Finally she comes out of her stupor, making cautious steps towards her son.

"Castiel, my son… Is that you?" Brita's voice quivers, all the pent up desperation, sorrow, and pain pouring out of her in hot tears.

"Yes, mother. It's me. I have returned." Castiel hugs her tightly, resting his chin on her head and kissing the woman's now graying hair.

"Two years… Almost two years you went missing," Brita sobs, wrapping her arms around her son. "Where were you, Castiel?"

"It's a long story, mother. I will tell you everything when father returns. By the way, where is he? I presume he is with Gunar." The young man chuckles, placing a kiss on Brita's forehead.

"You are still beautiful. Oh, I want you to meet someone, mother." Castiel breaks the embrace and walks towards the door, not noticing Brita's pained expression.

"Dean, where are you hiding? Come here!" Castiel hisses as he walks outside, searching for his lover.

"I'm not hiding," the demon mutters under his breath and walks from behind the nearby tree. "What is it?"

"I want you to meet my mother."

"What?" Dean asks sharply, startled. "I… I don't think it's a good idea." The green-eyed creature starts to sweat and gulps nervously.

"Are you… are you afraid of her?" Castiel laughs and squints his eyes, studying his mate's face. He knows Dean perfectly well and knows when the demon is lying.

"What? Of course not!" The older Winchester refuses too soon.

"Come on, Dean. She doesn't bite. Come with me." Castiel reaches his hand out and grabs Dean's wrist, gently tugging him towards the door. The demon follows him reluctantly, like a goat led to slaughter.

"Mother, I want you to meet Dean. He is…" Castiel never finishes as Brita lets out of a deafening scream and pushes her son aside, grabbing the demon by his shirt and slamming him against a wall.

"You…" she hisses into the frightened creature's face. "How dare you come into my house?"

"I… I…" Dean does not know what to say. His gaze slides towards Castiel. "Help me…" he whispers and it sounds and looks so hilarious that the human can't control his hysterical laughter.

"Mother, please let him go. He's harmless!" The brunet steps towards the fighters. Though, it looks like Dean is more a victim than a fighter in this situation.

"Harmless?" Brita snarls. "It was him who tried to kill you and me twenty years ago!"

"Mother, please," Castiel says soothingly, touching the woman's hand, which is still around Dean's throat. "When I went missing, Dean was the one who tried to find and return me to our lands. Alastair had sent me to another world and century and Dean was trying to find me for five hundred and forty-two days. It's because of him that you can see me in front of you right now. He has redeemed himself. And there is one more thing." Castiel shifts awkwardly, staring at his mother somewhat pleadingly. "We love each other."

There is dead silence in the house. Brita lets go of her grip on Dean's throat and steps back. The demon is too startled to say anything and only licks his dried lips nervously.

"I see," Brita says quietly. Her voice does not reveal any emotions and it's hard to understand what she thinks. Suddenly she swings her hand and slaps the demon across his face.

"This is for trying to kill my child," she says firmly. "And this is for trying to kill me." She slaps him hard on the other cheek. Dean just stands there looking miserable. Yes, it's true when people say mothers are the most dangerous creatures in the world and gods forbid if someone tries to harm their children! Well, Dean can definitely confirm this theory from his recent bitter experience.

"And this is for saving and bringing back my child. Thank you!" Brita says suddenly and hugs the demon, who has no idea what's going on anymore. "Take a seat at the table. Let's eat something, while you tell me the whole story." Brita smooths her hair and walks towards the kitchen.

Castiel laughs when he looks at his lover. Dean has red handprints on both of his cheeks.

"You look like a pretty, blushing maiden," he jokes and the demon gives him a glare.

"I'll get you for that remark," Dean growls warningly.

"Mmm, can't wait," the brunet waggles his eyebrows mischievously.

Brita returns with plates and starts to set the table for three people. She puts bread, cheese, cinnamon rolls, butter, and a new jar of milk in the middle of the table.

"What about father? Won't we wait for his return?" Castel asks, surprised.

"No. He… he may be back late at night. He's not here," Brita says with a small smile, avoiding her son's gaze, but she can't trick Dean. Something is not right, but the demon decides to keep quiet.

As they eat, Castiel tells his story from the beginning, how he and Dean met, how they fell in love, about their separation and the time spent apart, how the demon found and returned him to the place where they belong. Brita listens attentively to every detail and nods.

"Your father and Gunar would be so happy to see you right now. Too bad they can't," Brita says with a shaking voice.

Castiel stops chewing and stares at her, doubts already filling his mind. "What are you talking about, mother? Where are they? What happened while I was gone?" The young man's voice gets louder with every word.

"Your father couldn't endure your disappearance and he fell ill. We did everything that we could, but he just gave up. He died four months ago." Brita chokes a sob. "As for Gunar, he was petrified from his great losses, first you, then his blood brother. He got very drunk one night and walked into the forest without a weapon. He was found dead, with his throat slit next morning. Wolves had attacked and ripped him to shreds." Brita is crying now, not trying to stop tears. "We buried them side by side, like the loyal, great friends and brothers they were in this life."

Castiel's stomach twists and churns, he feels nauseous. He feels like screaming and breaking everything around him. And it's too bad that he can't. Dean feels his excruciating pain and emotions, and he slides his hand under the table and squeezes the brunet's hand gently.

"What about Dagni and her family?" Castiel croaks, fighting the urge to sob.

"She is doing well, as are her husband and children. She comes every day to check my health and see if I need anything." Brita wipes the tears off of her face.

"I will do the same," Castiel whispers. "I will come to see you every day, I promise." He takes her hand and kisses the woman's palm lovingly.

"You'd better keep your promise." The woman smiles at him. "And Dean, you'd better look after my son, or I will find and strangle you. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, yes, I hear you." The demon nods hurriedly, fearing another slap.

Castiel bids his goodbye and promises to see her soon as he holds his mother in an embrace. The woman nods and gives him her blessings.

The young man lets out a shuddering breath as the door closes behind him. "I need to see my father's and Gunar's graves."

"Of course." Dean nods. "Let's go."

The graves are under an old oak tree, where Castiel had loved to play in his childhood. Dean stops behind as his lover walks towards the graves, with piles of rocks on top of them.

The demon can hear muffled sobs and words asking for forgiveness uttered by kneeling Castiel, who's caressing the graves and blaming himself for their deaths.

Dean wants to go and comfort his lover, but he does not want to interrupt a private moment, so he's forced to stay behind and wait 'til Castiel returns.

After a while the young man stands up and walks back to the demon. His eyes are swollen and red.

"Please don't blame yourself." Dean hugs him and caresses his mate's back. "I am sure they are looking at you now and are happy that you are safe."

Castiel sniffles against the demon's chest. It's so good that he's not alone. "I hope so. I really hope so, Dean."

"Come on, Cas. I want to take you to my home. Show you were I live. Show you the place which will be your home too."

As they enter the forest, they're met with loud and excited neighing. It's Impala! The horse looks ecstatic, shaking her head and prancing.

"Baby!" Dean exclaims merrily and runs forward to hug the beast. "Oh, how I missed you, sweetheart!"

Impala just nickers and snorts, swinging her tail energetically, trying her best to show how much she has missed her master too.

"I know, baby. I know. I love you too!" Dean kisses her forehead and caresses the horse.

"How did she know that you were here?" Castiel asks, surprised, scratching the horse between her ears.

"We have a special bond. We grew up together. That's why she feels my presence," Dean explains. "Now, time to go home. Get on the horse, Princess." The demon giggles.

Castiel just rolls his eyes, but obeys and mounts Impala. The older Winchester hurriedly takes his seat behind the human and smacks Impala on the rump. "Go, darling. We're going home!"

To say that the younger Winchester was happy to see his brother and Castiel alive would've been an understatement. Sam hadn't been able to stop laughing and crying for a long time, until Dean threatened to leave the fortress if his brother didn't stop acting like a girl.

"Impala was acting strange today. She was so anxious and fidgety. But I didn't pay too much attention to it, as she had acted like this a few times before too," Sam begins. "I never thought that it would mean your return. And you did not try to contact me when you returned! Idiot!" Sam punches his older brother in the shoulder.

"What can I say? I wanted to surprise you, Sammy," Dean grins. "Do we have anything to eat? I feel like I'm going to devour a whole horse!"

"But we just ate an hour ago," Castiel asks, bewildered.

"Correction, Cas," Dean says, raising his finger. "YOU ate an hour ago. I was afraid to eat, not knowing what to expect from your mother."

"Wait, you met Castiel's mother?" Sam's eyes grow wide like saucers.

"Yes he did, Sam. And I wish you could have seen how scared he was of her." Castiel laughs and Sam joins.

"Oh, for fuck's sake! Two against one?" Dean sulks. "Alright. Go ahead, mock me as much as you want. Have fun!" he grumbles and goes to find some food to eat.

Sam and Castiel are still snickering when the younger Winchester wraps his arm around the human's shoulders amicably.

"While Dean is still brooding and grumbling, come on, I will show you around. But you have to tell me everything, in detail."

Their laughter echoes in the walls of the fortress as Castiel tells the younger Winchester the story of how his mother beat Dean up.

Three days later

Castiel wakes up to the feeling of someone kissing his nose, cheeks, and eyes gently. He opens his eyes and is met with two emeralds shining at him with so much love and affection that the human's heart swells.

"Dean," he murmurs and slides his fingers through the demon's short, blond hair. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, Cas. I just like to watch over you while you sleep." The demon plants a chaste kiss on the human's lips. "You look beautiful."

Castiel chuckles. "It will not always stay that way."

"What do you mean?" Dean asks with a frown, not understanding what the human is talking about.

Castiel sighs. "What about when I get old? When my face and body get covered in deep wrinkles, when my teeth and hair start to fall out? When I won't be able to walk effortlessly? When I won't be able to hold a spoon to eat my soup? What about then? Will you still love me?"

Dean stares at the human wordlessly. Then he cups Castiel's cheek, brushing his thumb over his mate's cheekbone. "You think I fell in love with you because of your looks? It was your soul that kept me attracted to you. You were like a diamond shimmering in the dust. You've always been different, unlike other people I've ever met. And as for your question, yes, I will still love you, Cas. Until death and beyond."

The demon flips the human over so he could lie on top of Dean. The smaller man catches his face, showering it with sweet kisses. Dean just hums happily, wrapping his arms around the younger man more tightly.

"I just remembered something. Tell me the truth." Castiel grins mischievously, playing with the demon's hair.

"Hm? What did you recall?" Dean asks, half asleep.

"Remember, at our meeting, Impala told you something and you said that maybe one day you would tell me what it was. Don't you think the day has come?" The human grins widely.

"Hah, how do you remember that?" Dean chuckles and shakes his head in disbelief.

"What can I say? I have a good memory. Come on, tell me," Castiel laughs, kissing and nibbling at his lover's bottom lip.

"Alright, alright," The demon raises his hands in defeat. "She told me that we would fall in love and eventually bond."

Castiel throws his head back and laughs. "She is such a clever horse. Sometimes cleverer than you." The human sticks his tongue out at the demon.

"Hey!" Dean raises his finger warningly. "I have not forgotten your 'pretty, blushing maiden' remark and I am still thinking of a suitable punishment."

"Before you think of the punishment, maybe we could engage in some pleasant activities?" Castiel purrs into the green-eyed creature's ear and grinds down, making Dean grunt in pleasure.

"Definitely a good idea." Winchester moans as the brunet's lean fingers stroke his flesh. He flips them over one more time and parts Castiel's legs to settle between them.

Castiel hums his agreement, crashing their lips in a heated kiss. "I have more exciting ideas that we could try later."

Dean just laughs happily, wrapping his beloved's legs around his waist more tightly and leans forward. "Oh yes, we have all the time in the world."

When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him…

(Kahlil Gibran)

The End

I am starting a new multi chapter fic called Under The Falling Skies. Please read and review when I start posting the chapters. Here is a short excerpt:

"So, Dean." The king clears his throat, looking at the barbarian who's eating a chicken's leg and scratching his belly with a contented face. "To end this conflict, I am offering you one of my daughters in marriage, so we can become allies and good friends. Choose whichever you want." The king gestures to his three daughters, all maidens of rare beauty.

Dean belches loudly and pats his belly, causing loud laughter among his warriors. He takes a good look at the princesses, shifting his gaze from one to the other.

"I appreciate your offer, King Uldred, and I will accept it. Though I don't want any of your daughters." Dean grins widely.

The king frowns. "I don't understand."

"I want him." Dean points at the young prince with his gnawed chicken's leg. "I'll have Castiel."