Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds.
Possible spoilers for episodes 4 and 5.
'Life is messy, love is messier.'~ Catch and Release
It is a perfect day to just be sitting in your car. The weather is perfect, clear blue skies, not a cloud in sight. Perfect for taking pictures.
A lovely day to be at a baseball game, even an amateur game played between Feds and Secret service agents. A day of friendly competition. All eyes are on the game, the players. No one pays any attention to the man in the car with the camera. Like I said, it is a perfect day for taking pictures and a perfect day for stalking ones prey.
They think they are so damn clever. She thinks I don't know about HIM. I have known for a while now. How stupid does she think I am. She is the stupid one. Every Sunday he pages her from a phone booth and she calls him back; just because she knows I'm away she thinks I can't trace her phone, plant a bug and hear every word they have said to one another.
So she said she loves him. She will pay for that. I will make her suffer. I will make make him suffer.
But I am in no hurry. I am very patient and my plans for him are elegant. I see his team and I will make sure they will get to play as well, they love their sweet genius boy.
Sewing lips shut was my first little hello. A sign that all is not well. What shall I do next? drag someone behind a car, amputate a leg?
I will continue until my presence is impossible to ignore.
He looks so happy, that wont last long, I'll make sure of it and she can watch.
But for now, I will sit here and take my pictures and enjoy the sunshine.
AN: Just one little theory I have about Reid and his mystery lady. Please Read and review.