I have only watched up to season 4 of castle so far so I am sorry if there is any mistakes. And on top of that I have not written in such a long time so I am VERY rusty.

Her body trembled as the bitter cold winds swept her hair around her face, her toned arms wrapping around herself as she looked over the balcony and over the vast water where it meets the horizon.

I think about all of the events that have lead up to this moment, my mother being murdered, me joining the police force, being the youngest female detective to enter homicide and than my subsequent partnership with Richard Castle.

My hands make their way from where they rest on my arms onto my stomach, I can only feel the small raising on my stomach, my usually toned stomach enlarged slightly due to the small life encased within.

A hot breathe against my neck sends my already small smile into a bigger one, I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he buries his face into my hair and breathes in deeply.

"why are you out here? it is freezing Kate"

"I know that's why I have goose bumps all over my arms" I hear his chuckle at my comment.

"well why don't you come inside than and stop freezing your ass of, we have had mild hypothermia once I don't want to go through that again" the memory of that day makes me shiver, Rick takes it as a sign that I am starting to get cold and leads me into the warmth of our bedroom.

"Rick I need to tell you something" his face falls, I am guessing that all the worst imaginable circumstances are about to start a loop running through his head, my heart rate rises as I don't know how he is going to take the news of a baby on the way.

Alexis is now twenty and by the time that the baby is born she is going to be twenty one.

"I am pregnant" his face falls for a second before a smile replaces the frown and before I know what he is doing, he is kissing me passionately as he places his hand upon my stomach where the little life is currently residing.

"Please don't tell me that you are joking Kate" I shake my head.

"No I am pregnant, I took the test yesterday. I was a month late but because of the last case I completely forgot about it and than I felt this." I smile and lift my old academy shirt and place his hand on the small bump, I smile as his eyes light up.

"I am going to be a dad again" I nod "You know we are going to have to tell Alexis, she is going to be so excited"

"don't you think that it might be a bit weird for her? You know seeming as she is going to be twenty one by the time that this baby comes along" Rick shakes his head and again kisses me.

"No, Alexis said that she couldn't wait for us to have a baby so that she could have a younger brother or sister" I smile, Alexis is one of the most best teenagers I have ever seen, she absolutely adores her father but also greeted me with open arms about me dating her father.

"Kate I was going to wait until next week but I think this is a good time to ask you" I frown, we had already moved in together a couple of months ago so I have no idea what he wants to ask me, my frown turns into astonishment as her goes over to the beside table and pulls out a black velvet box that I guess contains an engagement ring, my suspicions are proved right as he pulls me into a sitting position on the bed and than gets down on one knee in front of me, he takes my smaller hand in to his larger one.

"Kate. The first day that I met you I knew that I was attracted to you. I love the way that I can make you smile by having such an outrageous theory about one of the murders, I love it when I wake up with you in my arms and when I see you with Alexis and how you automatically took the role of being her mother without blinking. I am so lucky to call you my girlfriend and I am hoping that you will give me the absolute honour of marrying me." I have tears streaming down my face as I nod my head, I don't even have the words to say yes because I am so overcome by happiness.

Never in my life did I think that I would have such a wonderful boyfriend, no wait he is now my fiancee. He gently places the beautiful ring onto my finger and I think that more than likely this ring costs more than half of my yearly salary but it is absolutely perfect. I jump into his arms and he laughs before we kiss passionately.

After we finish our own private celebration we decide to pack up our stuff that we have taken up to his place in the Hampton's before taking the long drive back to Ricks apartment, I don't know how Alexis is going to react to our engagement and the fact that I am now carrying her younger brother or sister.

"Hey dad why are you back so early you where meant to be at the hampton's for the full weekend" says Alexis as she looks up from all of the papers and books around her, as per usual studying.

"Um we have some good news to share" Alexis's smile is so large I am surprised that she is having cramp and that thought send a slight giggle through my body.

"Dad, did you ask her ?" I smile as I turn to Rick and see the sly smile gracing his face

"Yes Alexis I did ask her" Alexis squeals and runs up to me I am surprised she stops in time I was bracing my body for a collision.

"Please say that you said yes" I smile as I hold my hand up and she squeals again before wrapping me in a huge hug.

"Finally dad" I laugh at her reaction and wrap my arms around his waist before placing my head on his shoulder as Alexis lets me go.

"Oh and we also have another surprise for you" I look at Rick and see a large smile plastered onto his face I see a curios look overcome Alexis's face as she looks at her father and me. "Kate's pregnant" I see Alexis's eyes go wide as she jumps up and down and starts squealing again.

"Are you serious? This is so great, I get to be an older sister" I laugh as Alexis comes over and gives me and Rick another hug before running up the stairs "I am ringing grams, she seriously has to hear this" I laugh as she disappears up the stairs.

We make our way over to the couch and sit down I bring my legs up and curl into Rick's side before he places a kiss upon temple.

"I never imagined that I would have this experience, and I didn't think that I would ever feel this whole again after my mum."

"Well Kate I will make sure to protect our family in any way that I possibly can, I love you Kate."

"I love you too Rick."

This chapter has had some minor changes but not to the plot itself.