Viveca, Aramina, and Renee, were riding through the woods, most of the musketeers had joined the hunt.

Aramina sighed "How have we not found her yet?" she looked at all the men in blue scouting around them, looking for anything that seemed unusual. She huffed "You'd think the king was missing with all the people we have looking for her."

"Wait a minute." Viveca pulled her horse to a stop "How many musketeers stayed behind."

"Four." Renee answered "Why?"

Viveca just stared at her two friends, then they gasped "Oh no!"

"That was the whole plan!" Renee exclaimed.

"Kidnap Corinne, get all the protection out looking for her." Viveca added.

"And attack the defenseless king!" Aramina finished "We have to get back to the castle!"

Renee cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted "Hey guys! Head back to the castle, ASAP!"

"What's up?" Treville asked.

"The look for Corinne has to be postponed." Renee said "As much as I hate it, King Louis is in danger right now! We need to go!"

Treville nodded, and all the musketeers turned and raced back to the castle.

The gang had arrived at the castle, knocked out the four musketeers, and were now scouting the castle for Louis.

"Where is he?" The leader growled "He has to be here somewhere!"

"Sorry. Too late!" Viveca shouted as they burst the front doors open "We know about your scheme. And it won't work!"

"It already did." The gangster laughed "Your little musketeer friend is dead."

The three girls gasped "No!"

"You're going to regret that!" Renee spat, as she took off her necklace "Men, y'all find the rest of the gang. We'll deal with him!"

Golden Victory was sailing over the ground as she ran for the hideout.

Louis saw smoke in the distance "Please tell me that's not where she is!"

Victory glanced up at him, and then kept running. Almost like she was saying "Alright, I won't tell you."

When they reached the small shack, Louis slid off the horse's back and burst through the burning door "Corinne!" he shouted as he fought his way through the smoke. Thankfully the house was made of old square cut logs that didn't catch fire quickly or easily "Corinne! Answer me please!"

Golden Victory started snorting and whinnying loudly. Her feet were stomping the ground as she tried to get Louis' attention.

Louis fought his way back towards the door, grateful to be able to breath "She's not in there!"

Victory stood up on her hind legs and neighed. Nodding her head towards the roof.

Louis stared at her confused as she redid the maneuver over and over. Then it hit him "There's an attic!" he spun around and went running back in. The fire had spread further and was starting to catch on the ceiling. Louis found the rope that pulled down the hatch to get into the attic. Unfortunately, it was singed and burning. But, Louis reached up and grabbed it, completely ignoring the heat that coursed through his hand. He yanked it down, pulled the ladder down and then scurried up. He saw her laying in a corner unconscious, completely bound in rope. He pulled out his pocket knife and quickly sliced through the ropes. Then he picked her up and started the tedious walk back to the door. The shack was small, but it seemed to stretch forever. Things were starting to fall. One large wooden beam fell in front of the door. Louis stepped back as the embers flew everywhere!

"No." Louis looked around frantically for an escape. There was none. He sank down to his knees, gently lowering Corinne onto the floor "I'm sorry. I guess there's a reason you're always doing the rescuing."

Golden Victory suddenly gave a shrill high pitched whinny. Louis heard the a loud thud come from the other side of the wall.

"Come Victory." He said quietly "You can do it."

With one last kick, her hooves smashed through the rotten walls of the shack. Splinters and pieces of wood flew everywhere. Louis ducked as the wood flew all around him.

Now that oxygen was flooding the room, the fire went crazy. Louis tried to stand up, but the smoke had gotten to him. He wasn't strong enough to lift Corinne up and carry her out.

Victory leapt through the hole and ran to Louis' side. He gathered all his strength and stood, Corinne hanging limply in his arms. Victory put her head under Louis' arm, helping him support the deadweight. He put the girl onto the horse's back and then, with Victory's help, he mounted up. Louis held Corinne against him as Victory turned and leapt back out through the whole. Her hooves had just touched the ground outside when the shack gave a moan, and the whole thing collapsed. Sparks flew everywhere and the sound of splintering wood filled the air.

Louis looked back at what had been the shack and sighed "Thank you Victory. Thank you so much."

Victory nickered softly like she was saying "You're mother saved me. It's the least I could do."

Louis looked down at Corinne "Come on Victory. Let's get her home."

"I'm giving you one more chance!" Renee said, walking back and forth in front of the now tied up gang "Where is Louis?"

"We don't know!" The gang leader insisted "I'm telling you! He wasn't here when we arrived!" he huffed "Remind me to never mess with a girl musketeer."

"No. Louis never leaves the castle without protection." Renee got in the gangster face "You had better tell me where he is right now! Or I'll...!"

"I'm right here."

All the musketeers spun around and gasped.

Louis was standing in the door way, her arm wrapped securely around Corinne. They were both covered in soot, their clothes were singed and their hair was messed up. Corinne looked like Louis was the only thing keeping her from falling.

"What happened!?" The three girls shrieked.

Corinne took a deep breath "Could I get some water first?"

Aramina ran from the room and returned thirty seconds later with two tall glasses of water.

After the water had been diminished, Corinne spoke "I think you've already figured out their plan."

All the musketeers nodded.

"What happened to you two?" VIveca asked "You look terrible!"

"They locked me in an old shack's attic, and then set it on fire."

Everyone, except for the gang gasped.

The leader growled in rage "How did you survive? You're like a cockroach! You just don't die!"

Corinne chuckled wryly "Thankfully, Golden Victory was there. She ran and got help just in time."

The three girls turned back to face the gang. Their glares were enough to make all seven grown men tremble in fear.

"Treville." Renee said "You may want to take them before I take extreme measures."

Treville nodded, and then he and some of his men escorted the gangsters away.

Corinne's strength had returned, but she wasn't sure she wanted to move. Just standing there with Louis' arm around her shoulders gave her a sense of security.

"Corinne, we are so sorry!" Aramina said, running over to her.

Corinne, slightly regretful, stepped away from Louis and embraced her friends.

"Don't be. You did what was right." She said reassuringly.

"But you almost died!" Viveca said, her lower lip trembling.

"Our duty is to the king first. Family and then friends." Corinne looked at her friends and smiled fondly "As much as I would have hated it, I would have done the same thing."

Renee nodded "We're so glad you're safe!"

The four friends hugged again. When they pulled back, Corinne turned and walked towards the door "I have one more thank you to say." Her friends followed her outside to see Victory standing at the bottom of the steps.

Corinne walked right up to the horse and threw her arms around the mare's neck 'You saved my life. Thank you so much!"

Victory lowered her head onto Corinne's shoulder and nickered softly. Corinne backed up and looked at the horse "I'll never forget you. As long as I live, you will always have a special place in my heart."

Golden Victory turned and walked back towards the gate. Then, with one last look back, she raised up onto her hind legs. Her long mane flew and shone a brilliant gold as the son hit it. Then, with a triumphant neigh, Golden Victory turned and ran away.

Corinne watched until the horse was completely out of sight. She turned and walked back up to where her friends were waiting.

"Now," Viveca said, eyeing Corinne from her hair to her feet "You need a makeover."

Corinne laughed "Gladly." Then she turned to Louis and quickly kissed him on the cheek "Thank you." Then she followed her giggling friends.

That wasn't the last time they saw Golden Victory. In fact, they saw her quite often. Louis sent out a decree that no one was to capture that horse. She was to remain a free spirit… Forever.