Warnings: This is a smut chapter. Don't like, move on to the next chapter

Disclaimer: Sadly we don't own any of this but the story line.

Back in their room Jazz and Soundwave were completely oblivious to the other goings on in the base. Jazz had soundproofed his room since other bots had complained about his music at times. Jazz let his servos stroke over Soundwave's plating. ~Love you so much.~ Jazz was glad they had gotten Bee to watch the cassettes and try to keep them out of trouble. They finally had a night to themselves. Even though he knew the cassettes were more or less adults and knew what was happening, he would still rather have them out of the room.

Soundwave understood Jazz's feelings towards the cassettes' presence. As a carrier, he was used to having his charges with him almost every moment of the day, but most bots were not. Besides, his cassettes were more than willing to vacate the area and cordon off their bond for a bit to give Jazz and Soundwave their alone time. "Soundwave: Loves Jazz, too."

The ex-Decepticon arched slightly into Jazz's touch, enjoying the ministrations. He had gone so long without contact from other mechs that he seemed to crave it now. Luckily, Jazz seemed as willing to touch as Soundwave could ever want him to be. This, like so many aspects of their relationship, just proved how suited they were for each other. He curled into the spymaster, pressing his face into the other's neck cabling. "Soundwave: Wishes this moment could last forever."

"So do I Soundwave." Jazz said as he moved back to he could kiss Soundwave. "I want you Soundwave." Jazz said as he broke the kiss and pulled Soundwave on top of him. He wanted to just enjoy his bondmate, he didn't want to think about anything right now other than Soundwave and how good it felt to be together.

Soundwave nipped at the neck cabling he had previously been nuzzling, enjoying how Jazz's intake hitched. He loved how expressive the other bot could be. His glossa slipped out of his mouth to tease the cables as Jazz tilted his helm back, giving Soundwave more access. The carrier hummed appreciatively but didn't pause in his work to comment.

Jazz's servos rose to skim along Soundwave's sides, feeling the now familiar armor. They found the sensitive creases quickly and lavished them with attention. Both bots were cycling air faster than usual. The universe had reduced down to nothing but the two of them.

Soundwave leaned up to stare into his bondmate's optics. One servo rested gently against the other's helm, cradling it. He brought their lips together in a chaste kiss. He wanted to take this slow, draw it out. There was no need to hurry.

His own servos trailed down Jazz's arms, twining their digits together and pressing them into the berth on either side of Jazz's helm. He pressed another kiss to Jazz's mouth before returning his attention to the other's neck.

"Soundwave: Wishes to feel Jazz inside of him."

It felt odd saying the words, and a bit embarrassing. He and Jazz hadn't talked about it quite yet, but Soundwave felt like the time was right. This was a step he wanted to take. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his processor and Jazz's mouth once more with his own.

Jazz moaned into the kiss and flipped them. He wanted to make Soundwave feel so good, to drive him crazy, in a way he had never felt before. "You okay with this?" Jazz asked wanting to make sure Soundwave was ready.

"For Jazz: Soundwave quite ready."

He adjusted his legs a bit, spreading them so that Jazz could settle in between. So long as it was Jazz taking him, Soundwave knew he would enjoy the experience.

Jazz started slowly, his fingers tracing the edges off his interface panel, kisses trailing down his lower torso. "Open for me?" He asked sweetly, placing a kiss right in the center of the panel. Soundwave opened the panel with a soft 'snick' of sound. He was a bit nervous at being so exposed, but knew that this was Jazz and that made everything okay.

Once Jazz could see his prize, he licked his lips. He continued with the slow teasing. His fingers traced around the rim for a few moments before he switched to his mouth. He wanted Soundwave begging for him to continue.

Soundwave's hips rocked upwards gently, pressing closer to the glorious contact Jazz was giving him. He wanted to be consumed by his lover, wholly and completely. It was more than just a physical connection, but an emotional one. His very spark belonged to Jazz and it had for some time. Soundwave opened their bond to let his feeling flow freely between them, wanting Jazz to know just how much pleasure he was giving Soundwave.

Jazz loved the reactions Soundwave was giving him. He continued to taste his lover as he sent his admiration, lust, and love back across the bond. When he was sure Soundwave was ready, he sat back. He kept his optics locked with Soundwave's as he sucked on his finger seductively, lubing them for what was to come. He reached down, and traced around the rim once beforre slipping one finger in.

Soundwave's back arched up off the bed at the intrusion. The digit felt strange inside him, though not entirely unpleasant. It wasn't stretching him yet, but his valve certainly was squeezing Jazz's finger rather firmly. He shifted his hips a bit to adjust the angle, trying to settle in with the sensation.

Jazz waited a moment, letting Soundwave get used to it before beginning to thrust with the finger. He continued withh just one finger for a while before pulling out, only to slip two fingers in. He paused to let Soundwave adjust.

Soundwave's vocalizer hissed at the slight burn from the two digits stretching him. Still, he wasn't about to let this end quite yet. He wiggled his hips a bit to let Jazz know to continue.

Jazz continued with his stretching. "Primus Soundwave, you are amazing," his voice full of awe at his perfect bondmate. "I love you so much." He never stopped his movements with his servos, but he leaned forward to kiss him.

Soundwave pushed back against the Jazz's servo as the burn slowly turned to pleasure. As Jazz changed angles by just a fraction, he hit a collection of nodes that match his partner's intakes hitch in pleasure. A shiver ran the length of Soundwave's entire frame. "Th-there. Again!"

Jazz smirked. He didn't hit the spot again right away, rather waiting for a few thrusts before hitting it again. He kept the pattern up, wanting Soundwave to beg. "Feel good?" Jazz asked in a teasing tone.

"A-Affirmative. Request: More. Soundwave: Wants Jazz inside him." Soundwave's optics searched out his partner's, trying to convey his need. There was absolutely nothing he desired more in that moment than Jazz's entire being. He was willing to beg for it, plead for it if he had to.

Jazz wasn't done teasing yet, "But I am inside you. You'll have to tell me what exactly you want." He smirked as he mercilessly attacked the node, trying to make talking as difficult as possible.

Soundwave's entire frame jerked at the sensations coursing through him. His vocalizer crackled with static as he threw his head back. Servos scrambled for purchase against the smooth surface of the berth. Primus, if Jazz kept this up he was going to short circuit for sure.

Jazz slipped his fingers out and hungrily kissed his mate, glossa roughly probing. ~Are you ready, my love?~ He asked over the bond, not wanting to break the kiss.

Soundwave kissed back just as hungrily, opening his mouth wide to Jazz's exploration. ~Ready. Yes. For you: Absolutely.~

Jazz hummed into the kiss, a wave of immense satisfaction flowing across the bond. He broke the kiss to position himself. Slowly he slid his cable into Soundwave's port, wanting to make sure he didn't hurt his bondmate. He groaned at the feeling of the calipers adjusting around him as he tried to stay still until Soundwave was ready.

Soundwave hissed and arched upwards at the slight burn of Jazz's entry. It hurt a bit, but it was not as bad as he'd thought it would be. He adjusted his hips a bit before nodding firmly to his companion. "Soundwave: Ready."

Jazz started out slow, not wanting to hurt his bondmate. His optics shuttered off in the ecstasy he was feeling. He had always liked being this close to another mech, but with his bondmate, it was another level entirely. ~Soundwave.~ He said the name over their bond, almost as a moan, full of pure love and adoration.

The other bot let Jazz's feelings flow through him, filling his spark at the same time that Jazz's cable filled his port. He needed this connection, this reassurance of love and loyalty that their bond provided. He loved his cassettes, more than the universe itself, but his bond with them was not like the bond he shared with Jazz. Soundwave was drowning in the feeling of his bondmate and every moment was amazing.

Before long, he adjusted to the feeling of the other bot inside of him. His frame relaxed and he began shifting his hips back towards the contact, silently begging for more. He pulled Jazz down to him and kissed him tenderly, pouring his own love and affection back across their bond.

Jazz gradually worked his way faster and deeper, aiming to stroke every node, making it as enjoyable as possible for Soundwave. The ex-con rocked his frame right along with Jazz's movements, matching him thrust for thrust. A loud moan escaped his vocalizer. ~Jazz: Feels unbelievable inside Soundwave.~

Jazz just sent back a feeling of love and agreement, not able to find the words to describe everything he was feeling He was getting closer to his climax, but was trying to hold off until Soundwave climaxed first.

Soundwave could feel the pressure of his oncoming overload building in his cables. The pleasure from having Jazz inside of him was just too much. It wouldn't be long before it drove him right over the edge.

Jazz kept thrusting, leaning down to kiss him, servos working their way across the blue mech's plating, fingers dipping into seams to bring him more pleasure and tip him over the edge.

Soundwave's overload rocked through him like a capsizing ship. His entire frame shudder and jolted with the intensity of it as he moaned out his partner's name. Jazz thrust in a few more times before he, too, tipped over the edge. The two bots collapsed together, chassis heaving from the strain. Soundwave stretched his neck out to place a kiss on Jazz's lips.

"Experience: Most enjoyable. Repeat occurrence: Requested."

Jazz chuckled.

"That could definitely be arranged, I think. For now, though," he nudged Soundwave into a more comfortable position and curled up against his side, "I think a nap is in order."

Soundwave found that he couldn't at all disagree, especially not with Jazz looking so peaceful beside him. He wrapped his arms around him lover, pulling Jazz close, and settled down for some rest. It wasn't often, after all, that they were able to enjoy such peace and quiet without the cassettes around.

A/N: We're starting to get some more work done. I'm glad I could update this. Hope you enjoy. Please Read and Review!