Just one night

Late Friday night Aria made her way up the several flights of stairs of Ezra's apartment building. With a bag of Chinese food in hand, Aria knocked on the hard wood door and waited for Ezra to answer. Tonight was Valentine's Day and while her friends were all at the school dance .Aria decided to skip it. After all, bringing your former English teacher as your date would be a little too awkward and scandalous. So a night of Chinese food and old movies seemed more fun to Aria than a room full of gossiping teenagers.

When Ezra opened the door he was wearing dark blue jeans and a baby blue sweater. His face was hard. 'Aria what are you doing here?' There was acid in his voice.

What, no hello kiss or even hello? Aria took a step back and held up the Chinese food bag. 'We have plans, remember?'

''yeah, well plans change' 'Ezra was just about to shut the door but Aria jammed her foot in her door and stopped him.

Completely confused by his sudden dislike of her, Aria stared at him dumbfounded. 'What's wrong? Why are you so mad at me?''

Ezra shook his head and bit his tongue. ''I can't do this 's over'' He sighed.

''What? Why? Is this because your mom doesn't like me? 'Aria fought back tears.

''This has nothing to do with my mother. I've just recently come to my senses and realized everything she was saying is true. This relationship is not good for me. You are not good for me .We were never going to work out and I'm sorry is you're too naïve and immature to see that' 'Ezra said.

Aria took a step back. Why was he acting like this? He was fine when they talked yesterday. Unless his snooty control freak of a mother came back to town and brainwashed him again. But seriously, did this guy have any backbone? And then a sudden thought came to Aria. She didn't want to be with a spineless weasel. 'Well my father isn't exactly your biggest fan either. When he found out about us he wanted to call the police and have you arrested but I begged him not to. I kept telling him what a good guy you were and that you weren't just using me. But you now what? You may think that you're too good to be with me but you're not. Okay, I don't want to be with some spineless twenty five year old who is too afraid to stand up to his mother' 'Infuriated, Aria flung the bag of Chinese food at Ezra, the contents bounced off his chest and spilled out of the floor. ''And I've been through a hell of a lot so don't you dear call me immature!''

When Aria got to her car the basketball sized lump in her throat turned to tears. How could he say those hurtful things to her? He did love her, didn't he? Aria's dad wasn't right when he said he was only using her, was he? If it was true how could she be so stupid to believe his lies? Maybe she was naïve. No. This was Ezra's fault not he's. Aria turned on the radio and wiped away the tears. She was done being obsessed with Ezra Fitz.

Aria took a left turn on the road's first intersection .She drove down a lonely road paved with trees and forest until she saw the flashing logo for Wendell's bar, a spot popular with truckers and people driving through the state. A cheap motel called ''Sandy's'' was across the street from the bar. She'd never been there before and didn't know anyone but figured that was a good thing.

Inside the bar was warn and dingy. A soft country song hummed from the overhead radio. The place was almost empty besides a few scattered droopy eyed middle aged men staring sadly over a beer. Aria walked over to the bar and ordered a vodka soda. The bartender, a rough looking biker dude eyed the petite brunette for a moment, perhaps wondering her age. But as soon as Aria produced a twenty dollar note from her bag Mr. Biker man hurried himself as he prepared her drink.

Aria looked around. The ceiling had damp circles, the wall paper was moldy and the whole place smelled like moth balls and old man sweat. Two bar stools down from her somebody had left a half empty whisky unattended. The bartender placed her drink in front of her and she swallowed it down so fast the bartenders eyes almost popped out of his head. Aria ordered another drink. After handing her Aria's second drink Mr. Biker man disappeared into the back room with a tray of glasses.

Staring in the clear liquid Aria took another drink and sighed.

The music became lower ''Aria? ''A husky male voice spoke.

Who was that? Aria turned around. To her surprise, a good looking blond haired guy with forest green eyes stood before her. It was Jason Dilaurentis. The last time she talked to him was when his house blew up in that fire.

''Jason, what are you doing here?'' Aria asked, rather stunned. The last time she checked Jason didn't drink anymore.

Jason took a seat at the bar. Two stools down from Aria. He was the one that owned the whiskey. ''Did anybody touch this?'' Jason asked, raising the drink up.

Aria shook her head. ''I don't think so. I just got here a few minutes ago'' Aria bit her lip.'' So I thought you didn't drink anymore''

Jason held the drink up to the light, probably still paranoid about somebody slipping him something. His jaw wobbled as he threw his head back and swallowed the drink whole. He let out a slight gasp and faced Aria. ''I don't, tonight's just …different'' He finally answered.

Aria quirked an eyebrow at Jason ''Different how?''.

''It's been a rough few days. I needed something to take off the edge''

Aria nodded '' Yeah I can understand that'' Aria observed him as he stared into the empty glass for a second. He looked so sad and gloomy and lost, like a puppy that's had his brand new chew toy stolen. Aria took another sip out of her glass. '' Are you okay?''

'' I'm fine. So why are you here? I would have thought you and your teach…'' Jason didn't finish his sentence. He was probably still uncomfortable with the whole rejection thing.

Deciding to throw the guy a bone Aria confessed. ''Actually he's the reason I'm here. We kind of broke up'' Aria gulped and searched Jason's face for a reaction. He remained dossal.'' So what's up with you? What brings you here?''

Jason pursed his lips'' I found an old article about Alison in a newspaper from last year'' Jason sadly looked down at his hands as he talked.'' She was standing in front of a lighthouse. You and the others were in it too. Ali looked happy''

Aria smiled at the memory. She, Ali and the girls were on a field trip in Oak Lake, a small fishing village in Maine. While the rest of their class was getting a demonstration on how to gut a fish, Ali had convinced the others to sneak off and explore. When Ms. Lawson found out about their little excursion they all got yelled at in front of the whole eight grade and were given detention for a week, dramatic much.

''Yeah, I remember that day. Ali wanted all of us to be in the picture with us so she hunted down an old man with a walking stick and made him take the photo'' Aria and Jason both snickered at the image. ''I don't know. Sometimes it's just really hard to believe she's gone. In photographs she's so ...alive''

Jason gave her a sad smile. The back door swung open and the bartender appeared. ''Can I get you something?'' he asked

'' I'll have another whisky. Aria, do you want anything?'' Jason asked.

Aria already felt a little buzzed from the two vodkas she'd drank .'' uh, sure. I'll have the same as before'' Aria ruffled through her bag to fish some cash but Jason had beaten her to it.

''Don't worry about it. I'll pay'' He handed the bar tender a twenty dollar note. A few minutes later the bar tender set their drinks down in front of them. Aria thanked him.

Two hours and eight drinks later, Aria and Jason were both beyond tipsy. Both giggling and laughing about seemingly nothing. Another drink led to a kiss which led to a whisper.

Somehow, ten minutes later Aria and Jason found themselves in one of Sandy's motel rooms. Hungrily kissing, Aria wraps her arms around Jason's neck and his hands traveled up and down her back. Aria unbuttoned Jason's shirt and he shrugged it off. Jason gently flung Aria onto the bed, climbed in and hovered over her. Aria giggled and dragged Jason's face down to hers. Jason's hand roamed up Aria's skirt and kissed her stomach. The rest of the night was history.

So please review and tell me what I could do to my writing