A/N: Here is a quick /preview/ of what I've just uploaded. Yeah, crappy I know but check it out maybe? ^^ It's the sequel. But I've already published it, so why not take a quick look? ^^

If he could—just to see the butler one last time—he would take his own life. He didn't care to live in a world full of pain any longer. It disgusted him, frankly. Ciel Phanromhive wanted to live no more; those were his exact thoughts days, hell, years ago. But after seeing that mysterious figure in the woods earlier that day, he didn't want to leave just yet. Instead, he wanted to keep moving forward; hoping to see that figure again.

Why? Why was it important for him to have one last glimpse?

It was because that figure in the woods reminded him of someone very special in his heart. If he could have a closer look, that would be all he wanted. Ciel didn't believe in any God, but for once in his entire life, he had hoped and prayed to some God, that the man would return again. Pitiful, yes, but Ciel has never been so desperate in his life. Could it really be him? The one who never left his mind ever since that tragic day?

His thoughts scattered as someone knocked lightly on the door of his study. "Come

"Master?" asked Oliver as he opened the door, glancing inside the dark room. "What are you doing still awake? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"I will be asleep soon. I was just thinking about something," replied Ciel tediously.

"And are you positive you don't want anything to eat? No supper—"

"James, I said I wasn't hungry six times already!" snapped Ciel, narrowing his eyes. "Now leave me alone. I'll put myself to sleep."

"As you wish, Master." Oliver bowed and left the room; leaving Ciel all alone in the dark.

Ciel released a small sigh as he rubbed his forehead. "That idiot… Making me snap like that with his irritating questions…"

Pain ached inside him as he remembered the butler again. Ciel would snap at him so often for the silliest things; even when he gave him affection. Why…? Why couldn't Ciel have accepted his feelings for the butler instead of lying and letting him leave him alone?

Sebastian, you…you idiot! I can't believe you died on me… I-I did love you…so bloody much… Why couldn't you see through my lies? You promised me to never leave my side! Why did you suddenly? What did you want from me? Love? Affection? Did you want all this from me? For me to prove my love? W-why didn't you tell me…? I didn't think it had mattered any!

Regret filled inside him as he continued with his adverse thoughts. But the butler didn't want to live any longer if it meant Ciel didn't love him in return. It was understandable, actually. Who would want to stay by someone's side if they didn't receive love in return? It would be an unrequited love. Yes, the love Ciel was feeling now. So alone in the world without the perfect butler. What was so hard about saying three simple words: I love you.

The bloody grim reapers were never seen again; not the Undertaker or Grell Sutcliffe. Why did they kill him? What was the whole point? Was it because of their damn rivalry against each other? Was that it? Ciel ran a hand through his hair, remembering the day so precisely and clearly. The death of his butler had shocked everyone. No one expected him to pass away.