Right There With You
Author's Note: This is based off a prompt from the kinkmeme where soulmates meet over the course of The Avengers. It just hit me so hard and I needed to write it. Thus this has been created. This is set in MCU but the soul bond will act as a subuniverse, leading some canon situations to fit. Any and all critique is welcome, and thank you in advance for reading this story.
Notes for this chapter: This is a typical set up chapter. It dives into the canon of both Iron Man films and Captain America: The First Avenger as a way to set up the 'subuniverse' that will be introduced as we travel into The Avengers MCU.
Disclaimer: I do not claim to own anything. All rights are that of Marvel, this was written as a form of entertainment.
Chapter 1
If The Sun Stops Burning
Everyone has a soul that matches theirs, a soul bond. Unfortunately, it is very uncommon for someone to find their other half. The only way to feel the bond that has been buzzing in the back of your head for most of your life, is to actually meet. The bond will manifest with the first meeting and what sparks it is different for everyone. It could be direct eye contact, a shake of the hand or even being in the same room.
Most give up on finding their soulmates when they've been waiting than they wanted to. They eventually settled down with someone who gave up as well.
There's a chance you might never have that blissful, passionate soul bond. You could be separated by towns, cities, countries, or even worse?
"There is someone there for you Stevie, there always will be," his mother held him to her chest. Steve had just woken up from an asthma attack and It took a little longer than normal to calm down.
Blue eye stared back into marching of his mother, hope hidden around the wonder. Steve always loved hearing stories of people finding their soul mates, the ones who were able to anyway.
"Was Pop your bond, mama?"
Sarah Rogers gave the small boy a tiny squeeze before nodding. "Still is Steve. Even in the next journey you'll always be able to know your soulmate is out there, takes a lot to break a soul bond."
Steve looked down at his hands but quickly looked back to his mother, pointing to his chest. "You feel it in ya heart, right? 'Cause that's where it's the strongest?"
She smiled down at the boy. "Yes. The heart of a soul bond is almost invincible"
Steve smiled at that, leaning his head against his mother's thin shoulder. They sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments. Sarah had thought Steve to fallen asleep but still smiled when he looked up at her with drowsy eyes.
"How did you know, mama?" He asked as Sarah got up from her chair, walking in the direction of Steve's bed.
"Know what Stevie?"
"That Pop was the one?"
Sarah set him down on the bed, letting him lay down and covered him with a ratty blanket. "It's different for every person Stevie. When you find yours, you'll know what I'm talking about."
Steve responded with a slight pout but he knew better than to go against his mother, Sarah kissed him on the forehead and turned, whispering a soft "goodnight", hoping that her son would be a little more lucky than her and Joseph.
Tony Stark sat on the couch in the main living room, watching his father walk out the door. Probably another trip to search for 'The Captain.' Tony doesn't have the greatest relationship with his father, its not fair that he rather spend time searching for an ice cube than spend time with his son.
He didn't notice his mother had walked in and sat down until he found himself being pulled to he side. He leaned into the embrace and rested his head against her shoulder.
"Bet you wish you had a better soulmate, don't ya ma?" he mumbled, looking up at his mother.
Maria gave him a small smile. "He's not my soulmate."
Tony sat up straight and looked at his mother. "What do you mean?"
Maria sighed and rested her hands on her lap. "We both didn't have the time to see ours out. We met at some gala, had a few drinks. The next morning, we both decided to give up looking for the right, and try us out instead."
"But dad said you were his soulmate. All Stark men find their soulmates"
Maria raised an eyebrow and sighed. "One thing to remember about your father, Anthony, he always lies."
"Do you think I'll find mine?"
Maria responded with a grin. "If you keep looking Tony, I bet you will."
As the years passed, Steve Rogers hope of finding his soulmate diminished. In the years it has been since his mother died, Steve has only known one person that have found their bonded and it was his best friend Bucky.
It more than likely helped out that Bucky was always looking for double dates for Steve and himself. This time around, Connie, her name was, just happened to be it.
He was happy for Connie and for Bucky. For everything that Bucky's done for him in the past few years, he's incredibly thankful. Bucky deserves it.
Especially when he helps him out with situations like this.
Steve's mouth ran before his mind could tell him to shut up and he found himself in the back alley, getting punched and kicked by a guy at least two sizes bigger than him. Thankfully, Bucky had come and punched the guy out. Steve was surprised to see Bucky in his dress uniform, shipping out tomorrow.
"I should be going with you," Steve whispered as he rubbed the dirt off from his hands and arms.
Bucky didn't respond as he pulled his arm around Steve's shoulder, pulling his best friend into his right side and the two began walking out of the alley.
"Come on man, my last night. Gotta get you cleaned up."
"Where are going?"
"The future," Bucky responded, handing Steve a folded up newspaper. He stopped so that he could read the title. "World Exposition of Tomorrow." He looked up at Bucky.
Bucky grinned and nodded, gesturing for Steve to continue so they could get back to their apartment and get Steve cleaned up.
On the way to the Expo was when Steve asked the question he's been meaning to for a while.
"How did it work with Connie?"
Bucky raised an eyebrow, looking to his friend. "What do you mean?"
"What lit the spark, I guess. Ma said there something about a spark when you meet your soulmate," Steve put his hands in pockets, staring ahead trying to avoid looking at Bucky. It was always seemed like such a personal question to ask, but it was something he'd been wondering since Bucky announce he had found Connie.
Bucky grinned. "Believe it or not, it was that night we went dancing."
"The one where I almost got pneumonia again?"
"Yeah. Guess I found the right partner."
He smiled at Steve, who returned it. "Don't worry bud, you're gonna find yours."
"What if I don't?"
Bucky snorted. "I don't see what the problem is, you're about to be the last eligible man in New York. You know there's three and a half million women here?"
"Bucky!" Connie was calling to them a few feet away, another girl next to her.
"Really, Bucky? Again?" Steve let out a small groan.
"It could be Bonnie, man. You'll never know until you meet her."
Steve sighed and looked from the girl next to Connie, to Bucky. "What did you tell her about me?"
"Only the good stuff," Bucky winked and ran head.
Steve squared his shoulders and walked forward, hoping that Bucky was right.
Tony Stark less than gracefully plopped into the seat next to James Rhodes, the amount of alcohol the two had consumed in the flight were catching up to them.
"Do you think you're ever gonna find your soulmate?" Rhodey asked as the smaller man titled towards him, head resting on his shoulder.
"Really Rhodey? This shit again?" Tony mumbled, rubbing a hand over his face.
"It's a legitimate question."
"In that case, no." Tony tried to sit up straight but failed and was leaning against Rhodes once again.
"What makes you say that?"
"My father lies and Stark men DON'T find their soulmates," frowning slightly at the memory of when his mother had first told them. He scraped that thought and looked to the man he was using as a backrest. "What about you?"
"What do you mean about me?"
"Same question, soulmate, soul bond, soul-fuck-" Rhodey quickly cut him off. "No man. I don't think it's gonna happen. But I also think I accepted that when I enlisted."
Tony didn't respond, just gave a simple bond.
"Yeah, I stopped looking too."
Steve was sitting at his bed in the barracks, reading while the others were off doing something that he really didn't care about. He's still amazed that he was even here.
Dr. Erskine had found him at the Expo and put him through to bootcamp. Sure, he's been having trouble keeping up but at least he can prove the little guy could do something to.
There was knock on the wall, causing him to look up from his book. He smiled when he saw it was Dr. Erskine.
"May I?" he asked. He was holding a bottle in one hand and two glasses in the other.
"Yeah." Steve sat up straighter, closing his book and placing it next to him.
"Can't sleep?" Dr. Erskine unrolled the mattress from the bed across from him.
"Got the jitters, I guess," Steve gave him a small smile.
"Me too."
"Can I ask you a question or two?" Steve looked at the man across from him.
"Of course."
"Why me?"
Dr. Erskine was silent for a moment and then looked to the bottle in his hands. "This is from Augsburg. My city. So many people forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own. You know, after the last war, my people struggled. They felt weak. They felt small. And then Hitler comes along with the marching and the big show and the flags. And he hears of me. My work. And he finds me. He says, You. He says, You will make us strong. Well, I am not interested. So he sends the head of Hydra, his research division. A brilliant scientist by the name of Johann Schmidt. Now, Schmidt is a member of the inner circle and he is ambitious. He and Hitler share a passion for occult power and Teutonic myth."
"Hitler uses his fantasies to inspire his followers. But for Schmidt, it is not fantasy. For him, it is real. He has become convinced that there is a great power hidden in the earth, left here by the gods, waiting to be seized by a superior man. So when he hears about my formula and what it can do, he cannot resist. Schmidt must become that superior man."
"Did it make him stronger?" Steve asked.
"Yes. But there were other effects." Erskine answered. "The serum was not ready. But more important, the man. The serum amplifies everything that is inside, so good becomes great. Bad becomes worse. This is why you were chosen. Because a strong man who has known power all his life may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength. And knows compassion."
"Thanks, I think," Steve said with a smirk.
"You had another question?"
"Does it affect the bond?"
"I assume you're speaking of the soul bond," he asked. Steve nodded. "Science can't interfere with it. Nothing can. You have nothing to worry about Steven."
"Did you ever find yours?"
Dr. Erskine gave a small smile before nodding. "I am only of the lucky few, , I left Germany before I found out what happened. I figured after the war I'll return and search"
"Well, hopefully I can make that happen sooner," Steve smiled.
Dr. Erskine matched it. He started gesturing towards the wines and glasses. "Get it, get it. Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man." He tapped Steve twice on his chest, right above his heart.
Steve smiled as he handed a glass to the doctor.
"To the little guys." he said.
Erskine chuckled as he and Steve clicked glasses. Just as they were about to drink, the doctor quickly stopped Steve.
"No, no. Wait, wait. What am I doing? No, you have procedure tomorrow. No fluids." he said and poured Steve's glass into his own.
"Alright. We'll drink it after."
"No, I don't have procedure tomorrow. Drink it after? I drink it now."
Tony wasn't sure how much time has passed since he woke up with that car battery attached to his chest. How long he's been in this cave. Was he going to die in this cave? Would he and this man, Yensin, be able to live.
He does owe Yensin though, if it weren't for him and the car battery, Tony most likely would be dead from the shrapnel that was trying to pierce his heart.
The two of them were working together, having formulated a plan to use what scrap of Stark weapons the Ten Rings had left to them to build weapons.
Building a suit of armor just seemed like a better idea.
"You got a family?" Tony had asked Yensin one night.
"Yes, and I will see them when I leave here."
"Bonded?" It just seemed like the right question to ask. The unbonded couldn't tell if someone was bonded or not, but he was curious.
"Yes, I am lucky." Yensin sighed and looked to Tony. "And you, Stark?"
Tony looked down, and shook his head. "No."
"So, you're a man who has everything, but has nothing."
Tony didn't respond. Didn't think he needed to. Those words were going to stick with him though, thats something he would bet on.
The Ten Rings must've caught onto their plan, as they were attempting their getaway, Yensin bought Tony some time by chasing the the terrorists with a machine gun.
By the time Tony caught up to him, Yensin had been wounded. Tony approached him, now in the armor, and knelt down next to him.
"We gotta go. Come on, move with me. We got a plan, and we're going to stick to it," Tony pleaded to the hurt man.
"This was always the plan Stark."
Tony shook his head, trying to keep his emotions at bay. "Come on, you're going to see your family, your soulmate. Get up."
Yensin shook his head slightly. "They say you can feel your bond, even after death. My family is dead Stark. and I'm going to see them now. It's okay, I want this, I want this."
Tony lets that wash over him, remaining silent for a few moments. "Thank you for saving me."
"Don't waste it, don't waste your life Stark."
Tony watch the man slip from the world, knowing no matter what it is out there you go at that time, he's going to his soul bond.
And there's a promise that Tony is going to try his hardest not to break.
For a little while, Steve Rogers thought that life had finally worked in his way. Dr. Erskine providing him with a way to finally fight for his country, even if it cost the doctor's life. Steve promised to go on to remain the man he was, and so far he thought he had.
When he thought he lost Bucky to the HYDRA camp, he didn't care if would be discharged from the army, he didn't care if this screwed up the USO tour. All that mattered was that he saved his best friend. And he did. Along with almost 400 other prisoners and led them back to base.
Steve was given his rightful title of Captain, and with the Howling Commandoes, they went to a secret war with HYDRA destroying base after base. Unfortunately, he lost Bucky again. And for real this time. Steve will never forget himself for not grabbing him before he fell. He should've been faster, he's a goddamn super soldier.
Then there was Peggy Carter. The soldier at boot camp who wouldn't take any kind of taunting from American beefheads. The woman whom he had his first decent conversation with. The woman who, with the help of Howard Stark, flew him over enemy lines. The woman who would wait for the war to be over so they could find the right partner.
Steve thought he would give up his search for Peggy, Peggy was worth it. Both of them are in the army and it would be harder for them to find their soulmate.
Unfortunately, Steve realizes as he takes the controls of the Valkyrie heading to New York, that none of that is going to matter.
Grabbing the radio, he urgently made a call back to the HYDRA base. "Come in. This is Captain Rogers, can you read me?" He tried to keep his breathing in control, this was something that boot camp definitely did not prepare you for.
He let out a quick sigh of relief when Morita's voice came on over the radio. "Captain Rogers, what is your-" Morita's voice was cut off and Peggy's voice came from the radio.
"Steve is that you? Are you alright?"
"Peggy, Schmidt's dead!"
"What about the plane?"
"That's a little harder to explain," he sighed, his hands running over the controls, flipped some switches.
"Give me your coordinates, I can find you a safe landing site."
"There isn't going to be a safe landing, but I can try and force it down." He could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest.
"I'll get Howard on the line, he'll know what to do."
"There's not enough time. This thing's moving fast and its heading for New York."
New York. Where het Bucky, where he met Dr. Erskine. Where his bonded could possibly be, but none of that mattered at the moment.
He took a deep breath. "I've got to put her in the water."
"Please don't do this, we have time. We can work it out," Peggy's voice pleaded to him.
"Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer, a lot of people are gonna die. Peggy, this is my choice."
He reached into his uniform and pulled out his compass, placing it on the control panel in front of him. Opening it up, he took a quick glance at the picture of Peggy before returning to the radio.
"I'm here."
Steve had his gaze set forward, watching as the icebergs and the ocean came into the view.
"I'm gonna need a raincheck on that dance."
"Alright," Peggy responded, her voice cracking slightly. She realized what was going to happen too. "A week, next Saturday. At the Stork Club."
"You got it." The Valkyrie started turning into a forward dive.
"Eight o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?"
"You know, I still don't know how to dance."
"I'll teach you. Just be there."
"We'll have the band play something slow." Steve held in a breath as the dive sped up, making the Valkyrie shake, he took another glance at the compass. "I'd hate to step on your..."
It's been a little over a year since the incident with the Ten Rings and Tony has been trying his hardest to keep his silent promise to Yensin.
It's not his fault that Obie tried to kill him to take over the company.
It's not his fault that the palladium from the arc reactor was slowly poisoning his blood and he was slowly dying. He's been trying to find a substitute but sometimes he's just not that lucky.
It's not his fault Justin Hammer is a jealous douchebag or that Congress is filled with assclowns.
It's not his fault an old friend of his father's son was able to create a similar arc reactor.
He gave Rhodey one of the suits, he gave the company to Pepper. Everything was fine.
Then Nick Fury and his little circus of suited monkeys came along. Okay, sure, that Natas- Natali-, Natashalie was keeping tabs on him. Then he finds out, after twenty years, his father was a member of SHIELD. And then he was basically put under house arrest until he made the new element, but hey, he got to replace his arc reactor and you know, not die.
Then there was that battle with Hammer's failed attempts at the Iron Man suit, leaded by Vanko. He and Rhodey save the city, Pepper gives back his position of CEO and they get together.
Pepper, at the moment it was Pepper that made him happy. He had long ago expected that he wasn't going to find his soulmate. It's been years, most people his age have found them by now.
With Pepper, everything might be alright.
Maybe, but don't quote him on that. For all he knows those words could come back to bite him. With SHIELD and Fury randomly popping on with The Avengers Initiative, textbook narcissism my ass, you never know.
To be continued.