I was walking home, the cold air biting at my arms and legs through my clothing. I had forgotten my coat at home and it was snowing. It was still light outside, and I passed lots of people I knew on my way. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me and before I knew it, I was on the ground with America sitting on me. I pushed him off.

"Why do you have to be such a bloody wanker?!" Yelled England and I smiled. He came over to me and helped me up, his emerald eyes flooded with concern.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He asks, and I can see a bit of blush dusting his cheeks.

I woke up from my dream to my obnoxious alarm clock.

'I wonder why life is such an asshole…'

I got dressed and stepped out of my home, into the brisk air.


I was getting ready for my day and got all my awesome clothes on before going outside. I had to meet up with (Y/N) at a park for…something…but I wonder why she wants to meet up with me…? But what if she's there alone? What if she gets attacked? THE HERO MUST BE THERE! And with that, I started my awesome running stance toward the park. Once I got there, I saw her standing there; her hair all perfect and shiny and she looked adorable with the blush on her face. Wait…why am I thinking about that? Damn it! Iggy likes her! Not me! It's the heroes' job to be cool to everyone! Gah! I'm so confused!

~ YOUR P.O.V. ~

I saw America freaking out in the distance. I confronted him and he was being really awkward. He kept stuttering and blushing and everything…After a little while, I decided it was hopeless and I walked home.

Heya bros! This is the long awaited chapter! I hope you liked it! Sorry Iggy wasn't in here a lot… I'll try to get another chappie ASAP~!
