Hello! I'm aware that i still have quite a few stories on the go but I literally dreamt about this story last night and i had to write it down. This is going to be new for me. A story set in the future and writing about war, it's going to be so much fun and i hope you will be with me every step of the way for this epic story!
In a world of war between good and evil, I Rosemarie Hathaway vow to battle, vow to fight until I no longer breathe. This is the year 2050 and this is the final showdown between Strigoi and the Vampire race. Are you ready?
Moroi fight alongside the dhampir's, Rose is fresh out of the academy and most students are recruited to join in the fight. Lissa is head of healers (A new spirit group) Dimitri is head of the war party. Vampire Academy set in the future where the stakes are even higher and the action even deadlier.
These are dark times; a massive influx in Strigoi has created an all-out war with the vampire race. Everyone has come together for this final battle; the battle that will determine who wins. Some people have fled to other countries while others have come here to help fight the battle. The Strigoi have a fortress three times the size of St Vlads, they built the fortress under the cover of darkness for five years before we discovered it. By the time the guardians had discovered what they had done there was no way to infiltrate it. Strigoi had worked together with humans to build it, the vast technology of the 2050 era allowed them to have magnificent security. We've sent teams to try and get some intel but most of them never returned, the only clue of what exactly was in the fortress was the video footage that the men carried on them.
I graduated not long after the war had been declared and for a few months I carried out a mission with Lissa to find more Spirit wielders. With the mission being an utter success at finding an astounding thirty spirit wielders Lissa is now head of the Healers. The Healers are stationed throughout Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Oregon. The Strigoi have built their fortress in Nevada and there numbers are growing every single day.
The skies have grown dark and the landscape developed an eerie fog as if Mother Nature can feel the storm of war brewing and she's not happy. The world has grown dim and the line separating humans and the vampire world nearly non-existent. Alchemists are working harder than ever to try and hide our world from the humans, but they have grown unsuccessful as humans crave immortality and join Strigoi in the fight.
Right now I'm on a mission to find a rumored spirit wielder in the confines of the fortress. They deemed this mission suicidal, so naturally, I took it. This was no ordinary spirit wielder, it is rumored he has the knowledge to return Strigoi to normal. Even if it is just a rumor, it's a bit suspicious that Strigoi would keep this spirit wielder locked tight in their security. When war was declared so was a new tradition, a new tradition that could win this war. Moroi began training to fight, and they were deadly. We are no longer called Guardians, we are now Soldiers. We have bases spread out for supplies and places to stay between missions and stakeouts.
There are several groups being led by a once successful guardian, I was assigned to Dimitri Belikov's corp at his request. He had been my mentor and we had grown a relationship that was forbidden, with war on the horizon we promised each other that no matter what happened we would get back to each other. I occasionally help him out in missions but he knows I prefer to go out on my own; I always let him know I'm safe somehow.
The ability to control the elements mixed with our deadly training in the art of killing Strigoi it seemed the war was on our side. However technology was on the Strigoi's side, they had weapons and defense mechanisms that you wouldn't believe. Although so did we, Stakes were created into even deadlier weapons, stakes in spears, silver arrowheads created for those who were talented in archery. Silver bullets were forged for several guns and my personal favorite; Stakes shaped into silver nunchucks.
We became deadlier and Strigoi became smarter, least to say that this war is going to go down in history as a war of epic proportions, and I'm going to be at the front line waiting for these bastards to give it their all.
Let me know what you think and i understand you will have some questions but they will all be answered in further chapters!
Please review!